
yuri-istic approach

I watched silently and with unnerving anticipation as Heechul put on his overall and walked over to Sica who was standing at the front door, waiting for him with a smile. Heechul was about to leave now since it’s already 6 in the evening.

My goodness, he should have had left earlier than that.

He’s been here in our house for almost 8 hours! Well technically, this is Taeyeon’s house but since we all live here, it’s just appropriate for me to say that this is ours. Anybody got a problem with that?

I even had to cook for that guy during lunchtime. Aish, I would not have minded it if it was only for Sica but to include him?

I should have had put poison when I served his food for him. Or sleeping pills that’s effective for 10 years. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any of those two.

I had myself hidden at the kitchen spying on them, taking a peek behind the door. The kitchen was directly connected to the living room where they spent their whole time together. Yeah, so that should explain why I’m here in this desolated kitchen right?

I had been casually going back and forth from my room to the kitchen since Heechul arrived. I had to make sure he didn’t do anything erted to Sica – (as myself was the only one allowable to do that)-just he try, he’ll get a good taste of my PCP(erseness that calls for a punch).

But to my utter relief and annoyance, he was being a gentleman all throughout.

What bothered me a lot more was that he managed to keep Sica talking to him. She was never the type to talk a lot and having her to converse with him and even to laugh?

He’s so lucky I had my baby SR25 mod locked in a safety vault or else he would have become a scrapped princess prince. Just don’t ask me why I had a baby like that, it’s a freaking secret.

This was one of the days that I fervently wished that everybody was here. I wouldn’t mind the noise at all nor the mess the house would become because of them. I would not even complain even if they would make me their slave for a day. As long as they were here, Sica and Heechul wouldn’t be left alone for themselves!

Heechul might be frequenting our house for the past four days but nobody really bothered to strike up a conversation with him except for Sica. The other occupants of this house were just minding their own business but at times, they would talk to Heechul with a little subtle instigation from me.


“Yuri, what’s that?”

Sica glared at me suspiciously when I approached her with a tray full of nicely cut up variety of fruits while Heechul smiled at me that I had no choice but to force my lips to twitch into a smile---(I felt like a hypocrite acting nice to this man when all I wanted to do was to wrestle him to death)--- in return before I stupidly replied to Sica.


Oops. Wrong Answer. I-I just said something that was so freaking obvious, didn’t I?

I gulped nervously as Sica glared at me---yet again--- with a duh-I-can-see-that-you-know look but before she could say anything Heechul beat her to it.

“Those are apples, oranges, grapes and strawberry.” The pretty boy added helpfully, as if he really thought that Sica didn’t know what I was holding.

I suddenly felt chill ran down my spine when the aura around general Jessica turned dangerously colder ,fogs were rising up from the ice princess body---giving the effect like that of a dry ice.

Heechul must have felt it too---the sudden abnormal change of temperature in the living room---as he rubbed his arms with his hands. However, for some kind of miracle, the coldness that was penetrating around us got dispersed almost instantly.

WTH! Was this really happening?!

I stared wide-eyed at Sica who closed her eyes shut as she inhaled and exhaled a huge amount of air to get hold of her temper---what’s with the two people that just made her look like a dumb blonde--- before she excruciatingly explained nicely to her fellow dumb blonde Heechul.

“Of course Oppa. But you see, our table here is already full of any sorts of foods imaginable--- snacks, cakes, etc ---that I doubt there would be any space left on it for the fruits.” Sica paused then turned to me, blinding me with her bright smile. “Yuri-yah, do we look like gluttons to you?”

I swore I would have fainted with that Emmy award winning smile of hers if not for the crooked twist at the end of her lips and her sweet and cute voice that was contrasting her words. Oh crap. It’s none other than her famous SRS (Sica’s Reverse Sarcasm). Instead of saying nice words with biting tone--- Sica liked to do it otherwise. OMG. The sergeant was giving me a warning.

I knew I’m endangering myself doing things like this----but for the sake of the success of my operation---I must persevere!

“You were never one Sica baby!”'Maybe that guy beside you'. I exclaimed out half-lied in defense. “I was just making sure that you guys---‘


Heechul blurted out---intervening me from my own speech---while staring incredulously at Sica then to me. Honestly, that made me want to poke out his eyes.

