So, I did!

Remember, I am paying you
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Chorong’s POV

It was a very sad voice. Her tone, soft but pleading.That was the first time I heard her begging that much. Her usual self was nowhere to be found.

Just like how sad her eyes were, when we first met.

“Unnie” I barely heard her words because of the loud rain. But still, it was full of sorrow.

I walked to the other side of the bed. Took the chair in my make up table and settled my self in my lamp-lit room.

“Sleep. I’ll be here” I said as I notice her looking at me.

The yellowish light that surrounds her face makes her stunning. Plus, the slight redness of her cheeks from a fever.

What gotten into me? She’s sick, Chorong!

The sudden rumbling of the blanket pulled me out of my thoughts. I saw her tucking herself more inside. Maybe it’s too cold for her.

I stand up and went to my closet. Just in few feet away from the bed. I searched for my jacket.

“Can you seat up?” standing now beside her, I placed the jacket on the lower part of the bed. “Here’s my jacket. I have no heater. I hope this will do. I know you are chilling”

She tried to sit. Body supported by her elbows. But I guess she’s too weak to continue. So, I supported her. Holding her right shoulder using my right hand and my left on her back. Assisting her put her body to relax on the headboard of my bed.

“I’ll do it” sensing how vulnerable she is right now. She looks soft and harmless. Not that she’s harmful. But she has no counter words, or her arrogant and proud self is silent.

I know I always wanted her to shut up, but tonight, that I haven’t heard her haughty being, I’m not used to it.

I rolled my sweater up until the head hole. Carefully placing it on her. Her face was all covered, hands up for the long sleeves.

I hear some whimper, therefore I immediately lean closer. Pulling the edge of the jacket. I didn’t realize how close I am, until I completely drawn the clothes on.

Her face was an inch away from mine. I can see her sad eyes closer. Her forehead marked with lines. Maybe because of her frequent frowning. And her cute mole in her upper eyelid. Her wet hair, covering almost half of her red cheeks. Then her cute nose. Its not big, but its not small either. Just cute enough for her. I, again, observed her vanishing laugh line. Finally, her lips. Still pink despite being soaked in water. Her lower lips, twice her upper. They are wide and… yeah, kissable.

She smiled; lip tight. Waking me up from my desires

I abruptly step back. Releasing my hold on the sweater. Causing her to unexpectedly laid back. Head welcomed by the hard headboard with a loud sound.

“Oh! My Gosh! I’m sorry. Are you okay?” I stepped closer once again, a bit far compared to our position a while ago.

She closed her eyes and nodded.

“Okay! That’s… that’s good to know. So, yeah? I actually have something to do outside. Yes! My food. Oh yeah, its waiting. Ahmmm… I… I have to go. I’ll just have my dinner, then I’ll go back. No, I mean, I’ll sleep too. In Bomi’s room, of course. Just call me when you need me. I’m just in the kitchen. And in the room next door... after eating. Right. And, oh, I’ll brush my teeth too. And wash my face. That’s… that’s too much information, I know. What am I even saying?” I slap my forehead. “Alright? You… take a rest. Sleep. I will go now. Yeah!” clapping my hands slightly.

I made some points regardless my stutters, right? She just looked at me and lay back on the bed. I felt relieved. Sometimes, sick Eunji way is better.

I went out of my room. It was the first time I felt so thankful to go outside my own room. It’s my sanctuary. My room is Chorong itself. But escaping that place is a relief for me, right now.

‘What was that, Chorong? What did you just do? Did you just stare on her face? On her forehead, on her cheeks, on her nose, on her lips?’

I can’t stop hitting my forehead and cheeks and shaking my head, whenever I picture how our face were so close. And how she smiled after I looked at her lips.

‘She knows I am looking at her lips. I’m doomed.’ Now, I am soullessly stirring my cup noodles. The scenario earlier keeps on playing in my mind like a broken record.





