Chapter 94: Final Battle Pt.1

KO One Re-Live

The explosions on the roof of the block shook the whole building and also set off the fire alarm. Jin Bao San hurriedly scrambled back up the stairs to the roof to see what was going on. When he got to the stop, he could only stare silently at the state of everyone there. The air was thick with tension and no one dared to say anything, but him.

"Is it over?" he asked, slowly walking over to them.
Xiao Yu, with his head on the floor, replied in a quiet mutter, "It's over," he said as he lifted his head lifelessly, "Our plan failed."

"Plan?" Ella repeated, "What plan?"
Ya Se put his arm around his brother's shoulder, "It's not all over," he told him before holding up a small device that was beeping and flashing red, "Our plan was somewhat a success, and this is where it will officially start."
"What's going on here?" Hong Guang questioned, "What exactly did you plan, Ya Se?"
"We'll explain everything," Ya Se replied, "But just not now."

"What is that beeping thing?" Lei Ke Si inquired, coming over to have a look.
"I put a tracking device in Yu Yan's bracelet when I was repairing it - I thought it would come in handy, and it did," he explained, "We can locate where she is and launch an attack on her father."

Xiao Yu's eyes widened as hope returned to his face, lighting up his features.

Ya Se then turned around to face everyone. On his face was a serious expression and that of a leader. "Hong Guang Ge, take Ban Dao to the hospital. Ella and Selina, contact Jiu Wu Meng Zhu - we will need his help," he instructed.
"Explain everything to us, Ya Se Wang," Selina interrupted, "What just happened here does not seem as simple as I had thought."

He then explained through a wave zip.



Yu Yan fell to the floor.

"Get ready for the life force transfer!" her father barked loudly, "We're reviving Yu Er tonight, right here and right now."
Yu Yan froze, "H-huh?" she stuttered out in confusion.
"You heard me," her father replied, "We don't have time to waste."

After a while, the room was set out. Yu Yan was attached to a huge glowing globe of yi neng through a wire while the body of Jiang Yu Er rested in a coffin, dressed in a plain white dress. Wu Geng Lin snapped his fingers and millions of battle points began transferring from the globe into Yu Yan, causing her battle index to surpass millions within a few seconds. opened wide in amazement as she felt the rush of yi neng through her blood.

Wu Geng Lin tapped his foot against the floor impatiently, waiting for the yi neng transfer to complete. Before he could open his mouth, there was a sudden explosion from the wall of the room, revealing Wang Ya Se, Ding Xiao Yu and Lei Ke Si. Wu Geng Lin scowled and pointed a finger at them, "You! You kids! How did you get in here!" he yelled with rage.

Ya Se smirked and held up his tracking device that was blinking red. He then looked over at Yu Yan and her father followed his gaze to see a similar flashing red light come from Yu Yan's wrist. At that point, his rage exploded. "JIANG YU YAN!" he roared, grabbing her hair and holding her up in the air. "When did you go to their side?!" he spat with fury burning in his eyes. Yu Yan didn't reply.

"Let her go!" Ding Xiao Yu ordered from a distance with his body engulfed in gold.
"I'm not scared of any of you," the older man boasted with a cackle. He then used his super speed and then appeared by Yu Er's side. He dropped Yu Yan by her coffin, "Start the transfer now!" he yelled, "Or I'll hurt your friends!"
"You'll hurt them in the end anyway," Yu Yan responded in a low voice before standing up and lifting a glowing fist. His eyes widened at her actions and this small hesitation, no matter how short it was, gave Ya Se and Lei Le Si the chance to attack him with their most powerful attacks. Staggering backwards from the sudden impact, his face blackened and before Yu Yan could hit him, he punctured through the right side of her chest with a blade.

