Chapter 20

Power Of Love

Tiffany's POV

I feel terrible and went to take a rest. I woke up and saw Taeng.. He put a towel on my forehead, telling me I'm running a fever.

Gosh, I'm sick.

Despite being weak, I smile when I see Taeng still cares for me. 

After a while, I woke up again and he fed me the congee he cooked for me. 

We stay silent. But I've so much to say to him. My tongue seems tied up when I look at him. 

"Okay. Have some rest. " Taeng stood up after feeding me. I don't want him to leave.. 

"Taeng.. " I grab his arm when he starts to turn his body, facing the door.

" Can you sleep with me ?.." He look at me. In shock. 

" But Fany.. " 

" Please.." He hesitates for a while then he slowly place the bowl on the sidetable and sit beside me on my bed.

I gave him a tight hug, as if he will vanish after I wake up. I rest my head on his chest. Feeling the up and down movement of his breathing, makes me feel so warmth. I smile to sleep.



Taeyeon's POV


After feeding her, I want her to take a rest. 

"Taeng.. " she grabbed my arm. This is when I realize I miss her so much. I've forgotten how soft her hands are. How smooth are they..

"Can you sleep with me ?.."

WHAT?! Sleep with you?! I mentally slap myself because of dirty thoughts. Urgh, Kim TaeYeon!! 

How can I think such a thing when she's sick?! How can I be such a jerk thinking of all this to someone I love?! I must be crazy..


" But Fany.. " 

" Please.." 

I pause awhile before I agree. Because it's not good to be so close with her now, she belongs to him. She's not mine anymore. I don't want to be the third party..

I went up to bed and felt a strong pair of arms grabbing my waist. Woah, she sure is strong for a sick person.

I didn't push her away or say anything. I kind of love it. I miss everytime we hug. That physical contact.. 

When can I still hug you again, Fany ah..? 

I look down and saw her smiling. I smile too. I place my left arm around her back, side hugging her.

I want to give her a tighter hug but.. It's a bad idea.


I control my emotions and slowly close my eyes. Both of us sleep unknowingly..




I slowly open my eyes and saw a pair of beautiful eyes looking at me, smiling. I smile back and realize our positions did not move at all.

My back aches. " Ah..." I frown a bit. Fany frown with me. How cute.

" Whats wrong Taeng ? " She looks worried.  My heart flutters abit.

" Hah.. nothing. Body aching " I smile at her. It seems like the both of us has forgotten what happen few days ago. 

" Ops. Sorry.. "    She remove her arms around me, which make me feel a little sad. 

I reach out to the side table and took the thermometer.

"Say ahh~" 

She giggle at my sillyness and said "ahh" for me. 

" Hmm, your temperature has gone down. You need to eat fruits now. " I lift up the blanket and put my legs on the floor.

" Taeng.. " She gave me a backhug which make me blush so much.

" Piggyback me downstairs! " She said in her cute voice. My heart is smiling again. I grab her legs and went downstairs.

She play with my hair and pinch my cheeks as I carry her down. Laughters fill the apartment. 


I let go of her on the couch and on the television for her. I walk towards the kitchen and cut some apples and strawberries.

I bring it to the living room after it's done. We watch the television together and time to time, she will feed me playfully.

These moments make me feel like the past. When we are together..


" Taeng, let's go out for dinner !" She act like a baby, pulling my sleeve. I glare at her.

" No. You're sick." and continue to stare at the television. " I'm not!! I've recovered !!!!! Awwww please Taengggggggggg......... "

She continues to act cute, cause my face blush and heat up. Oh my god, I might die if she continues. 

" Okay Okay..  No unhealthy food okay? Go get change." 

" YAY! " She jump up from her couch and give me a peck on my cheek.

My eyes open wide. Feels weird when she kiss me after all those things that happen.

Until she came back to close my mouth for me , then I realize I've been opening my mouth again. How embarrassing.




I smile as we reach the shopping mall, because she has never let go of my hands once we reach.

" Why do you keep smiling?" She look at me with her gorgeous eyes.

" Nothing." 


We reach the restaurant and ate Korean cuisine. After which, Fany wants to go to the beach. The beach.. Sad and happy memories.. Sigh~

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "  She started screaming and shouting at the sea. 

