Yulti vs Taengsic

yuri-istic approach

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Kwon Yuri!”

I instinctively froze, with Tiffany's foreboding hand halting me to a stop just mere inches away from her face, as I heard an all too familiar threatening voice at my back. Without turning my head, I knew exactly whose voice it was. ‘Uh oh, trouble.’

What would you do now Yuri-yah?” Tiffany whispered mockingly at me, clearly enjoying the undesirable situation I was in. So this was the reason at the sudden change of her expression.

Aish, this mushroom was inviting trouble and she just had to include me in it.

Damn the door, I thought it was closed.’ I cursed mentally as I scrambled to my feet, giving Tiffany one of my deadliest glare which was frustratingly had no effect on her before turning to face the newly arrived person at the door. “U-uhm hi Taeng? “

What did you just do to MY Fany?!”

I gulped nervously and stepped back a little as Taeyon looked like an enraged lion getting ready to pounce and maul on its enemy who just happened to be the unlucky me.

Yeah, Taeyeon might be a midget but when it comes to Tiffany, she unbelievably transforms into a 7 feet tall gladiator ready to slay whoever she deemed as a threat to her love for Tiffany.

Speaking of the mushroom. I had no idea what’s going on inside her conniving brain to pull out a BIG FAT joke like that but she was the only one who could clear whatever misunderstanding Taeyeon had perceived of the situation she chanced upon to see.

Aish, Tiffany is really a double edged sword that I should watch out for.

Fany-ah, tell Taeyeon that it’s not what she is thinking. That-“

That you tried to kiss me.” Tiffany finished off. My eyes bulged out of its sockets and my jaw dropped to the floor at what I had heard. And more frighteningly…what Taeyeon had heard.

My God, does this mushroom want me dead?! I just hope that St. Peter will allow me to enter the heaven’s gate. And maybe, if I’m lucky enough, God will allow me to become Sica’s guardian angel…

Crap, crap, crap, I should not be thinking such things! I haven’t kissed Sica yet —‘


Taeyeons menacing growl snapped me out of my inner musings. I held up my hands in my front in an attempt to stop the gladiator a.k.a the midget from advancing towards me. “Taetae listen---yaaah!‘

I screamed in panic as Taeyeon lunged towards my direction. However, I managed to dodge away from her and she landed on the bed, face flat.

Yeah, I’m the Kwon Yuri.

A laugh wanted to escape from the back of my throat but I held myself. I’ll be double dead if ever that sound escapes from my mouth. I looked for Tiffany if ever she got squashed by Taeyeon(which is an impossible thing though) but she wasn’t on the bed anymore. I saw her leaning on the far side of the wall with a blank expression on her face.

Aish, what’s wrong with her? She’s acting weird. She’ll get a good talking from me after I get out of this me---’


A startled yelp came out of my mouth as I felt my body falling down. I was devastatingly got knocked on the floor with Taeyeon on top of me, giving me a headlock. Just a second of distraction and I easily got pounced.

What would Sica think of her seobang now?!

Taeyeon smirked as she stared down at me. “Hah Kwon Yul! Don’t think you can get away from me that easily.”

I groaned in defeat at the hopeless situation I was in. Having no means of escape without aggravating her further, I pouted at Taeyeon and did my bestest aegyo attack. “Taeyeon-ah-”

Don’t ever think about it.” The midget snorted as she tightened her arm around my head.

Oh great! I completely forgot that Taeyeon despises aegyo and anyone who disgustingly(according to her) do it. But with Tiffany, Taeyeon’s perception of aegyo takes a 380 degree turn.

Who says all is fair in love!

Taeyeon’s grip on my head was starting to choke the life out of me that I wailed at Tiffany for rescue---however hopeless it may seem since she’s the one who threw me into this fighting arena.

Fany-ah! He---‘

What the hell is wrong in here?!”

I felt my body undergo a crystallization process from the coldness accompanied by iciness that suddenly invaded the room---along with an overly irritated but gorgeous voice I never get tired of hearing.

