Confronting t

yuri-istic approach

Heechul took a step closer to Sica and was about to hug her when her nose suddenly twitched---followed in a split of second by a dolphin like squeal that pierced through the house. “N-No! Don’t come near me!”

She harshly pushed Heechul away from her that caused the poor guy to stagger backwards as she jumped frantically up and down like she had just eaten a bucket of super explosive spicy raw chilies.

She clamped her nose hard as her eyes were filled with terror as she turned around; her eyes looking for the way to her room which she seemed to momentarily forget due to the haywire the cucumber smell had caused on her brain.

Heechul, who had just recovered his footing, grabbed Sica’s wrist with a disconcerted look written all over his face as the latter was about to ran away from him.

‘You’re doomed now Oppa.’

“Hey Jessica, what’s wro--- Ouch!”

“Don’t touch me!”

Heechul winced and rubbed his leg where he was kicked by a screaming and obviously repulsed Jessica.

It must hurt. No scratch that, it does hurt a lot. Sources said her kick was like that of a raging horse.


Sources : those unlucky persons who got kicked by the ice princess a.k.a Jessica Jung.

Unlucky Persons: Hyoyeon, Taeyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, some of Sica’s past suitors

Sica was was still clamping her nose with her hand as she screamed again, making a dash to the hallway. “I hate cucumber!”
“Hey Jessica!”

Heechul called after her but Sica had already disappeared to the hallway leading to her room.

Taking a glimpse of Sica’s pale face, I felt guilty but I had been left with no other option. I’ll just go to her room to see her condition after I finished dispatching a certain bug on our house.

I readied myself for the award winning acting I’m going to unleash any moment now before I rushed out of the kitchen. “Yah, what happened here!”
Heechul stared at me with a confounded look on his face, obviously confused with what happened just now.”I don’t know. She was screaming cucumber out of a sudden and then kicked me.”

He grimaced as he rubbed the spot where he was kicked at. Looked like he would be limping for quite a long time.

Still into my acting, I narrowed my eyes and stared unconvinced at him. “She would not scream like that if you hadn’t done anything wrong to her. “
“You must have heard her shouting some—“

He stopped midsentence when I walked over to him and grabbed him by his jacket and a despicable smell to Jessica--- but a heaven-sent smell to me--- wafted to my nose.

Cucumber smell.

He seemed to be not aware of it though and I don’t have any intention of telling him about it.

He need not to know how Sica hated cucumber the most in the world. How his jacket gave off that disgusting smell to her. Afterall, he won’t be able to step in here again after I’m done with him!Hah!

I gritted my teeth as I hissed.” Are you screwing with me?! Using cucumber as an excuse. Don’t you ever come back here if you still want your head intact with your body. Sica told me to skin you alive if you ever dare to step foot again in our house.”

“What?!” Heechul stared at me incredulously.” I’m not screwing! And when did she tell you that! I did not see you two talk!”

I tightened my grip at his jacket and looked at him intimidatingly. “Yah, we just did. Ever heard of telepathy?Huh?! Now out before I change my mind and kill you for real!”

I threw him outside the door and slammed it hard before he could say anything. I knew I was unbelievably strong throwing him like that but you just have to believe it. I had to be strong for my Sica baby.

Without wasting any time, I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed a number. “Take the guy outside of this house back to where he belongs but don’t hurt him. And make sure you ‘tell’ him never to get near Jessica again.”

I immediately pressed the end button after giving out my order. Even without hearing an affirmation, I knew they were already gearing into action. They would be here any moment now, or maybe they were already outside confronting Heechul. Rest assured though, those guys never use violence. They only get as far as using threats and black-mails.

Smiling stupidly to myself for the victory, I took out my phone and dialed Tiffany’s number. “ Fany-ah, mission is a success.”
I sighed deeply to calm down the erratic beating of my heart. I slowly twisted the doorknob on Sica’s room and opened the door. “Sica-yah are you al-‘
The words got caught in my throat as soon as my head peeked through the door and saw an unconscious but gorgeous body that undoubtedly belonged to none other than the girl who was shrieking moments ago.

