New Year's Day 2012

Subarashiki Sekai

"Sora, would you get your hand out of all of the raspberries?"

"I've only had three raspberries! Give me a break! Besides, you're hogging all the fried chicken!"

"Well I would've had some yakitori is Kotone hadn't eaten it all!"

"I did not eat it all! There is still plenty of food left!"

"Did you eat all of the Pocky?"

"No, Nuria-chan, they're right here. We didn't eat them all. They've all been busy eating everything else!"

"I told you, I did not eat all of the yakitori! And look! Hardly anyone has taken any of the gyoza! I made that myself!"

I couldn't help but smile as I watched the four other girls arguing about the food at the small table we had set up for a small mini New Year's Party. We, as Hanabi, decided that we wanted to have our own party to celebrate Kohaku and New Year's, so everyone brought some food, got dressed up, and came to J-Storm. It was cool to see everyone dressed up. Kotone was in a pretty red kimono, Aiko was in a blue cocktail dress, Nuria wore a pink and white dress with a white coat, Sora came dressed in a beautiful pink and green hanbok, and I wore a black dress I had gotten for Christmas. We were all having a lot of fun, but for me it was just nice to sit back and watch everyone. It was entertaining. 

"Koharu-chan!" I looked up to see Kotone looking at me. "Aren't you going to eat?"

I nodded. "Yeah, let me just finish writing this down," I answered looking down at the piece of paper in front of me.

Nuria came over and sat next to me with her plate of food. "What are you writing?"

"A New Year's Wish List."

"Eh?" Aiko asked also coming to sit with us. She was joined by Kotone and Sora, who had a plate full of fried chicken. 

"It's something me and my family do every year," I explained. "We make a list of the things we want to accomplish or do for the new year. It's like a fresh start kind of thing, and it's really fun because I always hang mine up in my room by my door so that I can always see and I always try really hard to accomplish the things on that list. I was trying to do one for Hanabi."

"That sounds like a good idea," Sora said. "Let's make one. So, we just list things we want to do this year as a group? I want a hit single."

"Everyone wants a hit single," Aiko commented. "I want to do something cool."

"You think getting a hit single won't be cool?"

"That's just a normal cliche answer!"

"I want to go on VS Arashi," Nuria spoke up.

"That would be so much fun!" Kotone laughed. "I've always wanted to go on VS Arashi! I've always wanted to play Falling Pipes and Rolling Coin Tower!"

"Rolling Coin Tower!" Aiko and Sora exclaimed. "Yes! Put it on the list!"

"I want us to try to stay true to ourselves," Kotone said. "I don't want us as people to change. I guess that's what I'm most afraid of about being in Hanabi."

"I think we'll be fine," Aiko said. "And if we change, maybe it'll be for the best? You know what I want? I want to get Chinen and Koharu-chan together!"

I put down my pencil. "Why are you guys so determined on getting us together?!"

"BECAUSE ITS SO OBVIOUS!" Kotone laughed. "You guys are as subtle as Ohmiya! Trust me, we are going to work hard to get you laid this year!"

"Eh?" Sora asked. "What does that mean?"

"What does what mean?"

"You're going to get her laid? On what?"

Everyone sat in silence and looked at Sora. "I never pictured you to not get that joke," Kotone told her. "Nuria-chan, maybe, but Park Sora? Holy crap!"

"What does it mean?!" Sora asked.

"Nevermind Sora-chan," I told her. "We should aim to do well on our drama this year! I'm excited for it!"

"Once we figure out what it is!" Aiko said. 

"I want a concert," I spoke up. "I want a Hanabi concert, and I want it to be awesome like an Arashi concert."

"I want to be Number one!" Kotone said in English. We laughed at how terrible it was.

I looked at the list, then took a thumb tack and put it up by the door. "That way we'll always see it," I said. 

Everyone watched and nodded. "Hai!"