Taeyeon must have felt the same way as I do as she lay petrified on top of me. No one dared to move until Sica pulled Taeyeon on her feet and asked her coldly. “Explain why this house suddenly became a market. And what are you doing to Yuri?”

Sica’s glare must have made Taeyeon’s tongue rolled back at the deepest trench of for she was just standing like a frozen statue in front of the ice princess.

And Sica, who was not in a good mood and was currently in her highest level of being impatient(she just woke up?), shook Taeyeon’s body violently while screaming. “Taeyeon! Answer me NOW. N.O.W!”

Unable to cover my ears when Sica screamed, I just experienced a momentary hearing loss. Her scream could have broken all the glasses on my room if she had raised it a notch higher.

I looked over to Taeyeon who was the nearest one to Sica and unbelievably, she wasn’t affect ted by it. She only got startled and then then, she started to report things to Sica like a soldier would do to his sergeant.

Jeshika! Your seobang is cheating on you! She tried to kiss my mushroom---‘

Cheating?! What the hell is this midget thinking?!’


I flinched as Sica as glared at me----the kind of glare that could have punched holes in my body if that was even possible--- before she screamed at me. Again. “KWON YURI. To my ROOM. N.O.W!”

Aigoo. If only Sica was jealous, but no. She was surely thinking that I’m trying to hit on Tiffany. And since Taeyeon—who was already smirking at me with a victorious air around her--- was her childhood friend…I’m surely up to another ‘disciplinary’ session.

Not wanting to dig a bigger grave than what had been already waiting for me, I hastily stood on my feet but before I could take a step, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me backwards.

No. Yuri is staying here.”

I felt like a big boulder of rock crushed down on me when Tiffany’s defying voice rung behind my back. Sica’s words were a law in this house and to stand up against it---even unwittingly tagging me along with her ---does she want to start a full scale war right in my room with MYSELF as the only casualty?!

I turned around to make my protest, however, Tiffany unexpectedly wrapped her arms around my waist thus preventing me from doing so and whispered threateningly to my ears. “Yuri-yah, if you want your secret to be safe, don’t move and utter a word here.”

Before my unusually retarded brain could process what Tiffany had whispered to me, a dou of (also) late reactions a.k.a screamings—with Taeyeon more on whining while Sica was condemning--- filled my room.



Taeyeon stomped her feet as she glared at me. “Kwon Yuri, let go of my mushroom!”

Hello?! Duh! Are you blind?! Your mushroom is the one that won’t let go of me!’ I screamed mentally at her. Those thoughts would have surely gone out of my mouth if Tiffany had not told me to shut up.

The only explanation I could come up with the reason why she was acting like this was that it has something to do with her ‘stalking’ of Taeyeon.

Augh, another Taeny conflict that awakened the stubborn, spoiled, rotten, heedless, unsympathetic, heartless and cruel mushroom who brings nothing but disaster. Doing and saying things that would be unpleasant to her ears would endanger my secret that only she knew of.

Tiffany’s threat has a more destructive consequence to me than what Taeyeon and Sica poses---that’s why I stayed with her in the first place!

Tete you’re so noisy. Yuri and I have still some unfinished business to do and you guys are interrupting us! So if you please, will the two of you go out.” Tiffany said irritably, earning shocked reactions from the Taengsic couple ---and a horrified one from me.

Y-you mean that kiss?—Both—of-both of—‘ Taeyeon stuttered as she gaped at us while Sica had her murderous stare as she clenched and unclenched her hands.

Yuri, it’s okay. Just a few bruises and cuts aren’t that bad…’

However, I instantly doubt my own words when Tiffany whispered something in my ear that sent shivers of fear all over my body even just at the mere thought of it. I slightly tilted head to the side to utter my objection but she kicked my left heel and whispered some sweet words that shattered my would be weak resistance to her. Damn.

Yuri, remembered that confession you made about kissing Sica? I had a record of it on my cellphone. Now, if you don’t want me to let Sica hear about it…”

Not that one too! Just how many blackmails does she have up on her sleeves?!

