Fists and truce.

Thinking Out Loud.
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Part Six: Fists and truce.


The kisses Yunho and Jaejoong had shared in front of everyone in their campus was the hot topic among the students population. And it didn't fall on deaf ears, mostly Changmin's ears. The latter was looking furious at everyone who were gossiping about his friend, saying that Jaejoong wasn't the frail and innocent boy he was at first but the spoiled brat that some of them had defined him by experiencing his temper in high school. And not to mention that the said girlfriend was trying to attract sympathy from everyone by playing the victim of the spoiled brat Kim Jaejoong.

And the young student in business course didn't wait too long to pour out all his piece of mind to the student in law with his fists, making a ruckus throughout the Law Department building.

Junsu, who was an Art design student and on the point to get Yunho after their classes, was horrified to see the other tall boy charged down on his friend by surprise when he stepped in the lobby of the Law department building. Then, he did not waste his time as he ran to help his friend to stand up while wincing at the sight of the blood on the left corner of Yunho's mouth.

"You okay?"

And Yunho only nodded to his friend.

Smoothing his waistcoat quietly, Changmin smiled devilishly at the other student who was nursing his jaw, satisfied to sink his fist into the other man's face. "Don't think you can play with Kim Jaejoong without payback."

"Who said I'm playing with him." Yunho replied while the left corner of his mouth. He winced a bit at the stinking sensation and at the taste of his own blood in his mouth. It was disagreeable but what he could do?

Changmin seized Yunho's collar and hit him once again, this time on Yunho's stomach, making everyone gasped and Junsu stepping between them.

"Are you crazy?" Yunho's friend asked angrily.

"You have a girlfriend. So keep your hands on her not on my Jaejoong." Changmin spoke grimly while he did not even acknowledge the other's friend.

"Your Jaejoong?" The student in law snorted not liking this a bit. "He isn't yours. And he's the one to choose with whom he wants to be." Yunho walked around his friend and pushed the other boy away from him.

"Yunho..." Junsu called out his friend, fearing that the latter made his case worse than it was right now.

"I don't have a girlfriend." He added quietly while looking at this giant human being.

"It's not what everyone in this campus says." Changmin gritted through his teeth.

"I was single when I kissed Jaejoong." Yunho replied.

"It's not what she says."

"Don't believe her. Everything she says is bull. And breaking up with that girl was the best thing I have done. You know why? Because she was all fake. I was stupid to think that she could be worthy to love. But she wanted only one thing. To humiliate me and do so in front of everyone. I was only a bet for her and her friends. A mere toy for her boredom for almost one year." He burst out loud, making everyone in the hall looking at him with frown and gasp at his revelation.

"You could say that you are really a stupid man." Changmin snickered while folding his arms over his chest, feeling pity for the latter.

Jun Jihyun.

That girl wasn't a joke. He won't deny it. She was beautiful, not as much as Jaejoong, but she was the perfection for every boy in the past now for every man. However, her personality didn't serve her beauty appearance. Poor man being toyed by that beautiful rose filled with poisonous thorns.

"I was." Yunho corrected. "But I won't fall for any tricks from those people who look at us, commoners, like some playground for relieving their boredom. And as for Jaejoong, I won't play with him."

"Are you sure you won't play with my friend?" Changmin rose a brow.

"I was playing around by that high class chick. You think I will do the same to him?!" Yunho said a bit offended.

"Who knows! By revenge? He is not a commoner like you. He is the heir of the Kim family after all. One of those young people from the high society who played with you."

"Jaejoong is better than those people. And you don't know me." Yunho added sternly before turning his back to the other student and picked up his backpack from the tile floor, then he walked away from the business student who was glaring at his back with the other students following all their moves.

"Are you okay?" Junsu asked again when Yunho passed by him.

"It's not a big deal." The other young man said with a painful grimace while nursing his bruised mouth.

"Not a big deal?! You know who he is right? Shim Changmin! Kim Jaejoong's friend, more his bodyguard than best friend. He is the one who makes sure that no one will hurt Jaejoong without retaliation." Junsu amplified his explanation with grand gestures of his hands while towing his friend behind. "You're doomed."

"Well I survived his fists, no?"

"That's a bit surprising." Junsu said with a crease on his forehead. "You even escaped his tight supervision on Jaejoong."

The two friends resume their walk through the other students who were whispering things about the situation.

