A Big Misunderstanding

yuri-istic approach

PS : taeyeon and tiffany scene in this chap is a 3rd person pov. if you prefer the first person pov just like the previous chapters, then just tell me. anyway, enjoy.

Warning: yuri had a nosebleed.

And oh, you guys know this fic is purely just for HUMOUR right?

P.S again : excuse me for my grammatical error. i didn't proofread my works. :P


Augh, fine Fany-ah, if you’re not going end this senseless argument I’m going to kiss Jeshika!”


The three of us screamed in unison, clearly shocked at the words that came out of Taeyeon’s mouth. Then unexpectedly(or something that you would have expected from the sergeant behind the shorter girl’s back)---Sica violently whacked Taeyeon on the back of her head, knocking her down on the floor.

Oh my Gosh! Tete!” Tiffany gasped as she heedlessly rushed to Taeyeon’s side. Tiffany held her seobangs’ head on her lap while she lightly tapped the midget’s cheeks.

Taeyeon had lost consciousness. Oh My God.

Yah Sica-yah! What did you do to Tete?!”

Put her to sleep?” Sica blankly looked down on the two of them before she turned to face me---paralyzing my whole body with her icy stare. Tiffany’s wails got drowned at the loud, fast and unrhythmic beating of my heart when Sica took gigantic strides towards my direction. ‘Run devil devil run run…’

Ow ow ow!” I yelped in pain as Sica mercilessly pulled me by my ear as soon as I was within her reach and dragged me outside, leaving Tiffany and Taeyeon by themselves in my room.

Sica baby my ear!” I whined helplessly as my ears felt like it was going to rip apart from her hold.

Don’t call me baby!” Sica snapped without turning her head to me. Just when I thought that my ear was going to get ripped for real, Sica abruptly stopped midway in the hallway and let go of her hold but before it could sink in on my head, she gave me a full blown punch on my face that my priceless blood trickled down from my nose and I fell on my back with a bone breaking impact on the floor.


Sica yelled at me before she stomped back to her room.

Wha- what the?!’


How dare you trick me!”

Tiffany was furiously whacking Taeyeon with a pillow while the shorter girl was busy parrying the blow with another pillow.

The moment Sica and Yuri had gone out of the room, Taeyeon immediately sprung up and dashed towards the door, leaving Tiffany dumbfounded as the shorter girl locked the door from the inside. Tiffany had no means of getting out of the room as Taeyeon was the only one who knew the combination of the numbers to unlock the door.

When it finally dawned on Tiffany that Taeyeon had conspired with Jessica to do their little act(even if the spanking seemed a little too real) , she fumed madly at the realization that she fell for it. She actually got worried about Taeyeon when she saw her lying immobile on the floor that she threw away everything on her mind concerning about hurting her(Taeyeon), making Jessica jealous(if ever), and exacting her revenge to Yuri by putting her in a life-threatening situation.

No, she wasn't joking. She was really thinking something as evil as that.

It’s because you are being stubborn again Fany-ah! What the heck were you thinking clinging to Yuri and saying stuffs that you like her?! ” Taeyeon shot back as she blocked Tiffany’s swing of the pillow on her left side before she made a swift motion of going behind the other girl’s back , keeping a safe distance between them just in case the infuriated girl started to attack her again.

Tiffany huffed as she turned around, clearly riled up that Taeyeon got away from her. She glared at the shorter girl with an accusing look although Taeyeon caught a streak of hurt that crossed her girlfriend’s eyes.

I’m not being stubborn. This is your entire fault! “

My fault?! I did nothing wrong!”

You did nothing wrong?! You just cheated on me and you tell me that there’s nothing wrong with it! Who was that guy that you met this morning?! Don’t tell me he was your Father from the past who used a freaking time machine to look so young? “Tiffany sarcastically said, veins popping out from her forehead, leaving Taeyeon bewildered that she could only gape as Tiffany continued to ramble on. “Yeah, most likely that he was your Father. You leisurely strolled at the park, took rides in amusement park, ate at a five-star restaurant, went to a jewelry shop to buy what? A fried chicken?! It’s perfectly normal for a father and daughter to do all of that so there was ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with it! “

Recovering from her appalled state at Tiffany’s outburst, Taeyeon stuttered while beads of sweats formed on her forehead. “Y-you sta- stalked after me?”

Of course, I didn’t!” Tiffany derisively gibed as she raised the pillow and threw it to Taeyeon who--- due to the untimely lagging of her brain--- wasn’t able to react quickly and got duped in the face, making her fall on her .


Explanation on why Taeyeon fell down.

(Okay, Tiffany had a sudden adrenaline rush compared to her catfight with Yuri. Her power increased by 100%. However, Taeyeon’s energy had been drained. Whats with Yuri and Sica? xDD. Aside from that, I tend to exaggerate. Haha)


Tiffany scoffed and went on to rant again, enraged that Taeyeon’s reaction was that of someone who got caught red-handed. “Even if I love you as much as I love pin---‘

My God Tiffany, that guy was Siwon!”