"I just found out today that I'm going to be in a new special drama for Valentines' Day," Chinen said when we were up on the roof enjoying a plate of yakitori. "Yama-chan and Yuto-chan are in it too."

"That's really cool!" I told him. "We don't know what our drama is yet."

"You'll find out soon," Chinen said taking a bit of meet off the stick. "The spring drama season is starting soon. If they want you on the spring schedule, they're going to start really quickly."

I nodded. "I'm  nervous about it though. I've never acted before."

"It's a lot of fun if you enjoy doing it and you're good. This is just Johnny's way of figuring out who can act and who can't. When Arashi started, remember V no Arashi? Ohno-kun said that when they started, it was just a way to let Johnny have a clear understanding of who could act and who couldn't."

"But they're all amazing actors!"

"I know they are! It's just a test, Koharu-chan. You'll be awesome."


Me and Chinen turned around and saw Sora run up to the roof still in her hanbok. "Wow," Chinen said when he saw her. "You know, if I didn't know you were Korean, I would think you were strange."

Sora gave him a sarcastic smile. "Glad to know that I'm not as weird as you assume. Koharu-chan, we got our scripts for our drama!"

I felt my heart jump. Chinen went back to his room and me and Sora nearly ran back to ours, and when we got there the package of scripts had already been opened. "We actually got two sets of scripts," Kotone explained. "We each get two."

"Two?" I asked. "What for?"

"For two dramas!" Nuria exclaimed. "We're going to be in two dramas!"

"One is a special drama, and the other is our Hanabi drama that's going to be in the spring," Aiko explained handing me my two scripts. 

I read the title of the first one. 'Valentines' Day'. I read the cast on the front page. 'Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuri, Nakajima Yuto, Okamoto Keito, Arioka Daiki, Park Sora, Bonson Koharu, Suzuki Aiko, Harada Kotone, Barreto Nuria.' "Oh no," I mumbled. 

"We're doing a drama with Hey Say Jump," Sora said when she looked at the cast list. "And by the looks of it, we're all paired up with someone."

"Great," I said moving onto the other script. It took me a while to process the title. "'Wild at Heart'? What's this?"

"Hanabi's drama," Kotone said. "What an interesting year this will be."

I rubbed my eyes. "No kidding."




A short chapter, but it's updated!!!! YAY!!!!!

And I will be writing out the stories 'Valentines' Day' and 'Wild at Heart'. Hanabi's drama was brought to me by Arashi's 'Wild at Heart'. I had no idea what to name it besides that, so Arashi and Hanabi may be borrowing songs xD

Look forward to these two stories!!!!

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Uh oh! After Subarashiki Sekai, where does it leave Hanabi? Be on the lookout for another Hanabi story, and this time they take on a whole new set of problems!


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Chapter 24: The story was really heart warming and beautiful. I can even feel myself as Koharu. :) You really did well in this story. :) I hope that you continue to write more stories such as this.
Chapter 23: GAH! that note made me tear up~ TwT so sweet~ im sad to see this story end but im pumped up for the next one~ cant wait to see what Kotone's take on all the cute Korean boys will be xD can't wait for the next story Ai-chan~ :D
Chapter 23: What it going to end already!!?? It like I just started to read this yesterday! Good job on it I will read untill the very end!! ><
Chapter 22: Whoot~! go Chinen and Koharu-chan~ :3 and yay for vs arashi next time :3 cant wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 22: they are so cute
Chapter 21: YAY~! Koharu-chan finally got together with Chinen-kun~ :3 adorable~ and such a pretty song might have to download it and add it to my collection now :) hope you had a nice valentines day Ai-chan :)
Chapter 20: Oh! The beginning surprised me! I'm relieved Aiko is back. Ganbare!
SapphireMeadows #8
Chapter 20: Yay so Aiko came back! But didn't she left Johnny's already? What happened that caused her to leave? Gambare for the next chapters!
Hiwatarii #9
Chapter 19: Uwaaa Aiko nyaa, why leave like this .__.
Chapter 19: it is sad that one has to leave