Black Cap Man.

You Are My Only One

Last night is a little less tired. No big accident or blood shed are arrived to his department. Just broken legs or cutting wounds. You can say it's kind of normal. 

Stretching his limb, Yunho walk out to the outside to take a fresh breath. It's early morning and the roads are still quiet with less people. There, the opposite of the road in five minutes walk, a little coffee shop is opend in early morning. Yunho is just finish his duty and he want to drink fresh hot coffee rather than from the coffee machines in hospital.He can just walk there to relax his tired nerve. 

Siwon will come to pick him up in thirty minutes and  they will have their breakfast in some restaurant, and then they will go home together. Siwon will leave the day after tomorrow, so he said he want to say a polite goodbye to Yunho's family and he agree. For now, they are acting like as in a good relationship couples in the elders' eyes. And Siwon will contact him often after he arrive back to America, like a  good friend of course and for the both families, its a good sign. They make agreement to untangle the engagement when the time's arrive. 

When he come out of the shop, he heard something hard hit to the ground and he turn around to look what's happening. A man is falling and near a bicycle is lying on the ground and some newspapers are scattered around him. Yunho runs to the man and pick him up in his arms and then he see the man, no.. the boy is Changmin.

" Changmin..! Changmin..God! you are freezing! Wake up Changmin-ah..!!!"

But Changmin is still unconsious. There is no one around him except some opening shops. So he try to pick him up on his back, then he hear a vehicle is stopped near him.

" Yunho-ssi? What happen..? Who is he?"

"Oh!! Thanks God.. Siwon-ssi, Please help me to take him to the hospital. He is my friend.. He is sick..!"

" Of course!"

Siwon open the back door and pick him up .... and when he see the face of the unconsious boy, he pause a moment.

" What, Siwon-ssi? You know him?"

" Yunho-ssi, there's no way I know this boy. I just feel he is really cold. He gonna be okay.. by the way? Do we need..."

" Quick.. Siwon-ssi, we need to take him to the hospital right away..."


Siwon place Changmin on the seat carefully and he run to the driver seat. Yunho sit next to Changmin, take off his coat and wrap around him.

" Here take mine.. he need more heat.."

Siwon also take off his coat and give him in a hurry.

" ... Thanks, Siwon-ssi"

Yunho take the coat and wrap over his coat and tightly hug him on his chest and rub his hands between his.Siwon watch them worrily from the small mirror. Yunho thinks, Siwon will make a good husband to his future partner. He's a kind hearted man. They arrive back to the hospital in minutes and Siwon get off from the seat and run to the side, open the door for them. Yunho get out first, but Siwon pick Changmin in his arms in a bridal style quickly and it's a litttle surprise for Yunho. 

" Where to..Yunho-ssi?"

Siwon ask with Changmin in his arms. Right..! he need to make warmth for Changmin now.

" Okay.. this way.."

Yunho lead him to the emergency room and Siwon place Changmin gently on the bed and watching him in a worry look. Yunho make all his procedures to treat him in a hurry and says

"You can wait in my room Siwon-ssi, I'll be there soon."

" It's okay.. I can wait. But.... is he okay? He'll be fine, right?"

Yunho smile to make him sure.

"Don't worry. He's fine now. He's weak and need some proper rest. I'll make sure he's safe"

Siwon seems relieve and nod.Then get out of the room.Yunho watch him leave and turn around to Changmin who's laying on the bed, now. He raise his hand and rub the soft hair gently. Changmin's seem really tired. Yunho watch him and feel like something bite is heart. He touch the face gently and stare the boy for a while and remember the night Changmin entered his room. That night, a cute smile is linger on this sweet face. 

He sigh.

" What happen, little prince~~? I don't want you get hurt..~~"

Yumho murmur.


They miss their breakfast and when Yunho say they don't gonna make it, Siwon says

" It's okay Yunho. You don't need to feel guilty. You are a doctor , I understand . And I really admire you take care of ......C ... that kid with your all heart. You gonna be a good boyfriend for your lover.."

" You too, Siwon-sii. Just now I saw how you treat  Changmin was really touch my heart. I was thinking you'd be a good husband for your future partner.And I think he'll definitely see your kind heart and count it already. I believe you give him all of your heart and love him, he'll know about it. No way that he don't love you back. He just need time to accept you. You said he have a family problem , so I think he need to handle that first and that's why he can't give enough time for you now..."

Siwon smiles weakly. His smile is dim unlike usual.

" You'll be right Yunho-ssi. I hope too.."


Changmin wake up hours later around noon and look around. A nurse come to inform them and they quickly run there to see him.

" How do you feel, Changmin? "

Yunho ask him soft with a smile.

" H..hyung..? I...."

" You pass out on  the street, Changmin. I saw you and took you here. You are really weak,now. You need a proper rest...~~~"

Changmin breath out and look down. 

" I.... I want to go home, hyung. .."

