
Please Eat

“Jimin! Dinner’s ready!” Jin shouted. “Jimin?”


Jin slowly walked up the stairs towards Jimin’s bedroom. He landed a few soft knocks on the door, but there was no answer.


“Jimin?” He called out again. Jin twisted the doorknob; it was locked. “Jimin open the door!”




‘This is it. I’m done being a nuisance. I don’t deserve to be alive.


- Jimin’

Jimin reread his note once again before laying it on his bathroom counter and grabbing the bottle of pills from the cabinet under his sink.


“Jimin?” The younger ignored Jin’s shouts as he poured out nearly half the bottles contents. “Goodbye.”


  • an hour earlier    -


“Jin told me you’ve been eating. I’m proud of you, sweetheart.” Yoongi said. Jimin gave a weak smile. “I love you, Yoongi.”


“I love you too, Minnie.”


  • present    -


“Jimin open the ing door!” Jin shouted. “What’s going on?” Hoseok asked, rushing out into the hallway. “Jimin won’t open the door!” Jin explained, out of breath from the countless banging and shouting.


“Maybe he’s sleeping.” Hoseok said, resting a hand on his hyung’s shoulder. “He never sleeps, Hoseok. He’s always busy sitting in his room exercising and criticizing himself!” Jin shouted, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Just open the door, Jimin… please…” Jin muttered, his fist resting against the door, same with his forehead.


“Yoongi has the key to his room. I know where he keeps it.” Hoseok said, rushing to Yoongi’s room. He returned a few seconds later, holding a key labeled “p.jm”.


Jin quickly took the key and shakily unlocked the door. “Jimin?” He called out. No one was there. He rushed to the bathroom and flung it open. “Oh… my god…”


“What is it, hyung. Is he okay-” Hoseok’s eyes widened. “F--” He shakily pulled his phone out of his back pocket and dialed 911.




“I’m home!” Yoongi shouted, a big grin on his face. He was excited to see his boyfriend. “Helloooooo?” He walked up the stairs, wondering where everyone was. He sat his luggage down at the top of the stairs before pushing open the door to Jimin’s room. “Jimin?”


“Y-Yoongi?! Don’t come in!” Jin shouted, moving to shut the bathroom door, but he was too slow; Yoongi had seen. “What the- What happened?!” Yoongi shouted, running to the bathtub where Jimin was laying. “Jiminie? Wake up, Jimin. Please, baby, please wake up. Wake up, wake up.” He repeated, caressing the younger’s cheek.


“Wake up!”


“Yoongi, the ambulances are on their way. There’s nothing we can do.” Hoseok calmly whispered, rubbing the older’s back. Yoongi ignored him, not wanting to believe it. “Please, Jimin. Please wake up.”


“He left you a note.” Jin whispered, holding a piece of paper out to Yoongi. The boy hesitantly took it and unfolded it.


‘Dear Yoongi,


I’m so sorry. I’ve disappointed you and everyone else. I can’t do this anymore. My life is a waste. I’m just taking up too much space.


I wish I could’ve been a better boyfriend… you were nothing but kind to me and all I did was hurt you. I’ll love you forever. I hope we’ll meet again soon.


I don’t want to live anymore. I’m through with this bull.


This is it. I’m done being a nuisance. I don’t deserve to live anymore.


- Jimin’

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