Maybe an hour or two. When I was done with all my night routines, I heard her speaking. Not that clear but loud enough for me to hear, now that I am on the room beside hers. I didn’t mind until a loud shout followed by the sound of a cracked glass.

I remembered the glass of water I always place on my side every night. In case, I woke up being thirsty.

I run towards the other room. I witness her taking the scattered broken pieces. The room is now totally lighted.

“Stop! You’ll hurt yourself” I said walked in. “I’ll go get the dustpan” getting out of the room.

But well. Eunji is still Eunji, even she has a high fever. Stubborn as ever. She continued picking the glass on the floor. And as soon as I entered my bedroom again, I heard a small whine.

“Ahhh, ouch!” she said. Putting her index finger in . I didn’t know, rich kids do that too!

“That’s what I am talking about! Move! I’ll clean this up” I gently pushed her to the bed, as I take the glasses on her hands and sweep the remaining smaller shards.

I bend down a little bit more to check if there is any below my bed. Thankfully, there is none. Straightening my body, I saw her still her bleeding finger.

I left the room to throw the broken glass on my trashcan. I rushed to small table in the side our small living room. Searching in every drawer to find the first aid kit.

“Stop it, kid! I don’t know you do that too” she’s still sitting on the bed, I approached and steady myself, a foot away from her. Enough to aid her small wound.

“I told you to stop but you continued. You are still the stubborn Ice Queen that I know. I’m glad though. Fever really changed you and I’m not used to that!” I said. Softly, pulling her hand from hers. No complains. No comments. And most especially, as our hands touch, no smirks.

“But I’m not saying that I like the rude Eunji” putting a small amount of alcohol on the cotton. “Understand?” then pushed them on the still bleeding wound on her index.

“Ouch!” her cry made me looked at her. Her meeting eyebrows and pouting lips made her look like a 5 years old kid who toppled while playing. But her teary eyes caught my attention more.

“Did you cry because of this?” I asked mocking her. “Ice Queen cried because of a tiny wound on her index finger? Wow! This is a milestone.” She looked the other way. Not accepting my teasing.

I was about to more when I noticed her wet temples and cheeks. Did she cry while sleeping?


I mentally scold myself for not sensing the situation. She was having a nightmare a while ago. She was shouting. She was scared.

“Are you okay?” I asked. Now with concern while wrapping a band-aid on her finger. I am aiming to brush her temples when she holds my forthcoming hand, stopping it.

“I’m fine”


But I didn’t bother to ask more. She’s still a closed book. And we are not into that level of friendship. If you can call this relationship, a friendship.

Bringing back all the unused things in the kit, I stood up and ready to leave.

“Can you sleep beside me?” she exclaimed; voice almost cracked. Shocking me. My bed is a single bed. The fact that I haven’t share this bed with anyone else. Not even with Bomi.

“What?” I blurt out. She’s not looking at me. And I’m glad. I am sure my face is now red.

“Yeah! I’m out of my mind. Don’t mind me. You can go now” her voice was full of sadness, coldness, pain and longing.

“I’ll sleep beside you”

What? If she’s out of her mind, then I am out of my whole body! I’ll sleep beside her?

Her face lit up. A bit. At least, a little different from how it was the whole time.

“It’s just that… my bed is a single bed. Its too small for us to share” I, at least, have to make her think that I am hesitant.

“I don’t mind” she said. Moving a little on her side. Right exactly in the edge of the bed.

But… I do mind!

Showing that there is space for me, she laid down again.

“Right! I’ll just go get another pillow” I walked out of the room.

For the second time tonight, I am happy to get out. To leave that awkward moment.

Getting a pillow on Bomi’s bed, I looked at myself in the mirror on her closet.

‘Am I the only one feeling this? Why is she acting all cool? Why is she so calm?’ I mumbled as I continue to take the deepest inhale I ever did in my entire life. Making the last look, brushing few hairs in my face, I run back to my room.

I’m not excited!


I am!

A bit?

Okay! I am excited.

I shook my head as my conscience keeps on fighting inside.

