Rock Paper Scissors

Let's Date
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Mina couldn't believe her luck. She honestly should have seen it coming. She knew how Sana could get with significant others, especially her significant others. Stupid Sana.

Mina was still brooding and grumbling over her cup of coffee and was refusing to acknowledge the two puppies who were staring at her expectantly. Mina took a large bite of her cake and continued to ignore her two friends, choosing to instead browse her social media.

"Oh come on Mina!" Sana finally whined as she tugged on Mina's hand, forcing her to put her phone down. It was only nine in the morning yet her two friends were already hyper and Mina was already questitioning why she was even friends with them.

Mine had been sleeping peacefully when Sana had barged into her room that morning, demanding for Mina to go to the cafe with her and Momo.

Like any sane person, Mina had pulled the covers of her head and yelled (or as loudly as Mina can yell) for Sana to get out of her room and to come back when it wasn't time to sleep o'clock. Sana being Sana, had glared playfully at Mina and tugged the covers away from the girl. "Well it's a good thing that it's only seven o'clock then." She had sassed back while balling Mina's covers up. Mina groaned and peeled her eyes open, feeling a cold breeze hit her.

"Why are you even here right now, and how did you even get in?" Mina grumbled as she curled up into a fetal position and turned her back to Sana. Mina could have sworn that she had taken away Sana's spare key after the last incident that had invovled Sana barging into her room and somehow managing to get whip cream on Mina's ceiling.

Sana grinned cheekily and began to twirl a spare key attached to a lanyard around her finger. "Well, you'll never know." She said as she stuck her tongue out playfully at Mina. Mina only grunted in reply as she pulled her oversized shirt over her legs in her fetal position. Mina sighed in contentment as she felt her legs begin to slowly warmup.

"It was Momo, wasn't it"

"... Maybe"

Sana frowned. "Hey, you're suppose to be getting up, not going back to sleep."

"Shh," Mina said as she reached over and pulled Sana down onto the bed with her. Mina cuddled into Sana's embrace and grabbed the balled up blanket from her grasp. Mina spread the blanket out over them as Sana continued to protest and struggle in her embrace. Mina raised her head slightly and glared at Sana, "You better stop moving if you know what's good for you." Mina said before burrowing her face back into Sana's warm body. Sana grumbled but complied to her request. She wrapped her arms around Mina and let herself melt into her embrace. It wasn't every day that the usually shy Mina would initiate physical contact, and this was Minatozaki Sana... she was weak for contact.

This was how Momo would find them half an hour later. With an indignant huff, cause how dare her two best friends cuddle without her, Momo leaped onto the bundle of blankets that were Mina and Sana.

"Momo wants cuddles too!"


"Both of you shut up and let's just sleep."

Both girls instantly stopped squabbling, scared to raise the ire of a tired Mina. Sana lifted the blanket up for Momo to join then, and she happily crawled underneath. Mina was now effectively sandwiched between the two and she sighed in contentment as she let their body heat warm her up.

The trio fell asleep for an hour but we're awoken by an anguished cry from Chaeyoung.

"Where did all of our food go?! Why are there so many wrappers and packages in the trashcan?!"

Momo quickly burrowed her face into Mina's chest, scared to face the wrath that she knew was coming. Mina pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"Is this why it took you so long to join me and Sana?"

"... maybe"

"Well, let's hurry up and get up then. We need to go grocery shopping, which you're paying for. And you're big treating me out to breakfast for disrupting my sleep."

Momo and Sana both opened their mouths to protest but quickly shut it when they realized that this could be their chance. A tired Mina high on cake and coffee always tended to have a looser filter than any other kind of Mina

"Ok let's go!"

Now this brings us back to our present situation. Mina was still currently brooding over the loss of her previous sleep as her two idiot best friends kept giving her expectant puppy dog looks.

Mina sighed and decided that it would be best to get it over with before the two lost theur patience and started bombarding her with questions. To be honest, she was surprised that their patience had even lasted this long. They were basically children with ADHD trapped in adult bodies.

"Okay, fine. Out with it." Mina said while taking another bite of her cake. She didn't really like sweets, but had somehow ended up picking up the habit of eating a cake or a bagel for breakfast from Chaeyoung. Since Sana and Momo were paying for her breakfast, she had decided to go with the more expensive option.

"Why didn't you tell us you were dating?" Sana screamed as she practically lunged across the table towards Mina. Mina flinched back slightly and could feel the glares of other patreons. She blushed scarlet and bowed her head in apology.

"Could you say that louder? I don't think they heard you in China." Mina sassed 

Sana and Momo both blinked in response at the still glaring Mina before giving weird looks to one another.

"You need to stop spending so much time with Tzuyu." Momo said as she reached her hand out to pat the top of Mina's head.

"Yeah," Sana agreed, "She's a bad influence."

This time it was for Mina's turn to deadpan at Sana who was now trying to steal her cake. Mina swatted her hand away and raised an eyebrow. "You do realize that you called your girlfriend a bad influence right?"

Sana shrugged before smirking. "Well she is, if you know what I mean." She said with a suggestive wink.

Momo and Mina shared a look before simultaneously saying "No."

Sana pouted and slumped back into her seat. "You guys are no fun."

"Anyways." Momo said as she finished her fifth muffin, "Why didn't you tell us that you were dating Chaeyoung? We could have all gone on a triple date."

Mina sighed and took another sip of her coffee. She knew that they would have questions but she didn't expect to be fielding them so soon. Mina felt her shoulders tense and her heart begun to pick up its pace. She was never a good liar, and Momo and S

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Still no update? :<
szxjmm #2
Chapter 9: c'mon!! i'm missing this so much 😩 you make a good stories. Update please :(
Chapter 10: Damnn this is so good :(( and now I am still wondering what Chaeng’s family background is huhuhu. Author I do hope you are okay since I guess you have planned the chapter in which you will be sharing with us Chaeng’s background. Take your time!
Chapter 1: I'm new to this kpop ship and only knows Twice royal ship. It shocked me that Seulgi and Irene are shipped together, damn those shippers must be happy af seeing Monster ???
Minseok25 #5
Chapter 10: I miss this fic so much!! It’s so cute!
KpopTrash666 #6
Chapter 10: I like this story so far, hope you can update soon
Minseok25 #7
Chapter 8: I will keep waiting for an update~
Minseok25 #8
Come back~~
Minseok25 #9
This is so damn cute... I need more chapters~