Taeyeon exasperatedly exclaimed before she could hear anything further from Tiffany’s mouth. Whenever she was being compared to pink----Tiffany’s indisputable sacred color---she’d prefer not to think about it.

W-what? S-siwon oppa?” Tiffany croaked and stared dumbfounded at Taeyeon--- forgetting whatever verdict she was going to deliver at the fit of her anger.

Oh yes, how could you have not recognized your own brother? “Taeyeon groaned as she stood up on her feet. She kicked the two pillows under the bed so that Tiffany would not attempt to use them if ever she decided to beat her up again. Her head was still throbbing from Sica’s hit and she didn’t want Tiffany to add up to it.

But Siwon Oppa doesn’t have long hair! And---wait---don’t tell me that you and oppa have a relationship?!”

My God Fany! Hyo’s gonna kill me if she ever heard you say that! Have you forgotten her ‘Death to the bit** who touches my guy motto?! I never wanted to be that bit** for God sake! And if you’re asking me about his hair, beats me, I was quite shocked myself when I saw him. If you still won’t believe me, here, just call him!”

Taeyeon mindlessly dug her cellphone from her pocket but to her great horror, a small box slipped out from her pocket the same time she took out her phone. It made a thumping sound as it rolled on the floor, as if it wanted its presence to be known.

Which was what exactly happened.

Tiffany raised her eyebrow as she stared at the square box lying in front of her. She walked towards it and bent over to pick it up, completely oblivious to Taeyeon’s dreadful face.

She scrutinized the box for a moment, then her eyes lit up and a big smile formed on her lips. She fumbled with unwrapping the ribbon for a moment but before she could open it, Taeyeon hastily snatched it away from her. “Yah! Don’t open it!”

Tiffany ignored Taeyeon’s tone of voice as she was too caught up with the thought that was running wildly in her head. Everything would make sense--- the date, the amusement park, the jewelry shop---added to the fact that Taeyeon just admitted that it was her brother--- it was just a misunderstanding on her part all along.

Why should not I?! It’s for me right?! You asked Oppa to practice with you on how you would spend the day with me before giving the ring---Oh no! I just spoiled it but still—‘

Stop! Stop Fany-ah! You got it the wrong way!” Taeyeon interrupted. She avoided Tiffany’s shocked and questioning stare as she continued---her words being spoken in a rushed manner. “Okay before you say anything let me finish first. Everything you have said is partially true, however, it was actually Siwon Oppa who had asked for my service.” Taeyeon turned hesitant as she finally made contact with Tiffany’s eyes. “And please, don’t tell Hyo about it---or anyone else for that matter! It was supposed to be a secret!”

Tiffany scrunched her face and her tone was laced with doubt. “Is that for real it? But he should have asked me instead of you!” She eyed the thing that the shorter girl was tightly clutching—refusing to believe everything Taeyeon had said although deep inside her, disappointment was slowly eating her away.” And why do you have that ring?”

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and snorted. “Oh please Tiffany, you would just get him embarrassed in front of all the people. You never watch your mouth. And this ring here? Siwon Oppa had told me to keep safe it until the time when he was going to give it to Hyoyeon. Am I cleared of now?”

Bu--- but---‘

Fany-ah. “ Taeyeon crossed her arms and looked stoutly at Tiffany. “Don’t make anymore fuss about it. More important than that, don’t you think we need to go after those two and explain things to Jessica? As much as I wanted Yuri to get bashed up, I won’t be able to stand the thought of Je---‘ Taeyeon abruptly stopped and cleared before she continued in a rather awkward manner. ”--- the thought of Jessica punishing Yuri for no reason at all. You just used her to get revenge on me right?”

Tiffany, who had her head hung low, mumbled something unintelligible before she slowly lifted her head and smiled widely at Taeyeon, her eyes and lips forming a perfect crescent moon that Taeyeon got her breath knocked off in awe for a moment---only for just a moment until Tiffany’s mouth opened.

Oh Yuri? Don’t worry about her. I’m pretty sure Jessie won’t be able to kill her. However you, Kim Taeyeon, you better pray for your life!”





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lhu6699 #1
Chapter 4: Wat happened to yulsic???
Lolz...may God help Taeyeon so she would survive HellFany's wrath xD

Oww...that gotta hurt poor Yuri she literally got a bleeding nose. HellSica's punch must be as strong as Falcon punch hahaha

More updates Author-shi
Chapter 5: ohh yulsic please?XD hahahha taeny is so so cute XD
Chapter 5: wohohoho. Yul will die of hemorrhage. xD
PJParalejas #5
Chapter 5: More yulsic authorssi
lilkjungie #6
Chapter 5: poor yuri ..
update soon :D
MinMin09 #7
Chapter 5: Hahahaha...Poor Yuri...shm
Sica will punish her becoz of Fanys evil plan...
Fany help Yuri or else she will be doomed...
TaengSic go KISS..
what the hell are you thinking author-shi...if you want to make Jessica to be jealous, use another character not Tiffany!!!!!
i want TaeNy to be all lovey-dovey couple here...
LuvSica #9
Will Taengsic kiss? Amazing! hahaha
.haha.tiff want them to get jealous.taengsic will kiss?oh my. yuri might get insane..