Chapter Two

All I need is you

Dinner at a restaurant was out of the question because Dispatch were having a field day trying to catch Yunho and Younha, apparently someone told them about their date and they were now hiding everywhere.

Younha invited Yunho to her house, so they would make dinner together and have a peaceful date away from the prying camera lenses. Yunho with much difficulty had managed to make it to her house, he knocked at her front door, she opened the door for him looking all beautiful in her black off shoulder dress.

Yunho with much difficulty had managed to make it to her house, he knocked at her front door, she opened the door for him looking all beautiful in her black off shoulder dress

"You look beautiful"

Was the first thing he burlted out once she openned the door, they both blushed at his honesty and then managed to greet each other.

"Oh please get inside" Younha invited him into her house, he walked inside and was mesmerized by how beautiful and feminine her house looked.

"You cooked all of this yourself?" He asked the younger female who shyly nodded her head.

"I hope it tastes good"

"I am sure it will"

They ate the food she prepared and he couldn't stop praising her cooking skills even tough they were pretty average and lacking.

She served him dessert which consisted of strawbery ice cream and then continued their small talk about family, friends anything that didn't involve work.

She stood up to wash the dishes but he grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Let me wash the dishes, you cooked for me, it's the least I could do"

He said sweetly and Younha found herself nodding her head without even thinking twice. They made their way to the kitchen and she openned the drawer to pull out two aprons. She handed him his and put on hers.

She was trying to tie her apron but stopped mid-way when she took notice of his hot stare on the top of her head.

"Tie it for me"

He demanded cutely and her impression of a charismatic leader shattered, this was a different Yunho to her, not the passionate and scary leader of TVXQ but he was the ordinary, boyfriend material Jung Yunho.

"Okay then, turn around" 

Younha carefully tied the strings of the apron and was surprised when he abruptly turned and embraced her small figure, it took her a few seconds to understand what was hapenning and then wrapped her arms around his waist.

They could feel each other smile as they tightned their grip on one another and Yunho rested his chin on top of her head. After a good minute, they pulled away from each other, Yunho held her at arms lenght and stared into her eyes for a few seconds before he spoke up.

"Younha, I want you to listen to me carefully"

"Huh? What do you want to say?"

"I would like to apologise first"

"Excuse me?" She asked in utter confusion, he smiled a little and continued his speech.

"I realised my feelings too late because of many reasons, and I also let myself get scared. This might sound like an excuse but I was scared that I would be lacking for you. I don't know how you feel towards me, and I don't know if you have another man inside your heart but I respect your feelings completely .So what I am saying is you don't have to change your feelings or like me forcefully, but as much as I respect you, please respect me as well. In other words, I like you so let me be"

Upon hearing his confession, Younha's shoulders tensed up and a tiny gasp left as she held her breath, a habit she has developped throught her childhood whenever she felt shy or nervous and right now she was feeling both.

Yunho lowered his face to match her eyes but she was completely avoiding his gaze, he smiled a little when he noticed that she literally stopped breathing because of his confession.

"Younha, I guess you forgot to breath again? Take a breath" 

Yunho instructed and she exhaled loudly making him grin and rub her arms up and down as a gesture of encouragement and endearment.

"Good job. I promise I won't give you a hard time. I won't disturb your comfortable life. Just while living like this, when you suddenly feel like it, you can return your feelings to me, accept me then, I will be eagerly waiting for that day so take your time."

Apparently the cat had Younha's tongue as she suddenly couldn't talk anymore but she only managed to nod her head, he mirrored her nod and smiled then let go of her to start washing the dishes. Younha was left standing in complete shock as to what she what just heard from the older man. 

Yunho watched the dishes carefully and calmly as if he just didn't blurt out his feelings for his two years crush while she stood there wondering if he did that to other girls as well.



"I changed my plan of trying to make you frustrated while waiting for answer to my confession so to be more clear, I like you too so let's date"


"Let's date as in let's become a couple, as in let's be a boyfriend and girlfriend, as in...."

Before she finishes explaining her words, he cut her off by kissing her. The most cliché and effective way to shut a girl or a boy up. His lips worked magic with hers, she was a great he must admit and he was an excellent one as well.

"Did you finish washing the dishes?" She muttered against his lips. 

"I did " He said as he pecked her lips one more time.

 "Good job"

"Kiss me again" He said and she gladly did as told.

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