Chapter Five

All I need is you

YOUNHA stood on stage and waved to the fans who came so early in the morning to support her comeback stage, they cheered for her and waved back enthusiasically.

"Did you have breakfast guys?" She spoke into the microphone, some of them yelled no and some yelled yes, she could hear them and see them very clearly since they were very few because it was just a recording and not a live stage.

"Can you raise your hands, I want to know how many of you are here?" She asked and they very sweetly gave in to her request, she counted each one of them and they were about 20 people who were her fans.

She waved to her manager and he walked on stage towards her, she whispered to him to order about 30 pizzas, for the fans and the staff members, she gave him her credit card without hesitation and got to work.

"Are you ready guys?" She asked them once again and they cheered making her laugh.

The song started and the fans cheered loudly, even tough they were only a few but the fanchant was strong and very loud. They had to record the stage performance for the second time, YOUNHA suddenly got a sharp pain in her stomach halfway throught the performance but kept going on with a professional smile on her face.

The song finally ended and the pain was getting unbearable inside her stomach, she rushed off stage and the fans felt uneasy, she ran throught the hallway followed by her manager running to keep up with her.

She ran inside her waiting room and headed straight to the bathroom then started throwing up, her manager held her hair and looked the other way as she emptied her stomach, once she finished she sat on the floor and he ran to get her a water bottle.

"Should I take you to the hospital?" He asked worriedly and she shook her head after taking a swig of her water.

"No, I'll be fine"

"You threw up and you are telling me you're fine?" He asked in disbelief but she brushed him off, she stood up and took her tooth brush and toothpaste from her bag and headed to brush her teeth.

"Pizza has arrived" He announced and she held up a thumbs up. "I will go give it to each one of the fans"

"I'll acompany you" 

The two of them went to the audience room, the small crowd of people let out out screams once they saw YOUNHA approaching them. She shook hands with each one of them and handed them their pizzas one by one, even took time to take pics and sign autographs, since it was only a small crowd, it was easy for her but her stomach was killing her.

After she was done, she headed to her waiting room and broke down in tears while clutching her stomach, her manager was freaking out. He got her some painkillers from the pharmacy nearby and she drank them, finally she calmed down a bit.

She was spending the whole day at MBC so she decided to lay down a bit in the waiting room after eating her pizza, Jungkook suddenly walked inside and walked over to her.

"Noona, what's wrong? You look so pale" He asked worriedly as he sat next to her on the couch.

She openned her arms widely and he hugged her, she let out a sigh and looked at him.

"My stomach is killing ne, I've vomitted twice today and I still need to record"    She rumbeled and he pouted at the sigh of his ill looking older sister.

"You need to go to the hospital, you look very sick"

"Thank you" He chuckled at her response. They took a picture together and she posted it on her instagram account.

"Can you sign your album and write a few messages to my members?"  Younha wrote a few supporting words to Jin, suga, rap monster, V and J hope even Jungkook.

He left after a few minutes and the crew came to put on Younha's microphone for her live performance. She was getting her makeup re-done while going throught her phone. She held her head up and noticed Yunho's reflection in the mirror and she instantly turned around almost ruining her makeup.

"Please stay stillThe makeup artist spoke as she held Younha in place, Yunho walked over to her chuckling as she pouted, he held her hand and waited until she finished.

She got up and he hugged her, his back hurted him since he had to bend down to hug her so he lifted her in his arms making her squeal in surprise.

Their cute bear hug came to an end as he set her on the ground and they pulled away from each other,  she was very excited and happy that he cane to support her for her first stage.

"How are you doing? Your manager told me that you had been sick all day. Should I take you to the hospital after you finish?" Yunho asked and she shook her head.

"No, I am sure it will pass"

"YOUNHA you are on standby"
Yunho ushered her as they both walked towards the stage, she was getting very nervous since it was the first time he was watching her perform not as a senior but as a boyfriend and someone she deeply cares about.

She hugged him briefly and walked on stage, waved to the fans and got into position. Throughout the whole song, her stomach kept hurting like hell, she tried hard to keep a smile on her face and do professional expression to match the meaning of the stage.

Once she got off stage, she looked very distressed and it showed on her face. Yunho quickly noticed that something was wrong with her. He rushed to get to her but she out instantly luckily he had quick reflexes and was quick to catch her.

The staff all were running around very scared for Younha's safety, Yunho ran with her in his arms to the waiting room followed by the crew and her manager.

"Kyung Min hyung call an ambulance now" Yunho yelled as he settled Younha on the couch.

"Hey younha, baby wake up please" He tapped her cheek gently a few times, she slowly openned her eyes and he finally let out a loud breath that he didn't know he was holding.

Soon the ambulance came and they took her to the hospital, the doctor checked her and his face gave away that something was very wrong with her.

"Is something wrong doctor?" Yunho asked worriedly and the doctor sighed.

"I am gonna prescribe some pain medication for her stomach pains and she needs to do a urine and blood test as soon as possible, it's urgent" The doctor said and yunho's brows furrowed and worry filled his eyes.

"Are you her boyfriend?" The doctor asked.


"She needs to do those test as soon as possible, you need to keep an eye on her, she is in danger"

Younha finally was out of the examination room and was fixing her shirt, Yunho stood up and smiled at her. He was scared especially after what the doctor had told him, he was scared that something bad was hapenning to her.

They got out of the hospital quickly, it was very late at night so not many people outside and honestly at this point in their careers, not one of them cared if a scandal broke out. They had been good all those years and the public supported them because they are good people. Good people always win in the end no matter how hard it is, they just need patience and virtue.

"What did the doctor say?"

"You need to do a urine and a blood test urgently, we need to go do it tomorrow"

"Tomorrow and we? I have a schedule"

"Your health comes first and I am going with you"

"You have rehearsals"

"Okay whatever you say"

Yunho drove to a restaurant nearby so they could have dinner together, he helped her get out of the car and they entered the restaurant together.

They ordered their food and talked while they waited for it, once their food was served, Yunho snapped a picture of his girlfriend while she ate her food.

He chuckled at how cute she was, halfway throught chewing her food and glaring at him playfully with her hands on her hips.

He chuckled at how cute she was, halfway throught chewing her food and glaring at him playfully with her hands on her hips

After dinner, they went on a walk together hand in hand. They looked like every other couple on that, nobody looked twice in their direction and it was nice to not get any attention for once in their life.

"Look, stand there and pose for me" Younha said as she took her polaroid camera from her bag, she always carried it in with her, she dreamed of being a photographer since she was a kid and Yunho was willing to be her model.

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