memoirs of mulberry road

Captivated in a Flash

Elementary years, they have known each other,

Always in the same classroom,

Strangers but not quite friends,

She prefers to be alone, she's shy and laid-back,

She has only herself,

While he likes to be in a crowd, he's full of energy and bliss

He has everyone on his back,

One day, he tries to engage a conversation with her,

But it ended quickly,

She step back, she doesn't want anyone in her world

Under the rustling leaves of Mulberry Trees,

She's behind him, watching his eye-smiles from afar

He's not that bad, he knows her existence

Highschool years, a new chapter of her life,

She's not too shy anymore, she interacts

But prefers to be alone again,

They're in the same school,

But different classrooms and schedules

She's able to see him around,

But in seldom moments,

They're strangers again, she's afraid, he didn't know her anymore

She's on her bike one morning, her bike loosen it brakes

She was thrown off at the edge of the Mulberry Road

But he caught her, she ended up on his top,

Eyes bulging, shock and astonishment overflowing,

She ran away, away from everything, denying everything

At end of highschool days came, tears fell from her eyes because,

This is the moment of never seeing him again

College years, she's now in the city to finish a degree

She seldom visits her town,

If she will, she doesn't see him,

She walks underneath the Mulberry Trees and taste its fruits,

Until she reached on the top,

Surprise, because he's there, his black hair swayed by the wind,

The leaves swirling, he stares at her,

And smiles, She elusively smiles back,

Words are too overwhelming so they stayed quiet,

Yet it's comforting, setting their hearts away from their tensions,

He left early, she doesn't know if she'll hold on,

Years passed, she saw him again

Underneath the Mulberry Trees,

Happiness and contentment in his eyes,

She stopped on her tracks,

They changed, they grew apart,

And now, he has with his child,

She smiles as she saw his eyes sparkles,

She was once has a child yet he's in heaven now

And the father left her.

"Hey, he's cute," she says as she approaches and gazes down at the child,

He smiles and pat his child's head, "Hey, kiddo, She's my friend."

"Hi," the kid almost squeaks and smiles.

"Where is your mother?" she asks to his child,

"She's in there," he points to the sky, leaves swirling again,

"Can you be my mother?" he asks, his eyes are hopeful

He and she looks at each other, eyes-smiling,

"Why not?"

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Chapter 1: heyo i can already tell this is gon be a great read i miss myungzy tbh