Are we going out?

Subarashiki Sekai


Kotone sat down, placing her head in her hands as she looked at me. “So. How was it? You kiss with Chinen?”

I held my magazine closer to my face to hide my blush. “Why are you so interested in that?”

“I really want to know what happened last night!” Kotone answered as Sora and Nuria walked into the greenroom.

“What happened last night?” Sora asked.

“Koharu-chan and Chinen kissed!”

“EH?!” Both girls screamed before sitting next to Kotone, staring at me.

I slumped further into the couch and focused on the kanji on the page I was reading. It just happened to be an interview with Yamada and Chinen, and I tried to ignore the two faces as I tried to ignore my friends.


“What?!” I yelled back at Kotone. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

The magazine was suddenly ripped from my hands as I looked up to see Aiko. “Tell us,” she demanded.

I frowned before sitting up. “There’s not much to tell,” I told them. “He came last night, confessed, and gave me a small kiss.”

“How small a kiss?”

“Like… a long peck.”

The four girls groaned. “That’s all?” Nuria moaned.

“And he said he liked you?” Kotone asked. I nodded. “So, are you two going out now?”

I looked up at her. Were we? We hadn’t actually said whether or not we were or not. “Would it be allowed?” I asked.

“You’re both in the same company,” Aiko said. “I don’t see how it could be a problem as long as it’s not publicized.”

I nodded. “Okay,” I said, but the question stuck with me. It bothered me so much that a few minutes later I stood up and made my way to the cafeteria. Luckily, the person I was looking for was there reading her script. I sat down next to Mady Troy as she drank her coffee. “Can I ask you a question?” I asked.

Mady looked at me, a little surprised. “Sure,” she said. “What’s up?”

“Is it allowed to date someone within the company?”

Mady put down her cup and closed the script she was reading. “Did Chinen confess? Congratulations!”

“Mady-san~” I groaned. “Is it against the rules?”

Mady thought about that for a few seconds. “I don’t see why not,” she said. “Nino and Ohno were together for a while and didn’t get in trouble. As long as it doesn’t become public or you don’t do anything stupid, then it should be okay.”

I nodded, a few butterflies in my stomach finally going away. “Arigatou.”

“Oh, Koharu-chan,” Mady said. “Did you hear yet that Hanabi’s coming to VS Arashi next week?”

I smiled. “I did! We’re all really excited about it! It was actually one of our goals this year.”

Mady’s smile got larger. “Really? That’s amazing! Then, I guess I’ll see you at the Rolling Coin Tower.”

I laughed. “Hai!”


After school, I sat in the greenroom snacking by myself while trying to read the same magazine from that morning. Chinen and Yamada were good at taking interviews, I realized. They always seemed to have fun.

I was so engrossed in figuring out the kanji on the page that I didn’t realize someone else was with me until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. I gasped before looking over and seeing Chinen laying his head on my shoulder, grinning up at me. “You scared me,” I groaned playfully.

Chinen laughed before placing a small kiss on my cheek. “Gomen ne,” he said. “You were just so focused on what you were reading that I couldn’t help it.”

I realized how close we were then, and I hesitated. “Ne, Chinen?”

“Hm?” he asked looking up at me.

“Are… are we going out?”

Chinen carefully unwrapped himself from me and I turned to face him. “Is there something wrong?” he asked.

“No!” I assured him. “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just…” I wondered how I should say this. “Last night, when you confessed, was that your way of saying you want to go out with me? Or did it mean something else.”

“Koharu-chan,” Chinen said taking my hand in his, making me shiver. “I really like you. Last night I confessed to you because I do. I want to be your boyfriend, but only if you want to also.”

I shivered again. “I really like you too,” I said. “And I had contemplated confessing to you for a while now, but I don’t want to ruin any friendship we have.”

“We won’t,” Chinen assured me. “Even if we break up, I will always be your friend.”

“We’ll have to keep us a secret.”

“We can do that.”

“We’ll have to refrain ourselves from being too close to each other if we were to be seen together in public.”

“We can do that.”

“We’ll have to sneak to each other’s houses.”

“I do that all the time at Yamada’s house.”

I looked up at him. “I don’t want to rush into anything. Like, I don’t want to rush or anything like that.”

Chinen laughed. “Trust me, if I was in it for I probably would have tried to seduce you by now,” he joked. “I understand that. I’m not ready for that either, and I know that.”

I nodded. “Chinen, I want to be your girlfriend,” I told him.

He smiled. “On one condition.”


“Please call me ‘Yuri’ from now on.”

I blushed but nodded. “Hai, Yuri-kun,” I said before he leaned in for a sweet and gentle kiss.





Guys, I'm trying to finish this story because I'm not really updating it. I apologize for not updating. Only a few more chapters and then it'll be finished. 

I hope you guys enjoy the update!!! (whoever still reads this)


HANABI ON VS ARASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Uh oh! After Subarashiki Sekai, where does it leave Hanabi? Be on the lookout for another Hanabi story, and this time they take on a whole new set of problems!


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Chapter 24: The story was really heart warming and beautiful. I can even feel myself as Koharu. :) You really did well in this story. :) I hope that you continue to write more stories such as this.
Chapter 23: GAH! that note made me tear up~ TwT so sweet~ im sad to see this story end but im pumped up for the next one~ cant wait to see what Kotone's take on all the cute Korean boys will be xD can't wait for the next story Ai-chan~ :D
Chapter 23: What it going to end already!!?? It like I just started to read this yesterday! Good job on it I will read untill the very end!! ><
Chapter 22: Whoot~! go Chinen and Koharu-chan~ :3 and yay for vs arashi next time :3 cant wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 22: they are so cute
Chapter 21: YAY~! Koharu-chan finally got together with Chinen-kun~ :3 adorable~ and such a pretty song might have to download it and add it to my collection now :) hope you had a nice valentines day Ai-chan :)
Chapter 20: Oh! The beginning surprised me! I'm relieved Aiko is back. Ganbare!
SapphireMeadows #8
Chapter 20: Yay so Aiko came back! But didn't she left Johnny's already? What happened that caused her to leave? Gambare for the next chapters!
Hiwatarii #9
Chapter 19: Uwaaa Aiko nyaa, why leave like this .__.
Chapter 19: it is sad that one has to leave