I pushed the door widely open as I abruptly rushed to her lying form on the cold granite tiles of the room. Sica must have fainted before she could go to her bathroom. She always head to her bathroom first whenever she encountered some mighty cucumbers but this was the first time that she ever fainted.

Maybe I sprayed so much perfume on Heechul’s overall. Funny how the guy never noticed it though. He must have a dense sense of smell.

‘Aish Kwon Yuri, it’s not funny if Sica gets hurt like this.’

Every fiber of my body was stricken with guilt and remorse as I lifted Sica off the floor and carried her to her bed. I swear I would never pull a prank like that ever again. “Sica-yah, I’m really sorry. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

I whispered regretfully as I tucked her in the comfort of her bed’s cover. I sat at the edge of her bed and swept the bangs off her face. Despite the condition Sica was in right now, I could not help but admire her beauty up close. Nobody knows--- uh okay, I know it and Tiffany knows it too---that I’m forever grateful to God for letting me have Sica as a part of my life.

A sculpture of perfection that was brought to life; everything about her was perfect, her cold brown eyes that held a vibrant warmth on it if you stare deep enough, her alluring and pouty lips that never seemed to fail to tease those who looked at it , her long golden blonde hair that made the distinction of beauty a blur between a goddess and a mere human , her face that held the daunting complexion of an aristocrat but despite the façade, she was actually a very warm and kind-hearted person however violent she could become at times, and her x-line body curve that had many women envious of and many men crazed over for.

And I’ll never be ashamed to admit that I’m one of them. Why should I? Even Taeng agreed that my baby was a Goddess of beauty! Crushing out the part where Taeyeon said that Jessica was only second to Tiffany.

Sica had always been a sweet torture to me and a temptation I was trying hard to resist. It was a feat I barely managed to achieve. What even helped me to strengthen my will power was the fact that Sica was a pro in boxing. I would not want to be her punching bag, would I?!

It’s also a good thing I wasn’t sleeping with the same room as her. I knew I had a VERY good job of constraining my ert self at a minimal level at the presence of other people. Now it’ll be a different story if I was being left alone with Sica in a room at the darkness of the night, especially if she’s fast asleep.
With only the two of us. Like the situation right now.

However pale her face looked like, it could never conceal the smoothness of her skin. Letting the desire within me out just this once, I slowly ran my fingers on the side of her cheeks and traced her prominent jawline---one of the best assets a girl could ever posses.

My eyes fell on her lips and it’s as if there was a gravitational pull that was urging me to feel it with my own that I bent my head closer to her, momentarily forgetting everything. I could smell her strawberry breath fanning against my lips and nose. Only a mere millimeter and…

“Yah Yuri-yah!“
“Yah Yuri-yah! ….where’s…the--pic?”

The unexpected earsplitting shrill that abruptly lowered into a hush had me jerk my head in a way that had almost left me headless.

Standing on the door was Tiffany, a rather surprised look was etched on her face and her lips were forming a big O.

Heat rushed to my cheeks as she slowly smirked. “My my Yuri-yah, what were you trying to do to Jessie?”

‘Dang, she saw me.’

I immediately rose up on my full height and turned to face her before I stupidly stuttered a reply.

“Uh- I-I thought I saw a fly so I took a closer look.”

Great. What a lame excuse. Only a moron would believe on what I had said and as much as I wanted Tiffany to be included in that category just this once, it would be like trying to coax Sica to eat even just a tiny bit of a raw cucumber. I should have used a bug instead!

Wanting to divert Tiffany’s attention away from my failed attempt of stealing a kiss from Sica, I reprimanded her in a restrained voice while putting my hands on my hips. “Yah, why are you shouting like a drunkard who’s looking for a good beating! You should not raise your voice like that, you know what happens the rare times Sica wakes up from noise disturbances. Aside from that, why didn’t you text me that you were coming home!”