However, my attention went back to Sica who I swore had a faint crimson red tainting her cheeks---either from embarrassment or not --- I didn’t have the faintest idea as she explained hurriedly to Heechul like she didn’t want the guy to think anything about it. “Don’t mind it. It was only—‘

“You see, Yuri is Jessie’s seobang. They call each other with nicknames. I hope you don’t mind that Oppa.”

Tiffany, who had just descended from the stairs, quipped in—effectively cutting Sica off and when our eyes met, she gave me a quick wink which wasn’t really noticeable since her eyes were already forming crescent moons.


The ever eye-smiling mushroom ignored Sica’s protest as she greeted Heechul.” Hi Heechul oppa. I hope Jessie doesn’t bore you.”

Heechul scratched his head and smiled awkwardly. “Uh---it’s fine with me. Actually, I find it rather cute and no, I would never get bored around with Jessica.”

This guy is so---so---aish. Just because Sica was frequenting the bookstore that he owned does not mean that he has the right to call her by her name intimately. Uh- Sica might have allowed it---but still!

To add to my sulking, Sica smiled at Heechul’s remark, rolled her eyes at Tiffany while she puckered her eyebrows at me. Why do I always get the worst reaction from her?! Aren’t we bestfriends?!

”Yuri, you can put that.” Sica said coldly as her glaring eyes shifted at the tray I was holding before she continued.” on the table and go, if you may.”
Wow, she did not scream ‘N.O.W NOW!’?

Tiffany snickered behind me while I pouted at Sica. She’s choosing this ---this---this chalk paled pretty boy over me?!

Eventually I did as I was ordered because for one, I could never ever go against my sergeant’s words. It didn’t even help that my supposed-to-be -comrade-in-arms Tiffany was annoying me with her hands patting my back like I was some kind of child that was denied with a lollipop.

However, my spirit skyrocketed in the instant I heard a rather excited and boisterous voice echoing around the living room. “I smell food!”

I tried hard to suppress my grin as I stared ‘shocked’ at Sooyoung who was running ---as in running literally--- towards us. It was obvious that she had just woken up; her hair was still messy, her eyes were puffy and she was still wearing her pj.

I mentally jumped with happiness as my most awaited ‘ace’ had finally shown herself up. Took her long enough to wake up though. Aish, that’s what she gets for partying till morning at a club. However, I’m not going to complain about it. Not now as The Goddess of Food makes her appearance!

I could not even be more happier when Sooyoung squeezed herself at the pretty ample space between Sica and Heechul---causing a discomfort atmosphere around the room. If it were the typical Sica, she would have had surely shrieked and beaten the living daylight out of Sooyoung but since Heechul was present, she could never do that and Sooyoung was just too happy to take advantage of the situation.

The shikshin did not even bother to greet us as she started to gobble up every food present at the table. It was only after a while that she noticed the eerily quietness of the room that she stopped stuffing and stared at Heechul, then to Tiffany, then to me, and at last to Sica.

“Oh, don’t mind me. Just continue talking like I’m not here at all.”

Another silence filled the room until a nerve wrecking laugh exploded behind me.


All eyes including mine turned behind me---as there was a witch whose identification goes by the name of Tiffany Hwang unabashedly turned into a laughing machine while clutching her stomach hard. It was pretty obvious that she was holding her laughter for quite a while as it seemed it would not subside any moment from now.

No wonder why Tiffany was quiet the whole time, she had this inner battle with herself that she inevitably lost to. That one nonsense remark from Sooyoung blew it all up. How could Sica and Heechul not mind her when she’s practically blocking those two’s view of each other?

God knows how I wanted to crack up like Tiffany but I have manners---uh okay---scratch that. I was more like afraid of Sica’s reaction who by now was glaring bullets at Tiffany.

However, the witch who was laughing uncontrollably was really clever; she avoided meeting Sica’s deadly icy glare and whispered to me. "Good job, Kwon Yul."

She burst into a fit of laughter again as she excused herself---her feet were already leading her to the front door. “Guys, I gotta go! Taetae is waiting for me.”

And before anyone could react, she slammed the door while cackling like a crazy witch. Uh okay, that habit of not waiting up for others response sure was Tiffany’s although I’m not sure about her cackling. I thought only Yoona could cackle like that, guess I was wrong.

“Seriously, what’s wrong with her?”

