
You Are My Only One

Early morning, on a hill above of the town, there is a grave stone and in front of it, two young boy in their neat black suits. Morning breeze is really fresh and cool. One of the boys placed a chrysanthemum bouquet on the stone and kneel on the ground and make a bow.

But there's also another bouquet on it, too. The bow down look at that black rose bouquet and sigh and look away

" He still coming .Aren't you throw away that bouquet? So, you forgive him,now?"

" He wasn't a culprit of my father's death , Kyu. After all the time, I just don't have the courage to face him. I....just… don't want to see him. But I know it's not his fault and he felt guilty. I have to accept his apology and also want to tell him it's time to let go all that grieves. Someday, when I have enough courage , I 'll see him . But not now..."

They stay there another thirty minutes and climb down. They step in a little shop, that sell rice cake and kimchi soup.

" Hey dude, you remember last night?"

" What? I came your place right!. This morning I woke up in your bed. What's your point?"

Kyuhyun chuckle and shake his head lightly.

"You don't want to hear it, I bet"

" Wh...What happened? Did I do something chaos? Did I make someone hurt?!!"

" No..not that hurt, but.. may be he has a backache now I'm not sure. But you really make a really big chaos last night Changmin..ha..ha.."

" Don't brat!! Just tell me what I did last night. So I can make an apology if I need to..just tell me already!!"

Kyuhyun control his grin and

" Last night, you mistaken the room number but it's really similar number too ,  except the Block. You entered 302 of Block A , that is opposite of my block. But the room owner is a really gentleman.. you know.He placed you on his bed and he just lying on the coach of the living room. When I entered there, I see a blanket and pillow on the coach and he showed me to his bedroom. There you are sleeping on his bed really peacefully as your own... that's.."

Kyuhyun stiff not to laugh out loud but Changmin feels really blush and shy as he listen to his friend.

" I just want to see you his face buddy. He seemed really trouble and also really sleepy but he gave you piggyback and carry you to my room..hey don't give that face! I can't carry your tall and well eaten body. It's around midnight and I believe he have enough trouble before I made a call… and I can't imagine how he handle a really drunk stranger ...that he never seen once..."

Changmin eyes get widen when Kyuhun says the man give him piggyback to return to the right room.

Gosh!! How rude he was!! He don't dare to think how he made messy before his friend came to take him.!! He feel guilty and also really shy to face that man to apologize. But he has to, right!!?

" God!! I have to apologize him Kyu.. may be I need to take him to hospital if he has a backache... Oh..My... How can I make such a really mess !!"

" Of course you do..~~"

Kyuhyun laugh as throw his head back.

" But he's a kindhearted person I suppose. So he don't make it as a big deal . You can just make a sincere apology I think. By the way.. he's also really handsome guy, you know. Such a tall and broad back and that night clothes makes him more ..."

" Yah.. shut mousy!! "

Kyuhyun grin and with a smirk.

" So do you want to go there after this. May be he 'll be at home or later?"

" I don't want delay cause it'll be more rude of me Kyu . But I have to go back to home today . Mother and my sisters are waiting . We plan to have dinner outside.."

" Okay.. stay happy buddy. Today is your birthday too. Make a happy dinner with your family and tell them I miss them too. And bring me your mother's handmade kimchi... my favorite food. …And....... brace yourself to face that handsome guy....he he.."


There.. a shy boy's groan and a really amuse boy's laugh are fill in the little shop.


He arrive at home at six. Dinner is at 7:30 . His mother says his uncle have something to tell him. But what exactly is it about. He don't want to hear it if it is about the wedding.

If not so, something about the business is not his field. He don't know much but his mother want him to lead the business because this is his father's work from the base. He know he has to heir the business as an only fact that the company is his father's everything and he gave all his efforts to make it . This is his fathers' creation and his family's legacy.


But his uncle, his mother's brother, is a good man and also clever enough to lead the company not to fall when his father died. But his father is really thoughtful man, too.So all his process are in order , even his sudden death didn't make the company to shutter.