Praying silently for myself, I deliberately squinted my eyes to have a blur image of the two hulking persons in front of me—that turned out to be futile--- before I said in a loud and unbelievably dictated voice.

Sica and Taeng, can’t you understand a simple sentence? Fany told you to go out so it would be better if you do as she told you to do!”

Taeyeon and Sica both gasped. The midget cursed inaudibly as clutched her chest(dramatic much?) and turned to Sica. “Jeshika, do something about Yuri before I forget that HELL does exist.”

Aigoo. Another damning threat. Why is it always me?!

Sica’s eye’s twitched as she pointed her finger at me.” Yuri, one last warning ! Come over here!”

No! Yuri is staying here with me!”

Yah Tiffany! Stop hiding behind Yuri and show your face to us!”

I’m not hiding! I just like hugging Yuri’s back. Don’t tell me that you are jealous Jessie?”

What you---” Sica’s already flushed face turned even a shade darker at Tiffany’s taunting question. She furiously took a stride towards us when Taeyeon pulled her back.

No Jeshika! Don’t hurt my mushroom!”

Who said I’m going to hurt her?” Sica flashed Taeyeon her blinding smile as she tried to struggle away from the midget’s grip.

Oh yes I know you won’t hurt her. You’ll just murder her. “Taeyeon rolled her eyes while trying to keep Sica in place---which was a very arduous feat to carry out, I’ll tell you.

I felt Tiffany stiffened behind my back at the exchange of words between Taeyeon and Sica. To be honest myself, I almost had a heart attack the moment Sica lifted her foot. It seemed that we are still safe…for now.

Sica was already beginning to get frustrated at Taeyeon as the latter was restraining her from advancing towards us by keeping a firm grip on her wrist. Knowing Sica, it would only be a matter of few seconds before she would go violent against Taeyeon. Violent Sica wasn’t baptized for nothing.

Taeyeon must have known it too as she hastily tugged the peeved girl closer to her and whispered something into her ear. And miraculously, the ice princess stopped yanking her hand away that Taeyeon let it go. Sica huffed and threw her dagger glare to us—more like to ONLY me since Tiffany was hidden from her sight--- before she walked behind the midgets’ back, arms akimbo.

Taeyeon then breathed out a sigh of relief before she turned to face us.” Fany-ah, come on. Did Yuri blackmail you or something? There’s absolutely no way you would like someone like her!”

What the heck?! Now it’s me who is doing all the blackmail here?! And what is she trying to imply with “someone like me”?!

Yuri doesn’t need to resort to blackmailing if she wants me! And FYI, I absolutely do ‘like’ someone like Yuri!”

My God. Tiffany is really losing her mind. There’s no more redemption for me, is there?!

Ugh fine Fany-ah, if you’re not going to end this senseless argument, I’m going to kiss Jeshika!”

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lhu6699 #1
Chapter 4: Wat happened to yulsic???
Lolz...may God help Taeyeon so she would survive HellFany's wrath xD

Oww...that gotta hurt poor Yuri she literally got a bleeding nose. HellSica's punch must be as strong as Falcon punch hahaha

More updates Author-shi
Chapter 5: ohh yulsic please?XD hahahha taeny is so so cute XD
Chapter 5: wohohoho. Yul will die of hemorrhage. xD
PJParalejas #5
Chapter 5: More yulsic authorssi
lilkjungie #6
Chapter 5: poor yuri ..
update soon :D
MinMin09 #7
Chapter 5: Hahahaha...Poor Yuri...shm
Sica will punish her becoz of Fanys evil plan...
Fany help Yuri or else she will be doomed...
TaengSic go KISS..
what the hell are you thinking author-shi...if you want to make Jessica to be jealous, use another character not Tiffany!!!!!
i want TaeNy to be all lovey-dovey couple here...
LuvSica #9
Will Taengsic kiss? Amazing! hahaha
.haha.tiff want them to get jealous.taengsic will kiss?oh my. yuri might get insane..