"Yu Yan!" Xiao Yu cried out in fear when he saw Yu Yan spurt out blood and collapse onto her knees. "You monster!" he cried, throwing a punch at the man with his glowing left fist. "How could you do that?!" he spat, furious.
Wu Geng Lin swiped his hand in defence, creating a huge wave of energy that sent Xiao Yu flying backwards. "Tch, pest." He then looked down at Yu Yan whose clothes were becoming soaked in deep red blood. "Relax, your high rush of yi neng will keep you alive longer than a normal person," he told her coldly, "No matter what, I am still stronger than you," he continued, "So you will definitely have to obey me!"

Yu Yan coughed as she grabbed her chest in pain. Her body then became senseless and she couldn't feel anything anymore, rendering her echolocation useless.

"Complete the life force transfer now!" he demanded.

Yu Yan blinked several times before stammering out in fear, "I-I... I c-can't feel anything... anymore..."

"Friends, I've successfully broken through Wu Geng Lin's barrier. Our friends can now join and assist you." Xia Tian's telepathic message came through, causing Ya Se to sigh in relief. "His dimensional airship has crashed on the edge of the Gold Dimension."
"Thank you, Zhong Ji Tie Ke Ren," Ya Se responded before the whole ship capsized, causing everyone to slide to one side of the room.

"What's going on?!" Wu Geng Lin exclaimed, "What did you do?!"

Ya Se, Lei Ke Si and Xiao Yu stood up, smirking and then there was a bright flash of light. Now, there stood Tian Hong Guang, Zhong Ji Yi Ban, Ella, Selina and Dong Cheng Wei all ready to fight this foe.

"There was a bit of traffic on the way," Xiu spoke with a smile, "Sorry we took so long."
Yu Yan smiled after hearing familiar voices.

Wu Geng Lin's nostrils flared and his facial muscles tightened. Quickly he created a barrier of yi neng, separating him, Yu Yan and Yu Er from the rest.

"Jiang Yu Yan," he spoke hastily, "Will you fight with or against me?"
"Do I really have a choice?" she asked before he held out a small box.
"You can choose to join them and die or stay with me and gain your sight back," he explained, opening the box to reveal two eye balls sparking with yi neng. [A/N: gross ik lmao but I want to make Yu Yan happy so please accept how unrealistic this is]
"My sight?" Yu Yan repeated in a whisper.
He smirked, "That's what you've always wanted right?" he questioned her and Yu Yan slowly nodded.

“If you stay with me then you can have your sight back and I’ll forgive you for all the mistakes you have made. How is that?”

Xiao Yu's eyes widened as he banged against the barrier. "Yu Yan! Don't give into his bribe!" he yelled, "He's the one who caused you to lose your sight in the first place! Don't believe him!" he called out to her helplessly. Dong Cheng Wei immediately started playing their instruments, continuously attacking the barrier to break it down.

"Don't listen to that boy," Wu Geng Lin told the girl in front of him, "These are eyeballs that I have grown through culturing eye cells. By fusing them with yi neng, they can immediately return your sight the moment they are placed correctly into your eye sockets," he explained.
"...Really...?" Yu Yan whispered, not knowing that she was already reaching out for the box even if she did not know where it was.

"Yu Yan, no!" Xiao Yu yelled before the barrier in front of him shattered.
"We're in!" Xiu cheered and immediately, Xiao Yu dived towards Wu Geng Lin, knocking the box out of his hand. In the process, he punched him as hard as he could with his left fist. But then he collapsed onto his knees and was overcome with weakness and dizziness from being too close to his alternate. "Xiao Yu!" Yu Yan cried, feeling around the floor, "Where are you?!" she cried out as she started to feel faint.

"The eyes!" Ya Se yelled, trying to catch them as they flew through the air. Everyone whipped around to try and catch the artificial eyes but they travelled too fast and were too far out of reach...


Suddenly a pan hit the two eyes as though they were tennis balls and they flew back the way they came.

Ya Se's eyes widened, "Egomaniac?!" he exclaimed, "How are you back?!" Before anticipating a reply, he leapt into the air and grabbed the two small spheres.
"I had to run all the way here after catching up on the past few chapters!" Da Dong explained as he ran over to join them, "Jiu Wu Meng Zhu and Xia Tian led me here."

