Of Loafers and Love

Let's Date
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"Okay guys, here's the plan," Tzuyu said as she pulled out a map of the amusement park. If they wanted to hit all of the roller coasters and attractions then they had to be smart about this.

Sana smiled and leaned over to place a kiss on Tzuyu's cheek. "As much as I love how adorable you get when you start to plan things, how about we just enjoy the day and split off into couples and explore the amusement park on our own?"

Mina raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, "Wasn't it your idea to go on a triple date? How would this count if we're all splitting up?" Mina said with a frown. She knew what Sana was up to , knowing her, she would probably pretend to go off and have fun with Tzuyu only to come back around and stalk Mina and Chaeyoung.

Sana smiled and shrugged, "Don't you want to spend some alone time with Chaeyoung?"

Mina scoweld, "Alone time? I'm pretty sure you guys will end up stalking us at one point or another." she said with a scoff as she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, challenging Sana to refute her point.

Sana shrugged and grinned, "You can't prove anything" she sing songed as she pulled Tzuyu by the hand, leading her away from the other four. "We'll all meet up later tonight by the ferris wheel. Have fun guys. But not too much fun." She said with a wink.

Mina sighed before turning to Momo, "You aren't going to go along with this are you?"

Momo shrugged, "Sorry, me and Dahyun already planned on sneaking away from you guys to get food. But now that Sana's opened the door for a not so subtle escape, we're going to take it." Momo and Dahyun walked away hand in hand. Mina gaped in disbelief at their retreating backs. So much for a triple date.

Chaeyoung laughed and looped her arm around Mina's shoulders, "Hey, at least now we won't have to pretned to be all couple-y and stuff." She said as she dragged Mina away in the opposite direction as the other three. "Come on, let's go on ride on a roller coaster."

Mina pouted and sunk against Chaeyoung's side, "You know they're just going to spy on us right?"

Chaeyoung laughed once again and pulled Mina closer to her side. "I wouldn't expect anything else."

"Also I hate roller coasters."

"It was worth a shot."


"Shhh Chewy you're going to get us caught." Sana hissed as she ducked behind the wall of the restrooms. Sana, Tzuyu, Momo, and Dahyun, had met up at the food court several minutes after splitting up with Mina and Chaeyoung. The quartert had been trailing Mina and Chaeyoung for half an hour now, and Tzuyu was honestly getting sick and tired of spending her time at the amusement park watching other people have fun. All she wanted to do was ride roller coasters and eat overly priced food with her girlfriend dammit.

"Why are we even spying on them?" Tzuyu huffed as she crossed her arms and scowled at Sana's back.

"Because," Dahyun interjected, "Something fishys going on with them and we're going to get to the bottom of it. Also, why aren't you wearing your disguise, you're going to get us caught." Dahyun said as Momo took Tzuyu's disguise from her hand and put it back on her face.

"How are fake glasses with fake eyebrows, and a mustache suppose to make me look less conspicuous?" Tzuyu said as she grudgingly let Momo put the disguise back on her. Tzuyu may be a jaded, annoyed, giant, but she wasn't a jerk. If this was so important to her friends and girlfriend, then she would put on the diguise.

"Because, Chewy, without the disguise, then you look just like you, and you'll end up getting caught."

"I just don't understand why I couldn't get a scream face mask like you, or cool masqurade masks like Momo and Dahyun."

"Aww, stop pouting Chewy, we can switch if you want."


"Hey don't look know, but you were right, they're following us." Chaeyoung s

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Still no update? :<
szxjmm #2
Chapter 9: c'mon!! i'm missing this so much 😩 you make a good stories. Update please :(
Chapter 10: Damnn this is so good :(( and now I am still wondering what Chaeng’s family background is huhuhu. Author I do hope you are okay since I guess you have planned the chapter in which you will be sharing with us Chaeng’s background. Take your time!
Chapter 1: I'm new to this kpop ship and only knows Twice royal ship. It shocked me that Seulgi and Irene are shipped together, damn those shippers must be happy af seeing Monster ???
Minseok25 #5
Chapter 10: I miss this fic so much!! It’s so cute!
KpopTrash666 #6
Chapter 10: I like this story so far, hope you can update soon
Minseok25 #7
Chapter 8: I will keep waiting for an update~
Minseok25 #8
Come back~~
Minseok25 #9
This is so damn cute... I need more chapters~