Chapter Three

All I need is you

" Hey, kookie , Hyun oppa wait for your sister"

Younha yelled from inside the kitchen as she was grabbing her bowl of popcorn and a diet coke from the fridge.

She ran at full speed to the living room and crashed between her brothers, Jung Kook covered her body with the blanket and she kissed his cheek quickly, he wiped his face in disgust but he had a smile on his face.

The older brother the movie and scooted closer to his younger sister who was conflicts wether to tell them about her new boyfriend or shut up.

"Guys" Younha called out but a hand immediately covered to stop her from talking, because she has a tendency of blurting out spoilers when they watch movies.

" If you spoil anything, I'll make sure your limbs won't stay intact"

"I have a boyfriend"

Younha said and sipped on her drink, the two brothers remained silent for a few seconds before their laughter filled the whole house. She took a deep breath and swore in her head that if they don't stop laughing, she will murder one of them or better both of them.

" Who is this stupid man who was willing to date you?" JungKook blurted out between laughter that soon died down when he got smacked across the head by his older sister.

"No but in all seriousness, who is this idiot?" Jung Hyun asked and Younha pulled out her phone and showed them a picture of Yunho.

Once again, they bursted out laughing but she surely wasn't amused. She finished her drink and then threw the can across the room. The two men looked terrified of their sister's sudden outburst. Younha was as scary as a lion when she was angry, there were three men in the house but no one dared to go against her, she was the boss.

Her younger brother was the one who suffered the most when she was angry because he got hit a lot by her.

Their laughter soon died down and they cleared their throats and looked at Younha who was breathing heavily.

Jung Kook reached his hand and placed it on her shoulder in order to calm her down, wrong move!

Her head snapped back at him and he immediately removed his hand.

"Okay, I guess you finished laughing and all that, so let me talk. I am dating Jung Yunho of TVXQ, it has only been a week since we began dating and we are keeping it a secret so if you keep your mouths shut, I would highly appreciate it"

They only nodded their heads and started watching the movie, halfway throught it, the two younger siblings were sleeping and entangled with each other. 

Arms linked, heads against each other and legs resting on each others laps. The older man smiled at his siblings cuteness and he too rested his head on his sister's lap and slept.

An hour later, the parents came home from their dinner date and smiled warmly once they spotted their three kids sleeping together on the sofa.

The father covered them with blankets, turned off the tv and lights then followed his wife upstairs.

It was such a nice day to have all of his kids together since the younger ones were always busy while being world famous idols.

The next morning, the three siblings got woken up by Younha's phone ringing. It was Yunho.

She ran upstairs to her room and locked the door so she could talk comfortably with him. She took a deep breath to calm the butterflies in her stomach and then answered the call.

"Hey Baby"

Younha was about to faint, his voice and the way he said that word triguered something inside of her, she blushed and her heart started beating faster and faster.

"Oh yes?"

"How are you doing today?"

"Huh? me? Ah yes,I am doing very good and you?"

She almost slapped herself once she realised how awkward she sounded while answering his question, the things Yunho did to her were unreal.

"I am doing very good especially after talking to you. Younha?"


"Are you still there with me?" He asked and she finally snapped from her trance and her tsundere act once again.

"Oh yeah, I hear you. You wanted to tell me something?"

"Umm, wanna hang out with me this evening, I have the day off"

"Really? It's my day off as well. Where do you want to meet?"

" How about I'll come pick you up in half an hour?"

"Great then, I'll send you the address"

Younha ran to get dressed and dolled up to meet her boyfriend, it still feels weird to her that her all time celebrity crush is now actually her lover and not someone else's.

"Where are you going?" Jung Kook asked his older sister who busy tying her shoelaces.

"A date?" The older brother spoke up and the girl nodded her head smiling at her brothers.

"How do I look?"

"Meh to us but he will probably like it since he obviously likes you" Jung Kook answered honestly but his Younha couldn't care less because she was busy drowning herself in perfume and adding a few touch ups to her natural looking makeup.

Her phone buzzed from inside her pocket and she let out a shriek before composing herself and answering him.

After a series of okays, she blew kisses to her brothers and ran out of her house, she spotted his Jeep in the distance and ran full speed to it with her head down, thankfully her hair covered most of her face and nobody could actually see who was the female sprinting crazily.

She opened the passenger seat's door and got in, their eyes met and they both grinned widely upon seeing each other, they felt awkward even tough they had kissed once but they were still very shy with each other so they only side hugged briefly before Younha put on her seatbelt.

She opened the passenger seat's door and got in, their eyes met and they both grinned widely upon seeing each other, they felt awkward even tough they had kissed once but they were still very shy with each other so they only side hugged briefly be...

"How are you doing today?" Yunho asked eyeing his girl who was struggling to put on her seat belt, he calmly and quietly reached over and put it on for her.

"Thank you" She mumbled and made once again eye contact with him. 'What was your question eatlier?" She spoke and he chuckled a little.

"I asked how you were feeling today" He repeated himself again before driving off from the street she was living in, he was taking her to his friend's coffee shop and he hoped that she would get along with his childhood friends.

"I feel great and I am excited to spend the day with you" She confessed making him smile shyly.

"Me too"

The car turned silent again so she decided to break the heavy silence by suggesting they play a game, Yunho being the competitive male he is agreed right away.

"I used to play this game a lot with my friends in Busan"

"Really? Tell me the rules"

"The game says that when you make eye contact with someone and yell 'foul', you will get to pinch their cheeks and if they win you should let go of their hand and if they lose you pinch their other cheek and it's just goes like a circle from there" She explained and even demonstrated by pinching his cheek slightly, when he finally understood the concept of the game, the real deal started.

The two never dared to make eye contact with each other which made them burst out laughing at their childish antics.

"Oh Yunho, look do I have something in my eye?" Younha asked In hopes that they would make eye contact with each other but he was much smarter than that.

"Huh where?" He asked as he focused his sight on her cheek rather than her eyes making her laugh out loud.

"Yunho, Yunho-ah, look at me" She sang cutely but he focused on the road while smiling widely. "I am driving now" He said as an excuse to not look at her and they laughed once again.

A few minutes, Younha was very distracted by the outside world literally forgetting they were playing a game, Yunho kept his attention on her throught the rear view mirror and waited until they stopped at a red light and pretended to fix the mirror which made her turn and look at it.

They had finally made eye contact and he yelled foul, she let out a shriek mixed with a laugh while laughed loudly at her reaction.

"That's cheating"

"We made eye contact, come here" Yunho pinched her cheek and they played a round of rock, scissors and paper, she won.

"Let go of my cheek mister"

"This game is so fun"

"You are a cheater"

"I won fair and square baby. Oh, we have arrived" 

Yunho said and turned off the engine, she took off her seatbelt and turned to look at her boyfriend who smiled and reached to grab her hand, she blushed and as much as she hates to admit it, he made her blush a lot.

"You look beautiful today"

"Thank you, you look very handsome too"

"I am lucky" He said with a huge smile on his face, she smiled and covered her now red face with her hair which made him chuckle at her cuteness. After a few minutes of flirting, they got out of the car and held hands to walk inside the coffee shop.

Younha was nervous but ready to meet his friends, she was going to show them that she is a good person that deserves to be with Yunho.

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