"There's no time for a happy reunion, Da Dong," Lei Ke Si spoke up, lifting his weapon, "We have to get the eyes to Yu Yan first and deal with this guy!"
Da Dong nodded and then raised his glowing pan.

Wu Geng Lin growled angrily before kicking being attacked by Zhong Ji Yi Ban and Dong Cheng Wei. Selina and Ella simultaneously set off more powerful laser traps, trapping him and making him the centre of all the attacks. He growled in anger as he watched Xiao Yu crawl over to Yu Yan weakly.


“This is the end for you!” Selina declared as she struck him as hard as she could with her yi neng. Ella then attacked immediately after her and when Wu Geng Lin retaliated with an energy wave, Lei Ke Si jumped in and created a shield of yi neng to protect everyone.

Meanwhile, Yu Yan was already on her knees and was surrounded by a pool of her own blood. Tears were streaming down Xiao Yu's face but he didn't say a word. Instead, he used all his strength to grab onto Yu Yan and pull her into his embrace. He held her tightly, "Don't cry, Yu Yan," he whispered, "We'll be fine. Everything will be fine," he mumbled, trying to reassure her.
"X-Xiao Yu..." she whispered as she lifted up her hand, feeling around for him. "Where are you?" she choked out.
He grabbed her hand, "I'm here, Yu Yan," he told her, "I'm here," he repeated over and over to put her at ease despite the fact that her blood was pouring out onto the both of them.

"I, too, am here."

Wu Geng Lin's voice appeared from beside them and Xiao Yu gasped. Before he fell to the ground completely, he saw all his friends on the floor, defeated. He dropped Yu Yan's hand as he began to feel faint.

"I should torture you," Wu Geng Lin snarled, before using his yi neng to kick him into the wall. Xiao Yu was weakened so much by his alternate counterpart that his scream of pain only came out as broken gasps and coughs. Next, Wu Geng Lin used his super speed to appear beside his fallen body.

"Don't touch him!" Da Dong yelled as he hit the man over and over again with his pan, only to deflected and flung into the air. Whilst Wu Geng Lin mercilessly beat up Xiao Yu, Ya Se snuck over to Yu Yan and passed her the new artificial eyes. "Yu Yan, take this chance to see again," he told her, helping her to insert them into her eye sockets.

"Dong Cheng Wei!" Xiu screamed as he and his band mates played their instruments much more vigorously, getting support from Ella, Selina and Zhong Ji Yi Ban. They couldn't fight anymore - the least they could do was power Dong Cheng Wei. Dong Cheng Wei's attack hit Wu Geng Lin directly, pushing him away from a now battered, beaten and unconscious Ding Xiao Yu. The battle was now between Dong Cheng Wei and Yu Yan's father.

Lei Ke Si forced himself off the ground and ran over to Xiao Yu who was covered in blood and injuries. Frantically, he began shaking him and searching for a pulse.

Xiao Yu found himself at the altar again but there was no one there. As expected, he fell into the abyss when everything started to crumble away. However, usually he would gain consciousness the deeper he fell but now it was the opposite. The deeper he fell, the more he felt his life slip away from him. Everything turned black and the fleeting source of light shrunk with every passing second, being swallowed up by the darkness. Ding Xiao Yu couldn't fight against it. Was this going to be the end of him?

"Crap! I can't find a pulse!"


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ive started a sequel for this fic (even tho this fic is long enough haha) and you can read it here:
reading it is optional though!


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Chapter 100: actually screaming because of the qiu qiu gu zhan and zhi ge cameo!
Chapter 99: finally! the ending the fish couple deserves! xiao yu and yu yan forever! and congrats on finishing your fic
Chapter 98: awwwww my fish heart! :'(
Chapter 98: it's sad that yu yan still needs to be punished but gou gou meng zhu is still kind to give her 10 years of punishment... and i love the fish couple!
Chapter 97: yu yan!!! thank you xia tian for helping yu yan live... but gou gou meng zhu!!!