And there, Yunho saw Jaejoong running toward him while holding the hand of a girl who seemed to have his age following by his sister. They tried to squeeze through all the onlookers who were watching his altercation with the other student since the beginning.

"Oh God! Oppa your mouth..." Jinri said, seeing the bruise on her older brother's mouth.

"Yunho..." Jaejoong gasped when he saw the bruise on the left corner of Yunho's mouth. The frail boy frowned when he saw Changmin standing a few steps behind the law student while waving his right hand to him with an evil smirk plastered on his lips.

Changmin had promised him that he would never harm Yunho after their long discussion yesterday. His best friend knew everything so why did he have to hurt Yunho?

"It's nothing." Yunho said with a nod.

"But you're bleeding." The young boy took out a handkerchief from the pocket of his pair of jeans. Then, he tried to wipe away the blood around the right corner of his boyfriend's mouth with quiet gestures.

"It's my pride as a man." Yunho added with a painful smile, loving the attention Jaejoong was giving him.

"Yeah his pride." Junsu mocked while he wrapped his arm around Jinri's shoulders. And he earned a glare from his friend who was mouthing shut up to him.

Junsu laughed and pulled away Yunho's younger sister with him, letting his friend some time alone with the love of his life.

"You're a lucky one." Amber said with an amused smile while eyeing her twin older brother who was still standing a few steps behind them.

The girl had run to Jaejoong when she knew her older twin brother's plan for the day. Normally no one was able to escape her brother's grip when it came to Jaejoong. But this young man...

Well, it seemed that he had Changmin's approbation for courting their adorable friend. But not without some annoying acts from the latter. And for what will come, she had to think quick and hard to let Jaejoong having some time alone with his first boyfriend, hopefully the last as well.

"Nobody was able to get away with a light bruise facing my brother like you." She patted Yunho's shoulder friendly. "He gave you his support. Good one man!" She gave him a thumb up and walked to her older brother who was furrowing his eyes watching closely the couple's demeanor.

"Sorry..." Jaejoong said slowly with his gaze lowering at their feet while fiddling with the soft clothes in his hands.

"Don't be." Yunho smiled softly as he ran his fingers through the soft blond locks of his pretty boyfriend.

"But..." The younger boy looked up at Yunho and was cut by the other's lips on his. And he could hear Changmin cursing Yunho for his move.

"Don't try your luck Jung!" Changmin said out loud while Amber was pushing the latter away from the Law section hallway. "Don't do anything inappropriate. I'm watching you!"

"Stop that!" Amber kicked her twin brother. Even if she was overprotective like her brother toward Jaejoong, the young girl knew where she should stand. She will never do something again Jaejoong's happiness. And Shim Changmin must know about it too to let the other student go easily after a few punches.

"Come here!" Changmin grabbed his twin sister with a grunt and did a headlock to her playfully while walking away from the hallway of the Law course building.

"Tell me! You did it on purpose." Amber asked with a meaningful smile. She was there when Changmin had confronted Jaejoong about the kiss he had exchanged with a

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I hope you are doing well... =)
I miss this story a lot.
Chapter 9: Haha Poor changmin..... But Haha it's too cute..... thank you for your update author ssi.... hwaiting!
Chapter 9: It's a fine line between love and hate, Yoochun saw and took the opportunity. While this one on one date didn't turn out as planned, it sure brought a few good surprises.
Glad your mom is doing better!

Thank you for the update!
yunjaemrcnn #4
Chapter 9: How is your mother?
Kattan69 #5
Chapter 9: Aww....they are so sweet....can’t wait to read more on their date.
justwanttoread #6
Chapter 9: I wish the best for ur mom n fast recovery!

The chapter is so cute..but its kinda sad coz yunjae still cant get rid of their friends...
Chapter 9: I'm glad your mom is doing better. May she continue to improve ❤. Thank you for the update!
Chapter 9: So cute! I love the story.
yo_yunjae #9
Chapter 9: Poor yunjae, even their officaial first date, they can't enjoy it alone..hahaha
But it's okay, joongie still can smile n yunho just happy to see joongie smiling..^^
oh, I never thought changmin will paired with yoochun..I can't wait to see changmin will bullied by his parent for having boyfriend other than food ^^
Neng2ovid #10
Chapter 9: This is so cute I’m glad jae is feeling better. Thanks for the update