Chapter 19

Power Of Love

Jessica's POV


I was watching movie with Yul when I receive a call from LA. It's Fany. She sounded wreck. She seems to be crying. Then she told me everything that had happened in LA. I was shock. I always thought Dennis was just her boyfriend when they were in University and not more than what I expected. So they had been engaged for like more than a year, before she graduated. I totally do not agree with her getting engage with someone she doesn't love and get involved when she's already engaged.

But I no matter what. I have to help her. I've never seen her like this before. Begging for me for help so desperately.

She said that Taeng's coming back to Korea alone, and she will probably only be back the next day.

I promise to help her by having a talk with Taeng. I shall wait for him to come home then.

I was about to sleep after this tiring day with Yul but the phone rang. Urgh !

" HELLO?! " I angrily pick up my phone, speaking in english because I'm too tired to think of how to speak "hello" in hangul..

" Woah baby it's me.. What's wrong?! " It's Yul.

" I was about to sleep.."

" Sorry baby, but I wanna ask if you know what happen to Taeng? He just came back and he look so.. exhausted. His eyes are swollen and.. He totally ignore me and Seohyun.. is Fany back ?"

" He's back? Oh.. Sweetie, Help me get everyone here to the girl's apartment. " I think I need to tell everyone in the house. They should be aware about it, before they speak without thinking.


After gathering and telling the 5 of them about what happen between the two, their reactions were same like mine. Disappointed in Fany for hurting Taeng like this. On the other hand, proud of her for giving Taeng a chance to love her.




It's morning again, Fany texted me and told me her plane will leave at early noon in KST.

I went downstairs and saw everyone sitted at the dining table. Except you-know-who.

" Where's Taeng? " 

Everyone shrugged their shoulders. 

" Must be in his room. I heard cries last night.. the whole night, perhaps. " Sooyoung's room were just beside Taeng.


Gosh, this makes me worried even more. I've never seen Taeng cry before.. Not even Seungyeon leave him.

I made my way to the boy's apartment and up to Taeng's room. I slightly knock the door. No response. I try to turn the knob. It's locked.

I didn't have the keys though. Taeng always keep his own room keys in somewhere I don't even know.

I guess I have to talk to him after he comes out or what. I have to go to work first.




After work, Fany has already reached Korea. I went to pick her up and she ask about Taeng. Obviously he is still in his room. Yul try to persuade him to open the door but to no avail. Fany's eyes are always teary ever since I pick her up from the airport. I've never seen her like this before. God knows how long she has been tearing..


Tiffany's POV


I wanted to see Taeng but Sica wants me to try it tomorrow instead. He has been in his room for a whole day now. The only thing they hear from his room were cries.. Taeng.. Please don't be like this..

I start to cry again once it's time to sleep. Once I close my eyes, I see Taeng walking away from me. I feel so terrible. Feel so empty. Feel so loss.

Feel so hopeless..




3 days have passed. Taeng still stays in his room the whole day. He didn't come out of his room at all. Not even eat. Everyday I sit outside of his room door, hoping he will open the door. I eventually slept along the corridor after awhile. Went back to my apartment once it's around 11pm. And repeated the same routine the next day.

Everything I heard was crying and sound of his fists hitting the wall. Every time I hear them, I start to silently cry outside..

He must be so hurt.. I feel so sorry..




Taeyeon's POV


I lock myself in the room ever since I came back from Korea. Of course I sneak out to eat and drink in the kitchen when it's about 3 to 4 am where everyone's sleeping.

My fist has stains of blood from all the hitting to let out my anger and sadness. So everyday I will change a new bandage in the dark.

I know by locking myself up and hurting is not going to help. I m just cowardly avoiding the reality.


I came out of my room after the 5th day. I dress myself up and went downstairs to the dining hall where the voices come from.

Everyone looked at me in shock. But I avoid their eyes. I saw Fany's feet with the corner of my eyes, since when is she back? 

I walk out of the apartment as I grab 2 breads. I can sense someone's following me behind.

That strong shampoo smell that she use. I know it's her. But she didn't call out to me.

I drove off and look at the rear mirror. She's standing there. Looking at my car driving off. 

I start to cry the whole ride to the police headquarters.


" Come in " I was busy sorting out the reports my inferior summited and trying to keep up with the recent cases when someone knock on the door.

