Wedding Day

My Sunshine Girl


Chapter 8

            After how many months of preparation, my most awaited day have come. I can’t wait to see him waiting for me at the altar. I know we’re young for this marriage but I know and I can feel how sincere he is to have me. I know how willing he is to change for the better.


Timewas so fast and so as my heartbeat. As I walk down the aisle with my father, I can see how the people inside the church stare at me. Do I look ugly? Did my make-up spoil? Am I wearing my gown incorrectly? I don’t know if this is excitement or nervous. As the ceremony started I can’t stop my self from crying again. I never dreamt about this, I never thought that this could happen to me. My thoughts are flying while the ceremony is ongoing and the only thing I heard was:


“You may now kiss the bride”


Am I that bad not to hear the priests sermon even though he’s just right in front of me?? When I heard of that, tears came rushing down my face again and HongKi used his handkerchief to wipe my tears.


“Stop crying. This is just the beginning of our story.”




“Nado saranghae”



Then he kissed me. That was the sweetest kiss I ever received. Not because he was the one I love but because the Lord was the witness of that kiss and also the witness of that vow.



                                                            **THE END**

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OhYeah. Ayun oh, napost na. Good! Haha :))