Funny Business

Let's Date
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Chaeyoung woke up with a groan and rolled over to turn off her phone's alarm. However, she froze in place when she felt a heavy weight on her left arm that stopped her from fully turning. Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, the pillow she normally cuddled to sleep wasn't that heavy, nor did it emit its own heat.

Slowly Chaeyoung opened her eyes and was greeted by a mess of black hair.

Oh right.

Somehow, Chaeyoung had forgotten about her current predicament. She was at Mina's parent's place in Japan pretending to be her girlfriend. Currently, Chaeyoung was spooning Mina in her childhood bedroom. Just normal every day stuff.

Last night had been a terrible scene. After dinner, Mina had announced that they were tired after their flight. Of course, Mina's parents had been understanding and had ushered them to bed. However, the problem had arisen when Mina had taken Chaeyoung's hand and began to lead her upstairs to her old room.

"Where do you two think you're going?"

The cold voice had sent shivers down Chaeyoung's spine, and the shorter girl would have released her hold on Mina's hand if it weren't for the taller girl's iron grip.

"To bed" Mina had stated calmly. She had turned around to face her dad and had raised an eyebrow in something reminiscent of teenage rebellion. Chaeyoung looked nervously between the duo before freeing her hand from Mina's grip.

"If it makes you feel more comfortable sir, I could sleep on the couch." Chaeyoung offered.

Mina had opened to protest but her mother beat her to it. "Nonsense, you are our guest, and Mina's girlfriend. The first girlfriend she's ever bothered to bring home. You can sleep together, but no funny buisness okay?"
Chaeyoung quickly nodded in agreement and  reassured Mrs. Myoui that nothing indecent would happen under this roof.

"Nothing beter happen. It's only funny business when you don't get caught. If you do..." Mr. Myoui trailed off with a glare. Chaeyoung felt another shiver go down her spine and was greatful when she felt Mina tug her away from her parents and into her room.

Once they were inside her room, Mina closed the door and Chaeyoung could practically see the tension melt off of her. Although Mina still looked exhausted, her shoulders were no longer tense and the furrow between her brows had smoothed over.

"Sorry about that. My dad, he's ... overprotective." Mina said, her voice tinged with exhaustion and her body drooping with every word. Mina opened to say more but was stop

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Still no update? :<
szxjmm #2
Chapter 9: c'mon!! i'm missing this so much 😩 you make a good stories. Update please :(
Chapter 10: Damnn this is so good :(( and now I am still wondering what Chaeng’s family background is huhuhu. Author I do hope you are okay since I guess you have planned the chapter in which you will be sharing with us Chaeng’s background. Take your time!
Chapter 1: I'm new to this kpop ship and only knows Twice royal ship. It shocked me that Seulgi and Irene are shipped together, damn those shippers must be happy af seeing Monster ???
Minseok25 #5
Chapter 10: I miss this fic so much!! It’s so cute!
KpopTrash666 #6
Chapter 10: I like this story so far, hope you can update soon
Minseok25 #7
Chapter 8: I will keep waiting for an update~
Minseok25 #8
Come back~~
Minseok25 #9
This is so damn cute... I need more chapters~