I turned my attention back to Sooyoung who was wearing a clueless expression on her face but nonetheless, was starting to stuff with food---again.

“Nothing’s wrong with her--- but you Choi Sooyoung is the wrong one here. Can you please eat somewhere else---better yet eat with Yuri--- because Oppa and I are having a PRIVATE talk? ”

Omona, this is the second time Sica is driving me away!

Somebody give me a rope! I’m going to hang---Heechul! Duh, I’m not going to commit suicide, only murder. Seriously.


I vigorously shook my head to get rid of the psychotic thoughts that were invading my mind. I really need to visit a psychologist one of these days.

I focused my attention back to Sica who was obviously restraining herself to snap at Sooyoung. I bet she would have said something more like aren’t you a bit ashamed that you had not even taken your shower and yet you have the guts to in here like this, but Sica seemed to have minded her manners nowadays---especially in front of Heechul. Aish. How could my princess be so enduring just for this guy!

“What?! You’re shooing me away?! You can shoo Yuri away but not me! “ Sooyoung blurted out.

'Yah shikshin! Is this how you thank me for preparing all these food just for you!’

As much as I wanted to spank Sooyung, I could not. After all, she’s doing me a favor. But I, Kwon Yuri, will remember this day Choi Sooyoung! You’ll gonna regret eve----

I abruptly stopped doing my inner swearing when I noticed Sica wiping her poker face with a table napkin. I would have not known what really happened if Sooyoung didn’t turn to Heechul and started whining. “ Oppa-pa-pa-pa-pa! You don’t mind me being here righ, riiiight?! “

I swore I would have exploded with laughter ---like what happened to Tiffany---if I had not bitten my lips to stop myself in time. My body was trembling so much that I might look like someone who was under the attack of epilepsy.

I get it now.

Heechul’s face had been fired with whatever Sooyoung was eating at the moment and it really was gross---it was most likely what happened to Sica as well. That should remind me not to talk to Sooyoung when she’s in her shikshin mode.

Heechul looked offended but he only smiled awkwardly as he took a hanky from his jeans pocket and wiped his face, which went unnoticed by Sooyoung who did not wait for his reply and turned again to Sica.

“See Sica, Oppa was okay with it so let me eat first. I’m really hungry. Just think of this as your compensation for all the bruta---'

Sica had stuffed a piece of mandu on Sooyoung’s mouth to refrain her from saying anything further or rather to avoid being spat again by the tidbits on Sooyoungs mouth. She sighed heavily in defeat but then, she jerked her head towards me with fiery cold eyes that out of reflex, I averted my eyes on the ceiling above --- beads of sweats were starting to form on my forehead.

I knew too well that stare---she had the whole ordeal blamed on me and she was already contemplating on what kind of punishment she would love to impose on the number one GorJess spazzer---who was none other than me. Not you guys, duh.

I cleared my throat as I slowly inched away from them, all the while avoiding Sica’s glare. It’s not safe for me to stay here any longer---besides, Sooyoung as the shikshin that she was would never leave her place unless there was no more food left for her to consume. Which would not happen any sooner now because of all the foods I had prepared for this sole purpose.

Since Operation Lure the Shikshin was a success, I can now go buy stuffs and most of all groceries ---which was really a necessity because our ref was already empty and our stocks of food were wiped out during these last four days---without freaking out at the thought of Sica and Heechul just by themselves, away from my prying eyes.

I excused myself hurriedly---but without forgetting to mention my most favorite 2 words just to brag at Heechul. “Sica baby, I gotta go buy groceries now. But I’ll be back to cook you lunch. Bye Sooyoungie, die Oppa- I mean bye Oppa!”

End of Flashback

Aish, if only Sooyung was still here. However, she went back to her hometown this morning after receiving a call from her parents and dragged the poor Sunny bunny along with her. She told me that an eat all you can festival was being held in her hometown and being a shikshin that she was, she could not possibly miss that. But even without her telling me, I knew she also wanted to avoid Sica for ticking the princess off yesterday.

As for me, I was already forgiven since I gave her the has-not-been- released-yet novel she had been eyeing for since its publication was announced. Let’s just say I have connections, eh? Hah, even Heechul was surprised when Sica showed it to him this morning.

I gave it to her after Heechul left the house last night---sparing myself, Tiffany and most of all Sooyoung from Sica’s royal decree of punishment. But knowing Sica, I knew, sooner or later she’ll gonna use what happened yesterday to her advantage. Tsk.

