Break the Ice

My Heart Beats for You~! [Kim Ki-Bum Mini-Series]

Strolling along the streets with music blasting in your ears so your own bubble was still intact, you came across a soda machine. You smiled to yourself and looked for your favorite soda, and how ironically it was the last one on the machine.

You thought of how Ki-Bum said he would rather die than give you a drink because it would hurt his pride to share. But your smile slowly faded when you thought of the day he first gave you a drink without asking for anything in return.


After the incident with the two bullies and the trip to the principal’s office, Ki-Bum had been much kinder. He was much sweeter than before, but it kind of annoyed you. It wasn’t like him to offer you his favorite piece of candy. Or to give you a drink just because.

You two were outside during lunch time to step away from the crowd a bit. After the millionth time of his share, you finally stared at him with big eyes with a face.

“I know I’m good-looking, _____. Take a picture it lasts longer,” he said with a smile as he handed you a can of your favorite soda.

“Nuh weh guleh [What’s wrong with you]?” you asked hesitant to take the can of soda.

Ki-Bum looked at you with a confused face which was also filled with amusement. “Wha-a. What? What do you mean?”

“You’ve been so much nicer to me lately.” You saw his face fall, only just a little.

“Neh gulutke nappuhn na [Was I that horrible]?” he asked as he opened his can and took a long sip as he watched the skies move about.

“No, it’s just that it’s new. Remember how you said you would never give me a drink lest you die?” you asked as you leaned towards him a bit closer.

He slowly turned his head towards you and gave a half-hearted smile. “I guess I could have been nicer. I didn’t mean it like that. I meant it when I was little, babo.” He gave you a little tap on your head and pushed it.

You touched the sore spot and gave him an angered face. He smiled at your expression and shook his head. “Hey, I don’t want an ugly friend.” “Meanie,” you said hitting his head.

He was shocked, but being the playful duo you two were, he tapped you and you did to him. But thinking it went on long enough, he began to tickle you as you toppled over and was on your back squirming and begging for him to stop.

Laughter filled the air around. Neither of you noticed the sound of the bells ring. Even though you both were tardy and in trouble, the aura of awkwardness was finally lifted when he grabbed your hand to head for the door.

That was the day we grew closer. . . . .

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Thank you for everyone who has loved the mini-series~!! ^w^


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Chapter 6: Aw, I just re-read it. You are too kind to me. So sweet.
It's so cute, I think I'm going to die.

I love you so much sweetie <3
I love this<3
AyraLovesKibum #3
Awww..i luv the ending!!! :D
Nyanya, Bum's too adorable to exist. Nice poster btw :D
Thanks so much for this, it's really awesome. I love it <3
Nice story...
Aww, I've been away for Lent, but I'm back now and that is just so cute! I love it so much, and you too :D
Saranghaeyo :3
I love the pictures, he's so bloody adorable.