Honey I'm Home

Let's Date
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Chaeyoung was freaking out.

The false sense of security that she had receivied from the familiar faces at the airport had faded away when Mina parked the rental car in her parent's drive way. Chaeyoung didn't know why she had allowed herself to feel ready and safe to meet Mina's family. Whether or not they were actually dating was besides the point, Mina was one of her best friends, and one of her most favourite people in the world. She knew how much Mina's family meant to her, and she couldn't mess this up. She had to pull through. For Mina.

"Babe? You okay there?" Mina had recently taken to calling Chaeyoung 'babe', they had both decided that it would only help them convince Mina's family that they were dating. Chaeyoung didn't know why, but at first she had felt odd when Mina had called her babe. It was probably her brain reacting to the fact that one of her closest friends was suddenly calling her a weird pet name.


"Huh? Yeah sorry, spaced out there for a second." Chaeyoung said. She shook her head in order to clear her thoughts.

"Last chance. You can still back out if you want. I can drop you off at the nearest hotel and tell my parents that you couldn't make it today because something came up at work. I'll visit you every chance I get, and I'll get Momo and Dahyun to take you out too so you're not bored out of your mind."

Chaeyoung smiled and felt warmth fill her. Of course Mina would give her an out. Of course she would be willing to cut her time with her family short in order to make sure that Chaeyoung was comfortable. Myoui Mina was one of the most amazing people Chaeyoung knew, and she wasn't going to mess this up for her.

Chaeyoung took another deep breath and took off her seat belt. "Hold on, give me a second." she said as she turned her head and flashed Mina a smile.

Chaeyoung opened the car door and stepped out into the cool air. She took a deep breath in. She could practicially hear Mina's confusion from inside the car, but she knew that the older girl wouldn't rush her. Wouldn't push her to do something she wasn't ready to, whether it be something as big as meeting her family or as small as getting out of the car. Mina was amazing.

Chaeyoung rounded the car and opened the door for Mina. "After you m'lady." She said with a bow and a flourish.

Mina laughed and shook her head. "You're such a dork." She said as she took Chaeyoung's extended hand and let her her out of the car.

Chaeyoung smiled and clasped Mina's hand in hers. "Yeah, I kind of am."

Together, the duo walked towards the Myoui household hand in hand. Chaeyoung was still nervous, but at least she wasn't alone.


Chaeyoung stood

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Still no update? :<
szxjmm #2
Chapter 9: c'mon!! i'm missing this so much 😩 you make a good stories. Update please :(
Chapter 10: Damnn this is so good :(( and now I am still wondering what Chaeng’s family background is huhuhu. Author I do hope you are okay since I guess you have planned the chapter in which you will be sharing with us Chaeng’s background. Take your time!
Chapter 1: I'm new to this kpop ship and only knows Twice royal ship. It shocked me that Seulgi and Irene are shipped together, damn those shippers must be happy af seeing Monster ???
Minseok25 #5
Chapter 10: I miss this fic so much!! It’s so cute!
KpopTrash666 #6
Chapter 10: I like this story so far, hope you can update soon
Minseok25 #7
Chapter 8: I will keep waiting for an update~
Minseok25 #8
Come back~~
Minseok25 #9
This is so damn cute... I need more chapters~