Aww....Jiyoung you just.....

Snowberries love story

''Arrr...''cried out Jiyoung, ''I'm so hungry'' glaring at Minho Oppa who just stared at her confused at what she was on about. Jiyoung rubbed her tummy as she began to frown.' 'Oppa I said I was hungry.'' Yeah so?''  asked Minho, while scratching his head, not even getting the point. Signing hard , Jiyoung blew a piece of hairout of her face. Frustrated Jiyoung began to pout, just then Reinacame in seeing Jiyoung cute expression she laughed out loud. Poor girl, here you must be staring. Here's some chicken and beef rice with some vegetables and soup to keep your spirit up. Minho, yours right here, okay this is today's schedule. At 9, we have a photo shoot for the posters we need for promotion, then some magazine shoots from 11- 1. I have fixed the dress so Jiyoung I need you to try it again during our  10 min break in between these two photo shoots. A quick 20 minutes lunch at 1:15, then we will head off for the final rehearsal  before tonight's show which will begin at 8. During this time you two need to get some rest before Mr. Takishi picks you up at 4:30. any questions or problems? Reina asked her models in front of her. No Reina no question or problems smiled Minho before quickly taking another sip of the yummy soup Reina make especially for them. when Jiyoung didn't  replied back Reina and Minho looked down and to their surprised Jiyoung was to busy eating to even noticed anyone in the room. Roaring with laugher and taking their phone out for a quick photoof the giant maknae. Minho stopped laughing to catch his breath before saying '' I must put this photo up on me2day. May I Reina- Chan? Nodding her head Reina couldn’t agree more. Yes it must be shared with everyone. Jiyoung finally looked up once she heard a click, tipping her head sideways, Jiyoung saw Minho holding out his phone. Turning her head towards Reina, Jiyoung shook her head no before digging back into her yummy lunch. Minho pov '' I never realize how cute she is when she eats.'' grinning Minho continue to take photos of Jiyoung while Reina went off to make sure that her designs for the night was up to her standard. 

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NBHK17 #1
Please update the story !! (O•O) \m/
gyuleia #2
it's so cute...
loveunexpectedly #3
wow -- unexpected yet loved pairing of SHINRA ^^
shuhadaramli #4
Yay! I love this pairing! Please continue!