My Perspective

Lovers Inside [Rewritten]


When I had walked into the new club that had just opened, the first thing I did was scan around.


When my eyes reached the bar, I saw her and for a moment, I just stood there, not knowing what to do.


I was very confused.


What is she doing here, I thought to myself as I put my hand on her shoulder but when she turned around, I found out that I was hallucinating.


This girl just had the same chestnut brown hair but her eyes...were nothing like Sarah's eyes.


They were empty, vacant but Sarah's eyes are always filled with emotions.


I didn't feel like just slinking away after the confrontation so I just went with the flow and asked her if she wanted to dance. 


"It's fine...I'm used to being alone."


That one word in the whole sentence, made me sit still.

"You? Alone?" I said after awhile.


She nodded, her eyes suddenly overwhelmed with tears but she hurriedly rubbed them away when they threatened to come out. 

"Yeah. I’m used to being alone and all because I grew up in an orphanage and everyone always teased me and bullied me so I can't trust others easily." She laughed, a tight smile that didn't reach her eyes.


See her laugh at something like that just made me want to tell her about myself as well, so, he did.


"Same here...I've always been alone too." With a sigh, I called the bartender over and ordered myself a beer.


When it came, I saw from the corner of my eyes that she was staring at me.

"You? Alone?" She said incredulously.

"What's wrong with that?" I retorted back.


I felt exposed.

"I don't believe you. You can no way be alone man."


I smiled.


The same smile I smile at anyone I don’t know and would never know me.

"Why can't I be alone?" I asked.

"Your looks don't permit you to."


I froze.


There it was again.


The stereotype.


I stood up, angry and frustrated.

"Why does everyone base me on my looks!" I walked away from the bar, my beer half drank and stormed out of the club.


The fresh air hit me straight away from my very first step out.


I just couldn't believe it.


I walked towards my motorcycle and climbed on, forgetting to put my helmet on like I always did.


As I was about to hit the engine though, I felt a pair of hands wrap around me, and extra weight on the motorcycle.


I turn around, and there she was again.

"What do you want?" I said, irritated. 

"Can you take me home? I don't want to stay here. I'm tired."


“Why should I? And no please attached?”


Sensing my reluctance she let go of my waist and got off the motorcycle. She took two steps back and said,

"Never mind then."


She walked off in the other direction.


I sighed and started my engine, chasing after her.


When I was near her I shouted,

"Hop on!"


She turned around, a dazzling smile on her face.


My heart began to pound for some odd reason, slowly she walked towards me.

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Krazy_Fangirl #1
BananaNutt #2
cute poster! but this is cute, i would like to read more, let me know when you start up on it again <3 waittingg :D
Juleeyaaa #3
What a cute poster :-)
hyeamazing #4
OMG. Lee is with Sarah again -.-
hyeamazing #5
Whoa. Sarah wants to find Na Neul. And lol, Jonghyun just kissed the girl Sarah was looking for. x3
ByungByung #6
aww shes cutee ~
hyeamazing #7
Na Neul is embarassed. LOL xD
hyeamazing #8
OMG, the love triangle is forming. >.<
update soon~~ xDD