Hyuna Loves AGAIN

My Sunshine Girl

  I went to the reserved room and unpacked my things. I chose the bed beside the wall because I feel more comfortable sleeping beside the wall. After unpacking my things I made a tour at the place and also had pictures. After having a quick tour I went to our room and saw HongKi and Hyuna cuddling with each other so I decided not to enter the room. Aish! This girl, she really is broken! Anyway, she’s my best bud that’s why I’ll just understand her needs right now. So, I went at the cafeteria to find some food to eat. While eating, a cute guy sat beside me and chit chatted with me.


“Hi. I’m Nathan.”


“Hi. I’m Kayleigh. Are you staying here?”


“Yes. How about you?”




“So, you are with your…”


“I’m with my friends. Wanna meet them?”


“Are you kidding? Ofcourse!”


“Sure! Oh, here they come.”


“Are they a couple?”



“Oh. I thought they were. They look so perfect together.”


“Yah! We’ve been looking for you, we have something to tell you.”


“What is it? Oh! By the way, Hyuna HongKi meet Nathan. Nathan, this is Hyuna and HongKi.”


“Nice meeting the two of you.”


“Same as well.”


*HongKi smirked*


“So, what it is your gonna tell?”


“HongKi and me are now official!”


“Jeongmal?! Congratulations.”



            I heard a familiar voice calling me. “Kayleigh wake up! It’s dinner…!” I opened my eyes and saw Hyuna beside me. I was asleep for 6 hours and now it’s dinner. I told her that I’ll follow so she went to the cafeteria first with her new namjachinggu. I went at the counter to chose my food and pay. I sat at their table to join them and to talk with them. After eating, we sat at the side of the pool and we talked ‘bout funny things that happened to our life. Suddenly, Nathan appeared out of nowhere and joined us.


            We felt bored so we went at the beach to have a campfire, Hyuna and HongKi sat with each other and that leaves Nathan and me. We also played the Dare Game. We had fun because of the dares. I haven’t noticed that I was asleep at Nathan’s arm. HongKi told him to sleep with us since we have 2 beds and each bed was enough for 2 persons. And since his room was too far from our room, Hyuna and HongKi made the packing of his things so that he could carry me to our room. The light hurts my eyes so I woke up, but I am surprised to see Nathan’s arm at my waist, HE WAS HUGGING ME!!! I took his hand and removed it from my waist. I went to the kitchen of our room and took the pan cake mix at the cabinet. I cooked breakfast for them so that they don’t have to buy at the cafeteria. 

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OhYeah. Ayun oh, napost na. Good! Haha :))