His father's death made Yunho to choose the emergency department in hospital . To save the persons' lives in critical condition like his father's heart attack.

"I'm home Omma..."

"Oh.. you arrive Yunho. We are ready to go. And your uncle is waiting you in his library room. Go in there.."

" Omma.. It's that about wedding? Do you know about it..?"

" Oh honey.. don't be so nervous. I heard, he just come back for a short period and his family and we want you two to meet for now. And he also request to meet you before his comeback . He's a polite and sweet boy Yunho. He even asked if you are free for the dinner cause he don't want to make you busy for his arrive.Let's just meet baby. Feel free to meet the boy and I think you will like him if you meet in person..."

" I hope, Mother"

" Go my boy~ your uncle has to tell you something before we go.."

He nod and climb upstairs.

" Uncle, I'm home.."

" Oh.. Yunho.. come in"

" Omma said you have something to tell me..."

" Uh.. right! Not special. He just come back for couple of days and make a request to his parent…  to meet you before he go back. I think he want to close with you . He still remain a year to graduate from the university . So, he just want to know you and make a progress along this year . May be the wedding will be fast more than you expect so I want you to make up your mind.."

" Uncle .... I...."

Seeing his hesitant, his uncle seem alert and

" Do you have someone you love Yunho..?That's why you .."

" Uncle. I don't have any. I just........ want more time...."

His Uncle smile and pat his shoulder

 " Oh..if so, you can discuss with him when you meet. But we, for parents, we just want to see our sons to settle their lives and happy. But don't worry boy, we're not pushy.."

Yunho smiles and sigh inward and climb down with his uncle to downstairs. When they arrive the restaurant they appoint, the other family also arrive, already.

" Sorry .. are you waiting too long..?"

Uncle and the other old man shake their hands and his mother and the woman greet too.

" Oh.. we also just arrive. Have a seat Mr Han. Oh..Yunho ..! how 're you doing ? Busy ?"

" Oh.. as usual Arjussi~~"

" Good.. oh here is our son, don't you seen him in person right? Hey son, greet Yunho ~~"

Yunho make a slightly bow and give out his hand to the tall and handsome guy with warm smile.

" It's nice to meet you Siwon-ssi "

" Nice to meet you too, Yunho-ssi.. you're more handsome in person..~~"



Hope you enjoy. Welcome your comments.

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Hey guys, the fic wouldn't be update till the next week causI'm on'my vacation. Anyway, the plot is ready and will be back with the hidden secret for you..:) :) :)
See you then.


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Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. Waiting patiently for the next chap. :)
urico90 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you guys, for staying supporting me and for your comments. Actually, I'm really happy and encouraged if someone making comment or question about my story. I feel like I can do it and I did it well. Anyway, just want to say...thanks and I'll try for better episodes.
rinonori #3
Chapter 9: Is Yunho's uncle planning something else that would make Changmin was so upset and ended up in the hospital???
rinonori #4
Chapter 8: I see another problem's coming.... but hopefully it'll make Yunho knows his position ;)
Chapter 7: I like Kyuhyun's character in this chapter! :)

I wonder what's Siwon's connection to Changmin? It seems like Changminnie is in danger and Siwon's group are trying to protect him...
Chapter 6: I think there is something about siwon n Changmin
Chapter 6: It's getting more interesting after chapter 6. I have so many questions in mind but I'll be patient and wait for your updates.
rinonori #8
Chapter 5: Wow.... I'm surprised that Siwon is actually the person Yunho will be married to. I like the twist ^^
Now coming the interesting things, how Yunho untangles the set-up engagement with Siwon and weaves his red thread with Changmin. Some fluff, pretty please?
Take your time with the updates. Apparently time is essential to set your ideas into one nice smooth story. Maybe you need to scribble some alternative plots on a paper so you won't get lost in them. Just choose the best according to your mood. You can always change in the middle as long as you stick to the main draft.
One thing, small mistakes in your grammar... hope you can fix them in the future. But following your story is not a problem at all, in fact it's entertaining <3
Good luck with your writing and updates! ^^
Chapter 3: It lookes fun n nice story ?
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)