I didn't look up because I was busy looking at all the papers.  " Hi..."

That barbie voice stop me from doing my work. I look up and saw an unexpected guest.  " Sica?"

" Hi..." She said again awkwardly as she took a seat infront of my desk.

" That is unexpected, what brings you here ?" I look back at my papers as I speak.

" You look alright.. " She said softly. I pause my actions.

" I know why you're here. No point, Sica.." I stare at the papers in my hand, unable to face her.

" What do you mean, Kim Tae Yeon? Don't you love her?! " She starts to get angry.

" OF COURSE I LOVE HER! BUT WHAT CAN I DO?! " I raised my voice as I slam the pen I'm holding on to and stare at her. 

Both of us didn't talk. But blankly looking around.

" She loves you Taeng.. " Sica starts to break the silence. I didn't say anything, so she continues.

" She cry everyday because of you. She told me that she had never regret accepting your love. And have never regret that she loves you. You change her life, Taeng. Those days with you made her so happy. Everyday she feel so bliss. "

Sica slowly grab my arm. " She know accepting your love is a wrong thing to begin with. But she doesnt want to let you go. Even if it's just being temporary with you. She wants to have memories of you and her together. She wants to capture all the happy moments in her heart that she has gone through with you. "

"Even now that you know the ugly truth, she came back from LA just to stay by your side. Everyday she sit outside your room, hoping miracles will happen."

" She sit outside my room? " I interrupted Sica as I feel confuse.

" Yes. All your fault ! Why did you run away from the situation by cooping in your room? The whole day she just sat there and wait. I saw her crying a few times when I happen to find Yul."

I feel useless. My heart turns sour again. The last thing I want is to see Fany cry. Because of all this, she has been crying. Why must I be the one who cause the tears of hers? 

" How is she ?" I ask Sica because I start to worry about her.

" Well how would I know ? I hardly see her. I got to work you know? You should find her yourself." Sica sit up and pat on my shoulder.

" Okay, I got to work. If not you will sack me soon enough." She wink at me before she left for Becky's.

Thanks Sica.



I went home at 4plus. All because of my mind filling with Fany. I can't concentrate with my work.

My feet walk towards the girls' apartment naturally once I reached home. Wondering if Fany's home.

I reach outside of her room door. Slightly knock on the door. No response.

Then I slowly turn the knob and walk in. I saw an angelic figure lying on the bed, hugging her pink totoro. That reminds me of that time when I enter her room when she was sleeping, causing so much awkwardness. I smile unconsciously as I remember the sweet moments.

I quietly sit beside the angelic figure, and her hair, caressing her cheeks.

Why is it so hot ? I place my palm on her forehead. Gosh, she's running a fever! I start to panick.

I ran to the toilet in her room and wash her pink face towel. I slowly place it on her head.

" Hmm.." she start to move her body, trying to open her eyes.

" Don't move. You are running a fever."

"Taeng.. ? " She mumble my name. She looks so pale. My heart sank again.

" Wait here okay ? " I run downstairs and get ice packs.

She went back to slumberland again, probably being weak. I replace the face towel with the icepacks and wash the towel.

I slowly rub the towel on her arms and legs. But didn't rub it on her stomach because it's inconvenient. 

Then I went downstairs to cook porridge for her and grab a panadol from the drawer in the kitchen.


I went back up and saw her eyes half open. " Taeng.. " Her arms trying to reach me.

"Come, sit up, I'll feed you porridge" I slowly help her to sit up and blow the porridge on the spoon and feed her. She just looks at me as she eat.

We stay this way, neither of us speak to each other.

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #2
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #3
Chapter 1: Cute first meeting ☺️
Soneisa #4
I like that Seohyun is a guy here, I think this is the first time. Excited 😁
1118 streak #5
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh I'm glad that I found this again I forgot the title so I can't look for it earlier🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 4: i'm going to continue reading this, i like it.
Farfarah0329 #7
Chapter 33: Pleasa make sequel for this
Please×10000000 *Sunny aegyo*
Cutiepiesoshi #8
Chapter 33: U know this story is soooooo great
tipco09 #9
Chapter 33: I cant believe I just discovered this story. I read it in one sitting ans thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you authorshi.
cwright01_ #10
A well written story !! So nice !