What's going to be happen to us?

What's going to be happen to us?





No One’s P.O.V


3 days after.


“We confirmed the rumor about Super Junior. The rumor is true. We…”


“Why do you turn off the TV?” He asked, the said man just turned around and threw the remote to the other male. The other just catches it and stared at the other male confusedly. “What’s wrong with you?”


The brunette just shook his head and ready to go.

“Where are you going? Did you know the news before? If you go out now it would caused a big problem!” The older male said. The brunette just ignored it and went out with his sunglasses on his eyes to cover his face. The older just sighed in how careless this handsome brunette can be.




The brunette walked. Many people stared at him, but he didn’t care. He just has one to care about. He went to a coffee shop and ordered something. Not long after that, a male came towards him.


“What do you want?”

The brunette just smiled bitterly and took out a lunch box and gave it towards the other male.

“For what?” The other male asked.

“Please give this to him.” The brunette said in a sad tone.

“Why me? You can just give it by yourself.”

The brunette just shook his head, “ No, I can’t.”


“He hates me.” There was a sad tone inside his words.

“How do you know?”

“It was 4 days ago.” The brunette paused, the other male just sighed. Remembered those things made him dizzy. “I heard him said that.”

“It’s because the situation. Not because of you.”  The other convinced him. He just shook his head.


“Please just give this to him. Don’t say it from me. Please. Hyung, jaebal.” He said in pleaded tone. The older just sighed and nodded his head, “Just this time”

And a smile appeared from the younger lips.




Yesung walked off to someone place to give him a lunch box. Yesung just shook his head at how awkward his dongsaeng could be. He can’t even know. He walked slowly, it’s still 11 am, one more hour to have a lunch. He looked down to see his foots walked step by step. And he thought, how his foots can be here? He chuckled. And suddenly stopped, he looked to the crowd and found there was a filming. He directly remembered someone significant. He smiled and shook his head.


How come he thought about Siwon and hoped that the one who filming there was Siwon. So, if it was Siwon, what could he do? They’re not Super Junior anymore. He walked without paying attention to the filming session and without knowing someone saw him.


“Hyung.” Yesung stopped when he suddenly heard a familiar voice. He turned back and found Siwon. He got surprised. Of course, he just thought about Siwon and Siwon was in front of him.


“He-Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Filming” He said and smiled. Yesung just nodded his head and formed an ‘O’ from his small mouth. “What do you bring there hyung?” He asked. Yesung just remembered that he must send this to someone.


“Oh, lunch box.” Yesung said.

“For?” Siwon asked curiously. Yesung just smiled bitterly, “For Hyukjae.” Siwon frowned, “Hyukjae?”

Yesung nodded.

“Can I go with you?” Siwon asked. Yesung stared awhile before nodded as he thought “what’s wrong if I bring him?”.

“But your filming?” Yesung remembered. Siwon smiled, “I’m in a break time.”

And then they walked off. 



A/N : This is boring :( sorry. But I'm trying to update soon!!! 

O yeah, Thanks for the first subscriber!! I love you :333

I hope more subscriber :D

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NaruRin #1
Chapter 7: Kekeke don't know why but I like your story ... ^^.. Update k...
barani #2
Chapter 7: hyukii is pretty with woman dress... I wish he accepte the offer
please update soon
KcuLL22 #3
Ur too cute author, u should be more proud of urself. Not everybody can write fanfict you know. So keep fighting!
JewelGuy #4
can`t wait....
hyukkie going to be girl
and who going to be hyukkie partner..
Oh, hyukkie's going to be a 'girl' ^^ cute!!
And, u used Yesung's son >o< i like it...
pielover101 #6
Hehehe,Hyukkies gotta wear a dress again like in intimate not,can't wait>w<
cloudy91 #7
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
ChuChu_ #8
Please update >< I love your story :)
Wow.. Eunhyuk became an actor and looked cold, :D ahahaha it's pretty hard for me to imagine it since as i knew our Lee Hyukjae was one of the crying baby in SuJu.. But i like ur story, what happen next?? i'll be waiting..
cloudy91 #10
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!