What's going to be happen to us?

What's going to be happen to us?




No One's P.O.V

Yesung silently walked down to the empty street, the street light really useful for him because the day it’s getting darker. He sighed, he can’t think about anything. What he can think is, just go to Handel and Gretel and sit down.  He kicked some trash and made an audible sound.


Klang! He took a deep breath, “ AAAAAKKHHH!! ! Why this must be happened to us?“ He cursed to nowhere. He grabbed his left chest shirt and squished it hard. What? It’s a numb hurt, he can’t even know what to do, what to say! He was being a bad hyung! He even can’t prevent Leeteuk from this nonsense decision, and the worst he even can not to soothe his own dongsaeng!


He cried silently and suddenly gasped when suddenly someone tapped his back. He turned around to see who and widened his eyes. How could be.

“Si-Siwon-ah, why are you here?” He asked, Siwon just smiled bitterly, for him this kind of situation was the worst thing that ever happened to his life, but seeing his lovely hyung like this, it made this even worst. “I just passed this street and saw you hyung.” He said.


“But it was the opposite way to your destination, if you walk from this way it could make your journey became longer.”  Yesung said, Siwon just smiled gently, the most gentle smile that made Yesung almost forgot all the pain he felt.

“You’re never change hyung, you’re still a very good hyung”

“No.” Yesung said lowly. “Huh? You said something hyung?” Siwon asked. “I’m not a good hyung, I’am a very bad hyung ever!!!” He screamed and cried. He never cried like this, it’s so hurt. Hurt like hell.

“Why you think like that hyung? You’re a very good hyung, look how you still cared about me.” Siwon said in a worried tone. Yesung shook his head, “No! No! Don’t say that. It was a lie!”


“Hyung, relax. It’s okay. No one is angry at you. You’re the best hyung, believe me!” Siwon convinced him. Yesung looked at Siwon, “ Is that true?” Siwon nodded and hug his so fragile looking hyung. How he missed to hug him, to hug the small but gave an unbelievable warmness body that gave him calmness in every depression in his life. Yesung in other way, hug him back and buried his face to Siwon’s broad chest and felt the warmness that the younger gave him, how he love the other’s manly scent, and those big arms that now hug his whole body easily.


Siwon closed his eyes and focused to one voice, his hyung’s sobs. He rubbed Yesung’s back and hugs him tighter, don’t let anything to touch his hyung, he afraid his hyung will broke down and can’t see how much he loved his hyung. This is not just a brotherly love, is more than that. The feeling that made him wants to be with him everywhere, anytime and forever.


Yesung keeps cried, wetting Siwon shirt and hug him tighter.

They keep like that, they let the air brushed all over their body and the warmness that each other’s gave them. From the way, it was the edge of the street, the street light just shine until half of the street and made the edge looked a little bit darker, but still we can see that they are still there, hugged each other. Completed each other.


“I hope we can be like this forever”




I opened my eyes and found me already on my bed. Huh? When I came here? I stood up and search for some drink. I opened the refrigerator and found a box of strawberry milk. I drank it in one sip and threw it to trash bin. I rubbed my head and walked to the living room and found no one. I sat down and found a paper.  A massage? From? I tried to search who sent me this but, nothing written on it. I turned it and found a short massage.


“Hyukjae, please take care of yourself. Don’t let yourself down. Keep running! Hwaiting!!

P.S : If you’re hungry I made some food for you. Me and Ryeo made it. Eat it okay?”

I bit my lips, it’s from Sungmin-hyung and Ryeowook. I’m sure. It must be them who brought me here too. I folded the paper and slip it into the newspaper. I started to rip the newspaper and form it into a paper airplane.


I stood up and opened the window, in one second I threw the paper airplane and it flew away. I looked blankly to the busiest city in the world. Seoul. It’s still morning, the sun still shy to shine brightly, the air still blew coldly, and slowly the sparkled city turned down. The city lights start to turn off one by one.


I sighed, how lonely I am now. I turned and saw my lovely living room, usually this kind of time, Shindong and Sungmin-hyung were already here. Cooked me some ramen or anything for my breakfast. And it would be so noisy. Because Shindong-hyung keeps eating the ingredients, and it made Sungmin-hyung mad. And I would laugh or just followed Sungmin-hyung to be mad at Shingdong-hyung.


I chuckled, remembering that sweet time. But now, there was no one. I walked towards my kitchen and found some instant ramen and some kimchi soup. I moved closer and found it smells so delicious. I started to eat it one by one. Peaceful morning for someone like me.



Brakk!! I looked up to the source of the sound. My main door. I stood up and try to see what happen and widened my eyes. Reporter! Oh my God, it’s so crowd!


“Lee Hyukjae-ssi, please come out! We need some confirmation about your separated group!” I heard one of them screamed. I ran to my room and locked it and closed my ears. No! No! I don’t want to say anything!!




“Hyukjae-ssi..!! Open the door please!!” I covered my ears and my tears start rolled down.


“NO!!” I screamed. 




A/N : 2nd Chapter :DDDD Hope you like it ><

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NaruRin #1
Chapter 7: Kekeke don't know why but I like your story ... ^^.. Update k...
barani #2
Chapter 7: hyukii is pretty with woman dress... I wish he accepte the offer
please update soon
KcuLL22 #3
Ur too cute author, u should be more proud of urself. Not everybody can write fanfict you know. So keep fighting!
JewelGuy #4
can`t wait....
hyukkie going to be girl
and who going to be hyukkie partner..
Oh, hyukkie's going to be a 'girl' ^^ cute!!
And, u used Yesung's son >o< i like it...
pielover101 #6
Hehehe,Hyukkies gotta wear a dress again like in intimate not,can't wait>w<
cloudy91 #7
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
ChuChu_ #8
Please update >< I love your story :)
Wow.. Eunhyuk became an actor and looked cold, :D ahahaha it's pretty hard for me to imagine it since as i knew our Lee Hyukjae was one of the crying baby in SuJu.. But i like ur story, what happen next?? i'll be waiting..
cloudy91 #10
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!