Alone and Fake

Lovers Inside [Rewritten]


I’ve always been alone.


When I was young, I was found lying in front of an orphanage.


Since then, I was bullied constantly and I had a hard time trusting others.


Although I’ve been bullied, there was once a time when I had a really good friend, Sarah.


I could honestly tell her all my secrets and never be worried that she would tell anyone else.


However, she got adopted by another family before we even got a chance to graduate from high school and ever since then, I’ve lost all contact with her.



I opened the front door to get into my lonely apartment in Seven Hills.


Since university I’ve changed.


I’ve changed into a fake smiler, a fake person with a fake personality.


I smile and laugh in front of others, I tell others secrets about my past that I made up on the spot and I scream and swoon over guys, but all those feelings are fake.


I can’t and don’t trust.


I can’t and don’t love.


I'm a fake.



A few minutes after I had stepped into my home, my doorbell rang and I opened the door. 

"Hey!" Sarina Charles and Jessica Dawles rushed in screaming and squealing. 


They are my “friends”.

"There's a new club open down your street and we got tickets for it!"


I used up all my energy to plaster up a fake smile and change into my fake personality. 



They nodded enthusiastically with an i-know-right look on their faces.



I looked at them quizzically.

"Then what are we waiting for?" We squealed, my eardrums rang.


I grabbed my wallet and put my iPhone inside it.


I looked at the mirror and upon my "friends" rushing, I left, closing my large and quiet apartment behind.




"Can I have a coke please?" I ask just a few minutes after walking into a newly renovated club and sitting down at the bar.


The bartender nodded and put a coke in front of me in one swift move.


A guy sizzled up to me.

"You alone? Wanna dance?"


I had always found it funny how guys can just ask girls they don’t even know to dance.


I smiled.

"It's fine. I'm not in the mood to dance right now actually. Sorry."


The guy’s eyebrows came together and he walked away confused and scratching his head.


Jess came up to me and laughed at me.
"Why did you say no? That guy was soo hot! You should've said yes!" 

"No way dude. SOOOOOO not my type. Not even close!"


We both laughed and she left me alone to go look for some hot guy she could hook up with for the night.


Alone again, I thought.


I sipped my coke for awhile and just watched the night scenery in front of my unfold.

After awhile though, I soon felt a pair of hands on my empty and vulnerable shoulder.


I looked up and found a pair of empty and expressionless eyes stare at me but with a y and cute smile.


I smiled back and gently shook his hands away.


I hated it when someone did that.


Taking the warning he put his hand back beside him and sat next to me, introducing himself. 

"Hi, the name is Kim Jonghyun. Wanna dance?"

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Krazy_Fangirl #1
BananaNutt #2
cute poster! but this is cute, i would like to read more, let me know when you start up on it again <3 waittingg :D
Juleeyaaa #3
What a cute poster :-)
hyeamazing #4
OMG. Lee is with Sarah again -.-
hyeamazing #5
Whoa. Sarah wants to find Na Neul. And lol, Jonghyun just kissed the girl Sarah was looking for. x3
ByungByung #6
aww shes cutee ~
hyeamazing #7
Na Neul is embarassed. LOL xD
hyeamazing #8
OMG, the love triangle is forming. >.<
update soon~~ xDD