Sooyoung better enjoy her stay there while she can. Aish. That makes me remember, why did she bring Sunny with her?!She should have had went by herself. I would not have this kind delirium if she did not drag Sunny with her.


“ Sunny-ah, why don’t you play on your gaming room? Whatever you are playing is very noisy and it’s quite distracting.”

Sica, who could not stand the noise being emitted by the device Sunny had been tapping her hands on, finally spoke up to the game freak who was sitting at the adjoining sofa to where she and Heechul were having their conversation. It didn’t even help that Sunny was screaming whenever she gets hyped at the game she was playing.

“No can do. Yuri is blasting her music in there and my PSP can’t compete with her sound. I hate it when I can’t hear a sound from what I am playing.” Sunny answered matter-of-factly, not even once taking her eyes off from the gaming platform in front of her.

“Why don’t you go upstairs?”

“ Nu-uh. Taeyeon and Tiffany are there.”


No, Sooyoung is there. I don’t like the sound she makes while eating.”


“You know I easily get drunk even with just a smell.”


“I’m allergic to flowers.”

Sica was getting frustrated that her ears were getting red; if only Sunny would look at Sica, she would have surely left that instant but no, she’s busy with her game that she couldn’t even lift her head up.

“Then can you lower down the volume and just---don’t scream?”

“The volume is already fixed. For the screaming-I’ll try---whooo! Yes! Take that!”

Sunny hollered out excitedly while kicking her foot high in the air. It seemed she really tried. Good try there Bunny.

I could not see Sica’s reaction since they had their back on me except for Sunny who had a side view from where I was hiding. I was taking a peek at them from behind the entrance of the hallway leading to our rooms and to the gaming/entertainment room since Sunny stormed out into where Sica and Heechul were currently at.

I could only tell that Sica was fuming because of the redness of her ears---I had keen eyes, deal with it---and after a moment of without saying anything, Sica abruptly stood up that I scrambled to my feet before she could catch me. I hurriedly dashed to the room where I was supposed to be, dancing while blasting the music off.

It’s obvious that Sica was going to confront me but I locked the room to be able to avoid it. A few seconds after I entered the room, the knob was already twisting. No doubt Sica was trying to open the door and maybe expecting me to notice that somebody was adamant to enter the room---but since Sunny told her that I was blasting my music in here, I could always reason out that I was busy dancing, plus the music was really loud so I never took notice of it. The room was sound-proof so yeah, nobody outside would know if it was true or not.

The key for the room was being kept by Taeyeon and based on Sunny’s account, the ahjumma couldn’t be disturbed for now. However, if Sica’s gonna scream—a Guinness of Book Record breaking scream --- I won’t have any reason for not being able to hear it but since she would dare not…Heh.

‘Kwon Yul, you’re such a genius.’

End of Flashback


 Just my luck today.

Even Yoona and Seohyun weren’t here too. They were on a vacation since last week. They hadn’t even met Heechul in personal. What’s worse, they won’t be back until next week.

It would really be great if they were here since they always interrogate every guy who wanted to court Jessica. Those two were actually very effective in scaring guys away. No one dared to come back after going over their endless questions.

To make things clear here, I hadn’t told our maknaes my feelings towards Jessica; they were doing it on their own accord.
Being protective of their unnie. I’m proud of those two!

As for Hyoyeon, she went out with her boyfriend for a date this morning too. I bet she would not be home today. She’ll be spending her night with her boyfriend again. Aish, that girl.

Even Taeyeon had to go early too but she didn’t tell me where she was going to.

While Tiffany---that mushroom became paranoid. She stalked after Taeyeon when she learnt that her seobang went out without telling her anything about it.
Oh yeah, before I forgot, did I mention that those two were already a couple? If not, then better believe it now. As in N.O.W!

Aish. I was really envious of that mushroom.

She was so bold when she admitted her love for Taeyeon. What’s more, Taeng readily accepted her love. However, it’s nothing to wonder about. Those two were very obvious to start with.

Okay to cut the story short, only me and Jessica were left in our house, having all the time by ourselves, until Heechul arrived. Sica had to leave me all by myself since she had to entertain him.

How I hate that guy.

It’s been a routine since four days ago, when he started to court my baby. But since there were other nosy people back then, they weren’t really given a chance to be by themselves.