"Changmin-ah... "

" I'm alright now, hyung. I'll rest like you said at home. Just....... I don't want to stay here.. please take me home...~~~"

Changmin whisper plea and Yunho can't bare this little voice. He rub Changmin head gently and

" Okay... I'll take you home. But promise me you'll take a rest for the day Changmin. Not for this day, you need to reduce your working hours for your health sake. Or not you'll pass out again.. Okay..~~"

Changmin nod. They take Changmin in Siwon's car and Yunho sit with Changmin head on his shoulder.

" I'm... sorry hyung...I make you busy all the times.."

" Don't say that again.. Changmin-ah. You are my friend and like my little brother for me. Of course hyung will take care for you. And you.. you see me as your big brother ..?"

Changmin look up and stare him for a moment  and look down and lean on the shoulder again.

" ...... Of course....h..hyung~~"

He heard hesitation in his voice. May be he's too weak to make a proper reply. And then,There is a light sigh that press down carefully from the front seat.

" Ah.. I forgot.. Siwon-ssi, he's Shim Changmin, a college student and Changmin this is Choi Siwon  and he is........."

Yunho pause how to describe his connection to Siwon.But, Siwon take the gap quickly with a comfort smile.

" A friend too, Changmin-ssi. Nice to meet you.."

Changmin bow his head from the back politely and

" Thank you for your help, Siwon-ssi. Sorry for my disturb.."

"Ah... please don't say like that. I'm already glad to help ..... ah... it's emergency,  right. And you really look like sick, you need to rest well..... so..don't feel bad about me. It' okay ....."

Changmin smiles to him and Siwon give back a warm smile, too. They take Changmin to Kyuhyun's home and Kyuhyun rush back from school when he heard Changmin's sick. Kyuhyun says his gratitude again and again for taking care of his friend and they left the apartment after saying goodbye to Changmin.


When they arrive his home, it's around 2 PM and his mother greets them.

" Are you really busy, son ?And Siwon waiting you too long..?"

"Ah.. It's okay Ommoni. Yunho-ssi is a good doctor and I'm really glad to help him.."

"So, that boy you said you help, is he fine now?"

His mother ask with worry.

" He's fine now, Omma. He just need a proper rest.."

"Good then, you will be hungry now. I'll make you foods. And your uncle is upstair and waiting for you. Go up and greet him.."

She says them with sweet smile and they bow and  climb upstairs.

There, before they enter, a stranger with  black clothes and a cap on the head is getting out of the room. Yunho's never seen that man and watch him in confuse. When he see them , he make a bow and lower his head and goes down. He feel some coldness when the man pass him.

" Is it someone you know...?"

Siwon ask him watching the back of the man with a frawn and a hard stare.

" No..Never seen him before. May be he's from uncle's work."


Siwon nod slowly and they enter the room and greet his uncle.


In the night, sitting in the garden's bench, Siwon makes a call.

" It's me... how do you feel today?"


'..Yeah, I'll be back in the next day. But we have something special for this time"


" I found him... Yeah that man with the black cap..... and........Changmin,too"


"Don't be excited, now. He's still alright. And.... the surprise is he is with Jung Yunho..."


" Yeah.. I just worry he'll get hurt. But, Yunho-ssi seems like he's really taking care for Changmin. Yeah, he's a good man unlike is uncle. But Changmin will be in danger in every moment. We need to be quick. We need to find the part- timer, ASAP"


" Don't worry, we can make it in time. If we get the video, we can put him to his end...... "


" I'll be careful...... I.......good night,  See you soon..~~"

When he hung up the call, he makes a deep sigh.

"I.. miss you, baby"





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Hey guys, the fic wouldn't be update till the next week causI'm on'my vacation. Anyway, the plot is ready and will be back with the hidden secret for you..:) :) :)
See you then.


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Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. Waiting patiently for the next chap. :)
urico90 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you guys, for staying supporting me and for your comments. Actually, I'm really happy and encouraged if someone making comment or question about my story. I feel like I can do it and I did it well. Anyway, just want to say...thanks and I'll try for better episodes.
rinonori #3
Chapter 9: Is Yunho's uncle planning something else that would make Changmin was so upset and ended up in the hospital???
rinonori #4
Chapter 8: I see another problem's coming.... but hopefully it'll make Yunho knows his position ;)
Chapter 7: I like Kyuhyun's character in this chapter! :)

I wonder what's Siwon's connection to Changmin? It seems like Changminnie is in danger and Siwon's group are trying to protect him...
Chapter 6: I think there is something about siwon n Changmin
Chapter 6: It's getting more interesting after chapter 6. I have so many questions in mind but I'll be patient and wait for your updates.
rinonori #8
Chapter 5: Wow.... I'm surprised that Siwon is actually the person Yunho will be married to. I like the twist ^^
Now coming the interesting things, how Yunho untangles the set-up engagement with Siwon and weaves his red thread with Changmin. Some fluff, pretty please?
Take your time with the updates. Apparently time is essential to set your ideas into one nice smooth story. Maybe you need to scribble some alternative plots on a paper so you won't get lost in them. Just choose the best according to your mood. You can always change in the middle as long as you stick to the main draft.
One thing, small mistakes in your grammar... hope you can fix them in the future. But following your story is not a problem at all, in fact it's entertaining <3
Good luck with your writing and updates! ^^
Chapter 3: It lookes fun n nice story ?
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)