I feel terrible when I see her like this. She looks so troubled. Full of thoughts.

It must be because of us.

" Fany.. " I call out to her as I pull her hand and turn her around.

" I'm sorry.." I saw tears in her eyes. She must be really feeling so devastated.

" I know I shouldn't doubt your love for me. I've never regretted being with you too. I.. I love you. " Both of us deeply stare at each other.

Slowly our gap got smaller and I felt her soft lips on mine. I've miss this taste.


After the long passionate kissing, we went to sit by the beach. The night is so breezy and quiet. So beautiful.

" Fany.. " We sit so comfortably, with me backhugging her. As she rest her head on my shoulder.

" Can you don't marry him ?" I know it's stupid. Their wedding is going to be held soon.

" You know Taeng, ever since my mum pass away, she wants me to listen to my dad. My dad has been taking care of me ever since, I love him so much. "

She pause for awhile and continues..

" It is a choice at first, but.. it's now a promise. "

" Can't you persuade your dad ? " 

" It never works.. but.." 

" But?" I suddenly feel hope in her sentences.

" Nothing is impossible if you try.. " Try? How? My mind flooded with thoughts. How can I stop them getting marry? 

" I have to go back to LA soon .. Dad wants me back.."

" What? Why? "

" He wants me to spend more time with Den.."

Both of us didn't talk anymore. Continue to enjoy the breeze.




Next few days, Fany and I act like we were still together. Going on small dates. Our dorm mates feel happy for us, being together again.

To be honest, I feel uneasy. 

You know if I were Dennis, I will be so angry if my fiancee is having little dates with a guy in another country.

I didn't give her unexpected kisses and hugs. Only she did. I feel so timid after everything had happen.. I feel so useless.


These few days I've been thinking a lot. About us. 


Tomorrow Fany is going back to LA. My heart feels terrible. Just like the first time I heard that she got engaged. She's going to leave me again.

" Taeng.. " She called out to me as I was about to leave her room.

" Hold on. Follow me. " I grab her hand and we both run across the apartment, to my room.

" Fany, you've never been to my room right?  Since you're going back.. I want to let you see my room. "

She look confuse. 

I slowly open the door. I look at her reaction. open wide. I feel proud.

" This.." 

" Yep, I've secretly took many pictures of you.. Aren't you beautiful ? "

" Taeng.. all these are.. the days we haven't got togther.." 

" Ah.. yeah.. Sorry for being such a ert.. haha " I shyly rub my neck, afraid of how she will react.

Surprisingly she smile. She's blushing. I smile too .

" Hold on! " I ran to the windows and counted. " 3, 2, 1 ! " 

I pull down the curtain and reveal a huge image of both of us. Smiling so happily. 

" Woah! Taeng!" 

" Hahaha.. Everynight I wind down the curtain and stare at us. God, I'm so cheesy.. " I start to blush too. Covering my face with my palms.

Then I feel a pair of soft hands pulling down my palm and a soft tender touch on my lips. My tongue slowly enters hers and we both battle in our mouths.

Both of us drop on the bed and cherish the passionate moment together..

But suddenly Fany stop kissing me. " Oh my god Taeng!! " She took my bolster and point at the poster of her face I've pasted on my bolster.

Oh my god!! How embarassing!!!!!!!! 

My face heated up and starts to turn tomato again, unable to face her.

However, I feel the lips back to mine. The whole night we kiss and eventually sleep in each others arms.

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #2
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #3
Chapter 1: Cute first meeting ☺️
Soneisa #4
I like that Seohyun is a guy here, I think this is the first time. Excited 😁
1123 streak #5
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh I'm glad that I found this again I forgot the title so I can't look for it earlier🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 4: i'm going to continue reading this, i like it.
Farfarah0329 #7
Chapter 33: Pleasa make sequel for this
Please×10000000 *Sunny aegyo*
Cutiepiesoshi #8
Chapter 33: U know this story is soooooo great
tipco09 #9
Chapter 33: I cant believe I just discovered this story. I read it in one sitting ans thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you authorshi.
cwright01_ #10
A well written story !! So nice !