My Warrior

My Heart Beats for You~! [Kim Ki-Bum Mini-Series]

As elementary school came by and by, you two grew more attached to each other than any best friends could be. You would always each lunch together. You would always by stuff together. You would even go home together and one or the other would get kicked out since the night grew old.

He was the best-est best friend you could even ask for. He was always there for you; even when you would shed tears.

Lunch came a lot quicker than you had anticipated. Middle-school went by a bit faster than elementary school; well in your opinion. Having Ki-Bum as your desk partner helped pass the time a lot quicker. Ki-Bum faced you and held out a fist. You looked at him and smirked.

You know you never win,” you said with cockiness and a mocking tone. Every lunch time, you two would face each other and have a battle of kawi-bawi-bo [scissors-rock-paper]. Whoever loses has to get their own lunch as well as the others. It was simple childish game of fun, and laziness.

“Nega onull egill guh yah! [I’m going to win today!]” he exclaimed with a big toothy-grin.

Right when you both held out your hands to determine who won, Ki-Bum went wide-eyes and screamed bloody murder.

“NOOOOOOO!!!!! This can’t be!” He dropped to the floor holding his head.

“ for you, huh BUM!?” you teased laughing at his crippled figure. “Don’t call me a tiger!” he answered back.

“I didn’t. I used English, not Korean, you freaking babo BUM!” [Bum in Korean means tiger.]

He glared at you and breathed hard and fast. “Go get my lunch! Beh go pah! [I’m hungry!]” Without another word, he went to fetch your lunch.

He came back with two doshiraks [sacked lunches] in his hand and sat down while crossing his arms. You smiled at him and began opening both of your lunches and began to set them up. You grabbed his chopsticks and offered it to him.

Being the stubborn person he was, he decided he was a bit angry to do so. Silently laughing at his childishness, you grabbed a spoonful of rice and shoved it in his mouth. Ki-Bum looked appalled. He opened his mouth to speak only to have you smash a mouthful of kimchi in.

You tapped beneath his chin and smiled. “Don’t chew with your mouth open, Bum.”

He glared at you but gladly took and ate his lunch quietly. But after a few seconds, he became his usual self, no longer wanting to stay mad at something so childish.

When you were both done eating, he was about to go and put the sacked lunches away but stopped and turned to you. “Another go?”

“No way! You lost! Don’t be a sore loser.” “Don’t be so cocky, _____. I’ll get you back!” With that he went to the back and to put away the now-done lunches.

But while he was gone, two boys stood before you. They asked for your homework, which you plainly refused to give. *I don’t even know these guys. I spent my free-time doing this stupid homework, no way jerks!*

When they asked again, you answer was still no. You told them why you didn’t want to, and that only provoked them more. They even began to threaten you and call you names, but still you refused. You fought back at them, only to have it returned to you twice as much.

They grabbed your collar and threatened you once more only to hear your answer fly out of your mouth. “NO!” One raised his fist ready to collide with your jaw, while you closed your eyes readying yourself for the impact.

Only there was nothing. You felt absolutely nothing. You peeked through your eyelids to find Ki-Bum tackling the two boys that had picked on you.

“Don’t. Bug. My. Best. Friend!” he gasped between punches. Scared that the teacher might suspend him, you pried him off of the bullies and held him back when he trashed about. “Let me go! I’ll freaking kill them! She isn’t your maid! Freaking stupid jerks! Let me at them!”

You tried your best but in the end he squirmed away and went back to trashing the bullies. No one moved. They were all scared about what would happen to themselves. Instead, one was brave, or cowardly, enough to call the teacher.

When he arrived, all three were taken to the principal’s office. As they left, Ki-Bum glanced at you and gave a small smirk. *As long as she is okay.*

You stood still; you didn’t know what to do. Within the last moment, you dashed out only to catch Ki-Bum entering the office. You dropped to the floor in front of the office along with your shoulders. *This is all my fault.*


What felt like forever, Ki-Bum finally came out. He saw you sitting on the chair just outside of the office and silently smiled at you. You were sleeping while your head bobbed this way and that trying to find a steady place.

He crouched down before you and reached for your cheek. He saw your cheeks stained with tears and immediately, his heart gave way. He your cheek tenderly and gave an apologetic smile. *I didn’t ask you to cry, dummy. I asked that you would wait and scold at me for being so ruthless.*

Ki-Bum looked at you with a tender eye-smile. He wrapped his arms around you and lightly patted your back. He rocked you slightly and took in your scent. “Babo.”

He embrace was filled with love and affection and warmth. While you were sleeping, you felt it. That loving embrace. That hold of the first skipped heartbeat for the both of you.

That was our first hug.

And the beginning. . . . .

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Thank you for everyone who has loved the mini-series~!! ^w^


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Chapter 6: Aw, I just re-read it. You are too kind to me. So sweet.
It's so cute, I think I'm going to die.

I love you so much sweetie <3
I love this<3
AyraLovesKibum #3
Awww..i luv the ending!!! :D
Nyanya, Bum's too adorable to exist. Nice poster btw :D
Thanks so much for this, it's really awesome. I love it <3
Nice story...
Aww, I've been away for Lent, but I'm back now and that is just so cute! I love it so much, and you too :D
Saranghaeyo :3
I love the pictures, he's so bloody adorable.