What's going to be happen to us?

What's going to be happen to us?




“Hyukjae, next is photo shot.” The manager said. Hyukjae just nodded, he was getting used to something like this, 24/7 he was working with all his might. He looked out from the running vehicle, it same like that, apparent pictures.  It was like him in past. He looked down, as he remembered, 3 years were nothing.  He’s strong now. He looked to outside the window again, and in a sec he passed the Handel and Gretel and found specific person went out from the café. He glued his hand on the window to ensure that the person was…. , he stopped presuming. It couldn’t be him.  Why he kept thinking about that boy!

He shook his head as the manager opened the door, “Hyukjae, we arrived.” Hyukjae went out and use his sunglasses and walk inside the big building followed by his manager behind him.  “3rd floor, studio 6” The manager explained the place. Hyukjae just keeps walking, not giving a response. Maybe, he was tired being the submissive one.  Being cold, it means no one can disturb him, and he will not afraid for being hurt again. He satisfied with that. 

Arrived at the studio, he opened the door and he was welcomed so warmly. He hates this kind of feeling. He just faked a smile and just went forward to the make-up room. He directly sat down and waiting for the stylist to come, but after 10 minutes waiting, no one came. He growled and took his IPad from his bag and starts to hear songs with his headphone on his both ears. He didn’t hear anything thought, like someone is arrived at the studio too.

He slowly feels sleepy and yawning slowly, before someone poked his shoulder, he turned and found the stylist. He pulled off his headphone and put it back to his bag and get ready.

15 minutes after.

He changed. Now he was wearing some formal suit, it looks like they took the office theme. He felt like a worker in a big company. He chuckled as the manager called him.

“Hyukjae, are you ready? Your partner is ready.” Hyukjae frowned? Partner? He has a partner? Well, he don’t really care, maybe it just some random models. He walked out followed his manager, he was very confident before he saw who is his partner, if his foots can talk, it will said, “We can’t hold you more!” . He felt suddenly weak, suddenly submissive.  He was spacing out before his manager called him again.

“Hyukjae?”  Hyukjae suddenly blinked his eyes rapidly, “Ye-Yes?” He asked.

“The photo shot. Why are you spacing out? Something bothered you? Are you feeling unwell?” Hyukjae shook his head. No, it’s not that. He not-so-accidentally turned to look at his partner and found his partner was staring at him too. He gulped, and grabbed his chest. Why it suddenly hurt? He almost can’t breath to see those black eyes.

“Hyukjae-ssi, the photo shot will start. You, first. “The photographer said. Hyukjae smiled at him and walked there, trying to tell himself that Lee Donghae wasn’t there as his partner.  He starts to pose as the photographer said, and to his own luck, he finished it smoothly. Next, Donghae turns. After him, it was both of them to take a photo shot.

5 minutes after Donghae’s personal photo shot. It’s time for both of them.  Hyukjae walked in as he didn’t care about the stare that Donghae gave to him. He was like a dead meat. Nobody knew that he was shivering right now, because what, he didn’t know. 3 years. Remember,3 years he shouldn’t feel something like this again. He might just forget him. But no.

He not just dislike it, he hate it. The feeling that he keeps for almost 10 years, just for one man, one man that ever be his best friend, Lee Donghae.  Now, he hates the fact that he still felt the same.  He walked closer to a table, the pose is, he was one of the clients and Donghae was the receiver, he needs to stand over the table and have face-to-face with Donghae. It made him want to dig his own grave there.

He stands still over the table, not taking any brave to hang up his head, afraid of Donghae? No, he was afraid of something more.

“Okay, Hyukjae-ssi, you need to act like you’re a friendly client who interesting to invest.” The photographer said. He took a deep breath, before he hang up my head and found that black eyes, directly stared at him, right at his eyes. He gulped, before he heard the photographer counting. He started to prepare myself and when it counted to 3, he smiled like nothing happened. 


He stunned, well, Donghae’s facial expression was unbelievable. He changed so fast too.  It made Hyukjae’s heart beats faster. That smile, what an unfortunate, that it was just a fake smile. Well, his smile is fake one too, but.. He slapped himself, no! Why I’m expecting him to smile like that to me!, he cursed mentally.

“Hyukjae? It’s break time” His manager said. Hyukjae turned around and smiled a little, before his eyes widened to found Donghae was over there, behind his manager and smiled. It’s his smile, but not for him. His heart ached. He grabbed his chest, no, no, no. Why are you like this Hyukjae? He asked himself, as he needs an answer, but he, himself knew what it is. He looks up and found Donghae looked at him with a sad face. His heart ached more.

I love you.

That’s why everything became hurt.  That’s the answer.

He turned to his right, trying to avoid Donghae’s stare, and slowly walked in towards his rest room and locked it. He grabbed his chest as he tried to hold his tears. Moments from 3 years ago start to appear again, the way they disbanded, and the way he hate Donghae for  the first time. He hate it.

Tok tok tok! Hyukjae wipe his tears away and opened the door, before he closed it again. But hefore he can close it perfectly, someone from outside hold the door.

“Wait hyukkie..”

Hyukjae gulped. Why he call him like that? Why “hyukkie” ?! Hyukjae keeps trying to close the door, but the other was so strong.

“What?” Hyukjae asked coldly. Not coldly, he was trying to audibly cold. But hi tears were a big enemy now.

“Please, let me in.” Donghae said, his voice was soft and sad. Hyukjae hold his tears and not just let him in easily. He doesn’t want to be weak again.

“No. I want to take a rest” Hyukjae answered. Donghae sighed deeply, sounded so helpless. And the door can close perfectly. Donghae had released his grip.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you” He said and slowly he took steps away. Hyukjae opened the door and looked a little at the other and he closed the door again. “I’m sorry Donghae” 


A/N : Annyong!! :333 Long time since i updated my story. I've been so busy these days. Sorry *bowing


still, comments are reeeeaaaaaly appreciated!! :DDD


and subscribe if you have time :))


well, at last, see on the next chapter!! 


사 랑 해 요 !!!!

(This Author's note, really.. -______________- )

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NaruRin #1
Chapter 7: Kekeke don't know why but I like your story ... ^^.. Update k...
barani #2
Chapter 7: hyukii is pretty with woman dress... I wish he accepte the offer
please update soon
KcuLL22 #3
Ur too cute author, u should be more proud of urself. Not everybody can write fanfict you know. So keep fighting!
JewelGuy #4
can`t wait....
hyukkie going to be girl
and who going to be hyukkie partner..
Oh, hyukkie's going to be a 'girl' ^^ cute!!
And, u used Yesung's son >o< i like it...
pielover101 #6
Hehehe,Hyukkies gotta wear a dress again like in intimate not,can't wait>w<
cloudy91 #7
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
ChuChu_ #8
Please update >< I love your story :)
Wow.. Eunhyuk became an actor and looked cold, :D ahahaha it's pretty hard for me to imagine it since as i knew our Lee Hyukjae was one of the crying baby in SuJu.. But i like ur story, what happen next?? i'll be waiting..
cloudy91 #10
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!