Candy Bicker

My Heart Beats for You~! [Kim Ki-Bum Mini-Series]

You stopped in front of a familiar candy shop. It was the one you and him would go to millions of times back in the past. He would always trick you into thinking you had to pay when he was planning to pay all along.


School had just ended allowing the weekends seem a bit closer. The middle of the week in middle school did nothing really but make everyone more tired than usual.

Complains were coming from here and there about how the weekend seemed so far away yet so close. Complains came about the hot weather that began to melt the candies in their pockets.

Yes, sir. It was California all right; the place known for such bi-polar weather. One day it would be cold as winter, and some days it just seemed too hot for the season. It only gave the students more of a reason for their complaints.

But being the versatile person you were, you just went with the flow. Dressed in anything the weather was about to give, school wasn’t an issue. As long as your first ‘mischief’ friend was always there, your day was as bright as the sunshine.

You began walking home when you spotted someone familiar walking by himself. *Kekeke, what a loner.*

You crept up next to right side and tapped his left shoulder. As usual, he fell for it right away.  But when he turned back to see the giggling you, Ki-Bum wasn’t very please.

Coming up with a good way to get back at you, he led you into a small candy store down by the street. No matter how much you protested and squirmed, he had no intention of listening to your pleas.

Be piled up the counter with all sorts of candy and pointed at it while turning to you with a smile on his face. He showed his toothy grin, the first grin you ever fell for. But you didn’t let anything falter your composure.

You stared at Ki-Bum with a weird look and crossed your arms. “What the fudge?”

“Don neh [Pay],” he said casually. Again you stared at him with a raised eyebrow and wide-eyes.

You want me to do what?” “Pay.”

No way! Why should I?” “You owe me!”

The bickering lasted for about five minutes, making the cashier man stare at you and Ki-Bum then back. He didn’t look annoyed, but more amused between the bickering of your and Ki-Bum. He was talking about young-love or something. But you didn't really pay much attention.

That was our first fight, Ki-Bum.

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Thank you for everyone who has loved the mini-series~!! ^w^


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Chapter 6: Aw, I just re-read it. You are too kind to me. So sweet.
It's so cute, I think I'm going to die.

I love you so much sweetie <3
I love this<3
AyraLovesKibum #3
Awww..i luv the ending!!! :D
Nyanya, Bum's too adorable to exist. Nice poster btw :D
Thanks so much for this, it's really awesome. I love it <3
Nice story...
Aww, I've been away for Lent, but I'm back now and that is just so cute! I love it so much, and you too :D
Saranghaeyo :3
I love the pictures, he's so bloody adorable.