Heechul could not bring Sica outside because the ice princess for one, never really liked going out. Two, he still needed to warm up to her to be able to get her heart.

And I really think that he was making a good progress in melting Sica’s heart. ‘No freaking way!’

He must have more luck than the other guys before. My oblivious accomplices weren’t here to make him realize that he had no future with Sica.

Sica even warned me not to do anything that would disrupt their conversation just like the other days--- along with her famous icy glare that had left me with no choice but to stay away from them. Going around the house was fine but I was prohibited from joining them. Can you believe that?!

So yeah, they did have a good time together. Heechul was even smiling like he won a lottery or something like his mother who was long dead rose up from her graveyard?

But that smile of his would abruptly leave his face with what’s going to happen in a moment he would come closer to Sica with his accursed overall on.

You see, the reason I was here at the kitchen aside from spying on the two of them was to witness firsthand the crushed expression on Heechul’s face and to make sure he’ll never come back here again. I felt sorry for him since he seemed to be a good guy but I couldn’t let my Sica baby go to him.

I had called master Fany and asked for her advice on how to get rid of Heechul.

She was the only one who knew my feelings towards Sica and the only one whom I asked for help if I ran out of ideas. I consider her the greatest tactician of all times. Her plans never backfired and it always worked!

Heechul was really persistent and I badly needed Tiffany’s help.

Fany gave me a very effective way of getting rid of Heechul for good. If he’s not going to give up, make him give up by turning Sica against him though it really took me a lot persuasion and bribery since Tiffany really sounded bothered about Taeng.

What I might be doing was selfish and cowardly but who can blame me? Can you?! Oh no, you don’t.

I couldn’t stand the thought of my baby belonging to someone else more so a guy.

You might say that it would have been better if I just confess to her right?

No. I could never do it. However handsome I might be, I’m still a girl! If only Sica wasn’t so straight.

Sica and I might be bestfriends but it doesn’t guarantee that she felt the same way for me too like Taeyeon had for Tiffany.

True, she’s comfortable with the relationship between Taeyeon and Tiffany but it also doesn’t mean that she swings that way.

Sica always told me how she wanted her man to be tall dark and handsome. I could never be that man right? I’m a girl…ahem, a woman? for crying out loud!

Those descriptions might fit me perfectly well but why does the word man has to be included in it! Whoever invented the word man deserved to be guillotined!

Okay. I would surely go to hell thinking things like this. Anyways, back to my woes.

I don’t want Sica to be disgusted with me for having these feelings towards her. I don’t want our friendship to be ruined because of it.

I’m not going to take any risks that would endanger my friendship with her. Honestly, I’m a coward when it comes to a certain blonde girl who stole my heart the first time I laid my eyes on her.

“Jessica, can I have at least a hug before I leave?”

I frowned upon hearing Heechul’s absurd request. He was smiling sheepishly at Sica. Oh, how I wanted to tear that smile off his face!

“Sure Oppa. Just a hug anyways.”

My face distorted even more by Sica’s reply. She was never like that. What happened to the ice princess?!

My God, does that mean that she really likes him?

I’m definitely not going to regret what’s going to happen sooner.

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lhu6699 #1
Chapter 4: Wat happened to yulsic???
Lolz...may God help Taeyeon so she would survive HellFany's wrath xD

Oww...that gotta hurt poor Yuri she literally got a bleeding nose. HellSica's punch must be as strong as Falcon punch hahaha

More updates Author-shi
Chapter 5: ohh yulsic please?XD hahahha taeny is so so cute XD
Chapter 5: wohohoho. Yul will die of hemorrhage. xD
PJParalejas #5
Chapter 5: More yulsic authorssi
lilkjungie #6
Chapter 5: poor yuri ..
update soon :D
MinMin09 #7
Chapter 5: Hahahaha...Poor Yuri...shm
Sica will punish her becoz of Fanys evil plan...
Fany help Yuri or else she will be doomed...
TaengSic go KISS..
what the hell are you thinking author-shi...if you want to make Jessica to be jealous, use another character not Tiffany!!!!!
i want TaeNy to be all lovey-dovey couple here...
LuvSica #9
Will Taengsic kiss? Amazing! hahaha
.haha.tiff want them to get jealous.taengsic will kiss?oh my. yuri might get insane..