Tiffany just raised an eyebrow at me and her expression clearly says that my long golden speech had only passed on her two biased ears.
“Tch, you were going to kiss her, weren’t you?! And why is our ice princess sleeping so early?! “

My eyes widened in alarm and panic started to settle on my nerves. Her voice reverberated at the four corners of the room and maybe I’m paranoid but what if Sica suddenly woke up and heard what Tiffany was saying shouting?

For cucumber sake!

I’ll be doomed!

I anxiously turned to look at Sica who---thanks to her vampiric habit of sleeping heavily--- was not even stirring in her slumber before I sprinted towards Tiffany and grabbed her outside the room.

I dragged her into my room like a professional runner competing in an Olympic game with how fast my strides were going. Tiffany did not say anything as she was trying to catch up with my pace. Upon reaching my room; I hurriedly closed the door and stared at her, exasperated.

“What if Sica woke up and heard you?! You would put me in great trouble! “

Instead of retorting like she used to, Tiffany tugged her hand away from my grasp before she lightly tapped my cheek with a sympathetic look on her face, putting me in an appalled state. Looking at Tiffany, I was awed when she wasn’t sweating nor huffing in her breath with all the marathon we just did. Wow, I thought that athletic mushroom was non-existent…until now!

Tiffany then put her hands on my shoulders ---an action that hauled me out from my nonsensical thoughts before she uttered something with a seriousness written all over her face. She wasn’t mocking me right?

“Calm down Kwon Yul, aren’t you her seobang? What’s wrong with that? Besides, all these crazy stuffs we’re doing won’t get you anywhere unless you tell her what you really feel! “

I rolled my eyes at the absurdity of Tiffany’s words. I have no idea if she’s playing with me or what. It was because she had it easy with Taeyeon that she’s saying things like this.

‘You want me dead? You know Sica doesn’t swing that way.”

Tiffany arched her eyebrow suggestively at me while her hands played with the fabric of my shirt and biting her lower lip in the process. “Who knows?”
Aish, here she goes again. Anybody who would see us will definitely think that she’s flirting with me! Gross---though I kept my mouth shut about it. She never listens anyways.

“Yeah, I know. I’m her B-E-S-T-F-R-I-E-N-D, remember?”

I pursed my lips and vigorously shrugged my shoulders to get her hands off there as she was already giving me goosebumps—causing Tiffany to show off her cackle laugh. “ Aww, Yuri you’re so cute. Anyways, about the kiss!”

OMG, not that again. Suddenly feeling nauseous, I strode towards my bed with the witch--- who had just made her comeback--- trailing behind me with fireworks exploding around her.

Aish, why does she want to hear it from me? Her mind is already fixed that I tried to kiss Sica. This mushroom is so suspicious. There’s no better way to avoid it than to pretend that I’m tired and I needed my sleep. Good idea Kwon Yul.

However, just when my back hit the mattress of my bed, Sica’s frail image suddenly appeared on my mind.’ Oh crap, Sica baby.’

I was supposed to be there for her. I had to take care of her. What to do? Yeah, dinner. She had to eat something if ever she wakes up tonight. But first, I’m going to go check on her.

I immediately pushed myself off the bed as the thought entered my mind, totally forgetting that Tiffany was in the room that I unexpectedly got knocked back by her before I could stand on my feet.

“Yah! You mushroom!” I complained grumpily as my back hit the mattress of the bed again. When did this house become a haven of brutal goddesses! No wonder why Taeng was under her.

“I’m not done with you yet Kwon Yul so you better stay where you are. “ Tiffany smiled sweetly at me---aish the devil--- before she plopped herself on the same bed as mine. She propped her head on her arms which in return was propped against the bed.

“You haven’t answered my question yet. You were going to kiss her if I did not barge in like that right?!” She gushed excitedly as she poked my cheek continuously.

“Yah! Stop deizing my cheek!” Her poking was disconcerting me that instead of answering her gossip-driven interrogation, I tilted my head a little more and attempted to bite her finger off, however, she managed to withdraw her finger just in time before my teeth could take a bite of it.

“Aww. I’m sorry Yuri-yah. I completely forgot that my friend is a frustrated . Keke~”

Tiffany teased as she resumed poking my cheek again. “Come on Yuri-yah, admit that you were going to kiss Jessie.”

