Break Me

My Heart Beats for You~! [Kim Ki-Bum Mini-Series]

You began to backtrack your steps, and what you found was your old middle-school. A smile formed on your lips, but it vanished as quickly as it had come. It gave you many memories, three years in fact all spent with Ki-Bum. But replaying the culmination ceremony pained you.


Middle school came by as a breeze and today was the last day of your life as a middle-school student. You were all jittery and excited, practically bouncing in your seat. But much to your dismay, Ki-Bum didn’t enjoy sitting next to you, especially at ceremonies.

“Will you please stay the heck still?” he asked as he rubbed his temples together. “Why do I always sit next to you? Why!?”

“Because the school likes to give us freedom to sit next to whomever we choose?” you replied sweetly while battering your eyes. Ki-Bum only glared at you, actually that wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear.

He was too shy to admit that he liked sitting next to you and that you would answer the same. But he would have to keep that on hold until after. Right now, what was most important was to get through the ceremony with peace.

As last of the speech givers began to sit down, the principal came on stage with a bright and happy smile. But instead of ending it right there, he decided it was the best time for a last lecture. He received many groans and moans, but he shushed them making the parents laugh.

“Today will be the last days we may and may not see each other. But one thing is for certain, that wherever we may go the memories of the ones we hold dear during this time will follow us. Now without any further ado, the culmination ceremony has ended!”

The students stood up to cheer and parents came to grab their children before they could run to find their friends in order to take their last moment pictures. Everything and everyone moved except for Ki-Bum.

He watched smile with tears as you went to hug everyone and congratulate them. Without noticing, a small smile formed on his mouth as he replayed the principal’s speech in his mind once more. ‘The ones we hold dear will follow,’ Ki-Bum thought.

Taking in a deep breath, he began to approach you with a flower bouquet behind his back. He knew you were going to love them after all they were your favorite flowers. ‘Five meters, four meters, three meters,’ he counted down the space between the two of you.

‘Two meters,’ he thought as his smile got brighter and brighter as his steps increased while the space decreased. ‘This is it, Ki-Bum. You are going to tell _____ that you love her.’

But he stopped within a meter as he saw another boy approach you with a bouquet. Ki-Bum was about to go and tell him off, but suddenly his whole body stopped as you took the bouquet from the boy and smile at him.

With a clenched fist, his jaw tightened. Finally your eyes matched, but even though you smiled at him, he shook his head at you and turned his head. You gave him a confused face as he backed away.

His whole body turned fully as you took a step forward. He stopped midway and turned back to you, with rising hope you smiled brightly at him. But Ki-Bum did one thing that pained you greatly.

He threw your bouquet to the ground with force and walked away. The petals and leaves separated as it hit the ground. You felt as if you had been punched in the stomach, hard. You couldn’t help but stumble back a bit and tears threatened to form once more, not from happiness but from betrayal and regret.

That was the first day you let my tears fall. . . .


Sorry this chapter was all weird and didn’t make sense. ^^;;

But you kind of get it, right?

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Thank you for everyone who has loved the mini-series~!! ^w^


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Chapter 6: Aw, I just re-read it. You are too kind to me. So sweet.
It's so cute, I think I'm going to die.

I love you so much sweetie <3
I love this<3
AyraLovesKibum #3
Awww..i luv the ending!!! :D
Nyanya, Bum's too adorable to exist. Nice poster btw :D
Thanks so much for this, it's really awesome. I love it <3
Nice story...
Aww, I've been away for Lent, but I'm back now and that is just so cute! I love it so much, and you too :D
Saranghaeyo :3
I love the pictures, he's so bloody adorable.