“I’ll turn off the lights now?” I queried, standing in my door. She nodded, so, I did.

I know my bedroom. And walking with lights off is never difficult for me. But feeling her arm as soon as I sat on the bed was the last thing I expected.

She’s hot.

No, I mean. She’s still hot because of her fever.

“Sorry” I said as I withdraw my hold, right away.

She keeps silent. Another relief.

I settled myself. Laying my back, carefully in the bed. Desperately avoiding to touch my new bed-mate.

It was really an uncomfortable position for me. My body is straightly laid in bed. No movement, except for my occasional blanket pulling. Which sometimes, pull her closer too. Hands slightly touching, sending electricity. Making me pull away. But her? She’s still.

How can she sleep?

“You can sleep either?” that was my death. I was so shocked that I almost fell on the floor. She isn’t sleeping. “You aren’t comfortable?” she asked.


“Sorry. Am I disturbing you? It was just…” my first time to sleep with someone else. Don’t say that. “thinking something. Sleep. Take a rest so you will feel better” I have to sound unaffected.

“About the glass…”

“No. Its fine. I have another one”



Long silence.

She’s sleeping?

“Chorong?” I was about to close my eyes when she speaks. My quick opening of eyes made my head ache. “Did you hear me shouting a while ago?”


Not that I want her to think that I am sleeping. I just don’t know what to say.

“A little. I heard your voice. But what you were saying was unclear” that was full of honesty. Even I wanted to hear what she was saying the rain prevents me.

But I guess, universe is on my side. The rain stops. Now her whispers are now audible.

“Once, my favorite psychology professor said, telling what’s inside your heart helps you heal. You know, constantly expressing how you feel, or what you felt. It will gradually lessen the pain. Until you realize it’s not hurting anymore” maybe that’s the best thing I said tonight.

“Now you are using your psychological skills in me?” she said. With touch of the usual Eunji.

Once again, silence.

“But you don’t have to tell me. Say it to your close friends. Or to someone... special” now moving in my position. Back facing her.

“It was a rainy night. As heavy as tonight. We came from amusement park. We. Me and Minki” she paused. Taking a deep breath. “Minki is my younger brother. I am 15 back then and he was 7. It was his birthday. But we already celebrated that”

I can hear her sniffing. Cautiously. Afraid that I will notice.

“We once had a happy family. Dad, mom, me and our Minki. He was our bond. He can make dad go home once he said he misses him. Or mom cooks his favorite food, even every day. Or me… skipping classes” she released an airy laugh.

“I will do everything he asked me. And on that night. Of his birthday. He asked me to go to an amusement park” I felt the blanket being pulled lightly. Maybe she’s clenching on it. “So, I did. We secretly asked one of our father’s driver to drive us there. That was a long negotiation. But well, money has power.” Letting another small laugh, followed by a sniff.

“The night was beautiful. We were wearing our matching clothes. He was sweet. That he bought us those ‘couple hoodies’ as he calls it. He asked one of our maids to buy it for him, of course” that was supposed to be a joke, but the way she said those

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SA_syafiqah #1
Chapter 19: Pls update soon author-nim
SA_syafiqah #2
Chapter 6: So exciting ?
I have read all chapters author. Please comeback soon. :( I want a happy ending. Thank you author-nim <3
Chapter 19: I really so dumb. I didn't know you were updating. This is so cute, author. You really did a good job. Thank you so much.

And by the way, are your pimples gone? HHH
Chapter 19: amazing story line
Chapter 18: oh, chorong and eunji knew each other since a child?
Chapter 18: Finally the long awaited kiss <3 omg they have known since kids and Eunji has proposed to Chorong since they are kids. That’s so bold :)

I didn’t expect Minho will betray eunji. Eunji definitely gonna hate him -.-‘
Chapter 17: Can EunRong kiss already xD I was hoping they can progress a lil bit faster.
Eunji’s dad is really mean. That’s really is not how someone who is grateful behave.