I rolled my eyes in defeat. I give up with this mushroom. She better be glad that I owe so much to her. “Fine I admit! But thanks to you I completely lost my chance. “I sarcastically said.”Can I go now? FYI, Sica had fainted and I need to take care of her.”

Tiffany squealed at my response. It’s most likely that she did not hear my last statement. Afterall, she only hears what she wanted to hear. Aish. I just hope Sica baby would still be asleep until this mushroom here released me from her mushromic imprisonment. If only she wasn’t my master, I would not have subjected myself to this inferiority!

” You finally have the guts to kiss her?! But if I were you, you should do it when she’s awake. Just a peck is rather frustrating and will leave you blah blah fkghthyofhdgfdfsjfegd “

I covered my ears with my hands to block out what Tiffany was saying. I knew it would just end up to her babbling about her experience with Taeyeon and I didn’t wanna hear about it. Ack, Now that it entered my mind, I could very well imagine what the two of them were doing behind closed doors or even no closed doors at all.

I accidentally witnessed the two of them making out in the sofa one night and my innocent heart and mind was tainted forever. In conclusion---
I was scarred for life. They corrupted my not so innocent mind!

Tiffany seemed to be very engrossed in her talking, her eyes had a dreamy expression on them and was still moving.
I wondered what happened to her ‘stalking’ of Taeyeon. I thought something bad happened since I remembered her saying something about Taeng meeting some guy. It bothered me but I didn’t want to bring it up to Tiffany, she’ll eventually tell me about it and besides, I didn’t want to dampen her mood right now.


My eyes abruptly fluttered open as I felt a stinging sensation on my arm. Tiffany had slapped me when I dozed off a little, with my hands still on my ears.
I took my hands away from my ears and rubbed the sore spot on my arm as I met Tiffany’s cold glare.

It was a good thing that Tiffany’s glare was nothing like that of Sica or else…but still, her slap hurt a bit.

“Yah Kwon Yul, you aren’t listening to me, are you?!”

“Of course I’m not! I would not want the little remains of my innocence to be ruined with what you were babbling about!”

I could not help but smirk as Tiffany pouted and stood on her feet, arms akimbo. “You should be thankful that I’m laying down everything for you so that you would know what to do if ever you and Sica-‘

“ Hwang Miyoung!”

“ Yah! Don’t you call me by that name!”

“I already told you not to do further damage to what little remains of my purity and innocence!”

Tiffany scoffed at me. “You’re mind is already corrupted even before we knew each other. If I know, you’re sliding up your hands to Sica’s skirt without you yourself knowing it.”

I grabbed a pillow and threw it to Tiffany. “Yah, I’m not like you! I’m not doing any of the sort!”

Tiffany caught the pillow and threw it back to me, her voice laced with sarcasm. “I caught you several times feeling her up!”

“Yah! You and your dirty mind!”

I was about to throw the pillow back to her again when Tiffany smirked at me and arrogantly stated. “I know a ert when I see one.”

My face brightened up when I heard what she said and I withdrawn my hand that was holding the pillow to my chest and hugged it. “Then is Sica a ert when it comes to me? “

Tiffany was clearly shocked with my question that she just stared at me with bulging eyes; was hanging wide(as in W-I-D-E) open that a fly might mistake it as a flying cave and would take refuge in it.

The heck, did I ask something so absurd for her to react like that?

As if Sica would never be like that to me or anything.

Somewhat a little pissed at Tiffany’s reaction, I once and for all decided to get my revenge. I sprang up from the bed and threw the pillow at her with a force to be reckoned with.

Tiffany yelped as it landed on her headbull that made her staggered backward. The pillow fell on the floor revealing her flustered face. “Yah! How dare you hit my goddess like face!”

I burst out laughing at her reaction but immediately crouched on my back and wrapped my body with the bed cover (as if it was some kind of alloyed shield) as Tiffany stooped to snatch the pillow on the floor and sprinted towards me, waving the pillow wildly in her hand, not like a drunkard anymore but more of like a madwoman.

