Re-Living It

My Heart Beats for You~! [Kim Ki-Bum Mini-Series]

Wiping a stray tear away, you shook your head and let out a chuckle. “What are you doing, _____?” you asked yourself. Putting every single pain you’ve felt during and after the culmination ceremony, you walked away from the school.

But after walking a few blocks, your pains began to come back once more as you stood in front of your high school. The last and final place you spent memories with Kim Ki-Bum.


High school wasn’t what you thought it would be. All the movies of  ‘Mean Girls’, ‘Never been Kissed’, and all others gave the false impression of what high school would be like. Sure there were cliques here and there, but no one was secluded. Everyone mixed in with everyone else; jocks with band geeks, cheerleaders with choirs, the junkies with the nerds, it felt as if no one needed to be shunned. All but you.

The reason you felt this way? Kim Ki-Bum was the only reason you’re high school life became a sham. Why of all people your best friend? Wasn’t he supposed to be there for you when you needed it the most? Wasn’t a best friend supposed to be the moral support? Then where the heck was he? *Oh yeah, ignoring me since culmination.* you scoffed at the thought. *Speak of the devil.*

“Yah! Kim Ki-Bum, why are you ignoring me?” you asked him once you approached his desk in third period. At least you had one class with him, the jerk. But Ki-Bum didn’t say anything and kept staring down at his paper.

“Yah! Are you even listening? Oh my gosh, Bum,”you exclaimed as you slammed both of your hands down on his desk. Everyone who was in the room stared at the two of you, but as angered overcame your embarrassment you could’ve cared less.

When you were about to say something more, the bell rang as students began to shuffle into their seats. You stood looming over him hoping he would answer before the teacher came in.

“Sit down, _____,” he answered making your heart drop. You scoffed at him and walked slowly to your seat with a clenched jaw while glaring at him. Although it did pain him, Ki-Bum tried not to show it.

*Fine, be that way jerk. I’ll ignore you too.* you scoffed as you tried hard to focus in class. But it was hard to concentrate for Ki-Bum, because within a week he would need to tell you.


The week came and left like a breeze. . . just like Ki-Bum. He was nowhere to be seen. No one in school knew where he was nor did they utter a sound about him. What could have happened?

*No more nonsense.* you said to yourself as you rang his house doorbell. Being his best friend and all would have someone worried.

“Yah! Kim Ki-Bum, where--” you yelled right as the door opened, but it wasn’t Ki-Bum who opened the door. It was his mother.

“Oh, hello _____. Can I help you with something?” she asked as she wiped her hands down on her apron. You bowed to her and politely asked for your friend. But to your dismay, she gave you the most frightening news.

“He isn’t here anymore _____. He went to Korea. He got accepted into an industry! Can you believe it? I told him he was going to get in but he wouldn’t listen to me no matter how many times I tried to encourage his thoughts. The boy really--” she rambled on and on about her proud son.

But her words were blocked from your ears. Of all the million hateful cruel things he could have done to you, he left without a word.

When you went back to school the day after, you asked around if anyone had heard about the news of Ki-Bum getting into an entertainment industry and everyone else but you had known. The worst part is, they were asked to be kept a secret. You tried to be proud and be bragging about it, but everyone knew the truth and felt pity for you.

*Ki-Bum. . . .*


It’s been two years and you haven’t heard a word about him from since, well not until the internet was filled with pictures and news about him. It was the only thing keeping you connected to him. It was sad really.

“Babo,” you sniffled wiping your tears away. “How can you forget me so easily?”

“Who said I forgot you?”

“You, you babo.”

“Who are you calling babo?”

“YOU! You freaking Bu--” you stopped in midsentence because when you turned around, you saw him right before you. You though everything was a joke and a hallucination. He couldn’t be here in front of you, no way. It was not possible.

“Who said I forgot you, _____?” he said with a smile. From behind him he took out a bouquet, the same one from the culmination ceremony. “Am I too late to confess?”

 The first ending of a new beginning. . .and it's with you.

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I am soooo super sorry about the ending!! >.<

It was a bit lot rushed but I hope you will forgive me!!

Thank you to those who have subscribed and commented~! ^w^

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Thank you for everyone who has loved the mini-series~!! ^w^


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Chapter 6: Aw, I just re-read it. You are too kind to me. So sweet.
It's so cute, I think I'm going to die.

I love you so much sweetie <3
I love this<3
AyraLovesKibum #3
Awww..i luv the ending!!! :D
Nyanya, Bum's too adorable to exist. Nice poster btw :D
Thanks so much for this, it's really awesome. I love it <3
Nice story...
Aww, I've been away for Lent, but I'm back now and that is just so cute! I love it so much, and you too :D
Saranghaeyo :3
I love the pictures, he's so bloody adorable.