“I’m so going to kill you Kwon Yuri!” Tiffany screamed as she hit me with the pillow.

Bracing myself for an impact, I unexpectedly laugh as the hit was nowhere to the pain I was expecting to be inflicted on me. Was she the one I was calling athletic a while ago?!

My body continued to tremble from laughter and I had to clutch my stomach as Tiffany furiously attacked my back. Mind you, Tiffany was more like giving me a free massage than battering me with a pillow.

Am I really going to die with this?

Well, there’s a possibility that I could die--- but not from bruises and wounds. Too much laughing will be the death of me. Deciding to tease Tiffany about it, I choked out a question between unrestrained laughter.

“ Fany-ah, how much do I pay for the free massage?”


I abruptly stopped laughing as silence commenced on the room. Tiffany had stopped hitting me with the pillow and that triggered me to heighten my senses. I was still crouching underneath the cover and I listened for any sign that Tiffany was still in the room.

‘Stupid Kwon Yuri. Of cours-‘

My thought was screeched to a halt when I felt a sudden heavy weight on my back. As it was unexpected, it caused me to fall flat on my face on the mattress of the bed like a falling object defying gravity. How great was that!

The heavy weight then started to jump up and down, crushing my body with a force that would be an understatement if you compare it to an ant being stomped over by an elephant. The bed was springing up and down along with Tiffany(who else?) bouncing up and down on my back like a spring rabbit.
Do I look like a springing board to her? Aish, this drop dead y body of mine doesn’t deserve this maltreatment and abuse!

I groaned in desperation as I felt my bones crackling up. ‘Yah, so much for teasing this fat mushroom.’

Don’t get me wrong. Tiffany wasn’t fat at all nor do I call her that right straight to her face. I was just saying this in my mind whenever she gets on my NERVES.

Her body had great proportions that would make any boys and girls drool over her aside from having an angelic(not gorgeous because it’s only reserved for Sica) face. But right at this moment, she’s a sadistic devil in my eyes!

Before my body totally got flattened, I painstakingly waited for the moment she lifted her off me and grabbed the chance to roll to my side, causing Tiffany to lose her balance and fall on her back. Without wasting any second, I pushed myself off the bed and tackled Tiffany, pinning her hands over her head while straddling her legs to keep it from kicking me. I smirked as I looked down on her, ignoring the pain she had my y body suffered.

The sadist looked like she was going to bite off my head with the way she was glaring at me but then, in a split of second, her face suddenly shifted into the sliest expression she ever wore.

Seeing her reaction put me off-guard that Tiffany took the chance to wriggle away her arms from my grasp and to my utter surprise, pulled me down to her.





Yeah, I know it took me long to update this and I'm really sorry. I hope you still laughed at this chapter.  And a review here and then would be great. That said, a big thanks to those who reviewd the last chapter! tehe~

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lhu6699 #1
Chapter 4: Wat happened to yulsic???
Lolz...may God help Taeyeon so she would survive HellFany's wrath xD

Oww...that gotta hurt poor Yuri she literally got a bleeding nose. HellSica's punch must be as strong as Falcon punch hahaha

More updates Author-shi
Chapter 5: ohh yulsic please?XD hahahha taeny is so so cute XD
Chapter 5: wohohoho. Yul will die of hemorrhage. xD
PJParalejas #5
Chapter 5: More yulsic authorssi
lilkjungie #6
Chapter 5: poor yuri ..
update soon :D
MinMin09 #7
Chapter 5: Hahahaha...Poor Yuri...shm
Sica will punish her becoz of Fanys evil plan...
Fany help Yuri or else she will be doomed...
TaengSic go KISS..
what the hell are you thinking author-shi...if you want to make Jessica to be jealous, use another character not Tiffany!!!!!
i want TaeNy to be all lovey-dovey couple here...
LuvSica #9
Will Taengsic kiss? Amazing! hahaha
.haha.tiff want them to get jealous.taengsic will kiss?oh my. yuri might get insane..