Mr. and Mrs. Kim JaeJoong

What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas....?

Mr. and Mrs. Kim JaeJoong-----Chapter 3 -----------------Third Person POV

Eight weeks after that drunken driving night the couple was to meet again, but this time to permanently stay together.

Manager Oh had notified Manager Seo about the arrival of the girls at the airport around midnight in hopes of no fans gathering.

Two young men waited outside the arriving rail for their girl.

One wore grey baggy sweat pants with a black sweater that clearly was meant for a man larger built, with dread locks. While the other wore jeans, a navy blue jacket with some sunglasses and a scarf covering his face.

Five girls soon emerged from the stairs, one running at full speed to the dread lock guy. Jumping on him she exclaimed, “Oppa!”

The young man staggered a bit due to the impact, but was able to hold his ground smiling at the girl.

On the other hand, the other young man’s eyes were bulging.

“Yah get the off of him!” the young man in denim jeans shouted, causing some people to stare and the hugging couple to separate.

“JaeJoong…?” the girl questioned recognizing the voice.

“Yah Kim Yoobin, what the hell were you doing hugging another man?” Kim JaeJoong barked.

Yoobin laughed; closing the gap between JaeJoong and her, she kissed his cheek. “There all better now? Imagine if we really were married.”

JaeJoong grabbed her waist pulling her closer, kissing her on her lips, “There now it’s all better.”

Yoobin narrowed her eyes at him.

“Yoobin are you coming?” the boy in sweat pants asked motioning for her.

“No she’s not. Who the hell are you?” JaeJoong hissed.

“Stop it Jae,” Yoobin scolded. “Sorry Young Bae Oppa, he doesn’t mean any harm, he is just being a big baby.”

The girls snickered at the sight.

“Does Unnie know that they are holding hands?” SoHee asked their leader.

“I don’t think so, for them contact just comes naturally even if they keep denying how much they like each other,” SunYe answered chuckling and looking around for her boyfriend.

“Why did you jump on Young Bae? Didn’t you date Seung Hyun? Did you bang them all?” JaeJoong hissed.

Yoobin slapped him.

The girls along with Young Bae gasped.

“You’re an !” Walking away from him, “Let’s go Oppa I don’t want to be here anymore.”

“Yah Kim Yoobin, whose wife do you think you are?”

“Not yours!”


“Let’s go guys, before we become asses like this one.”

“Yah Kim Yoobin, where do you think you are going?”

“Away from you!”

By this time some people had gathered around the fighting couple and friends.

“Yoobin-ah why don’t you leave with Hyung, I mean he did come all the way over here to pick you up, right?”

Rolling her eyes, “He can go back for all I care.”

“I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout

When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
‘Tip me over
and pour me out!’”


Yoobin whipped around to find her husband doing the teapot dance. He knew humiliation was a way to get her forgiveness; after all he had already danced to ‘Gom Se Mari’ last year.

She tried not to laugh, not succeeding she ran to him smiling.

“Do they seriously believe this is a fake marriage?” Sun Mi inquired to no one in particular.

“Why are you here Oppa?” Ye Eun asked JaeJoong.

A little embarrassed about having to have danced he coughed, “Um I came to pick Yoobin up to take her home.”

“Were you the only one to come?” SunYe asked with a tint of disappointment.

JaeJoong nodded.

Yoobin elbowed him seeing SunYe’s crestfallen face. “I mean YunHo wanted to come, but Hyung said that it wasn’t necessary since I’m only taking Yoobin with me not you guys.”

SunYe smiled her sunshine smile learning that her boyfriend did want to be there for her.

“Why am I leaving with you? I live with the girls,” Yoobin asked.

“Oh not anymore…we’re married remember?”

“Yea, but I don’t want to live with all the guys,” Yoobin whined.

“We aren’t living with them. We have our own apartment,” JaeJoong clarified.

“We do?” “You do?” “What?” “That’s so cool!”

“Yes we do, now if the rest of you don’t mind will you please excuse us,” JaeJoong said pulling Yoobin with him and walking towards the Baggage Claim area.

The rest followed suit a little confused.


“So this is the first time that you two appear in a show together as Mr. and Mrs. Kim JaeJoong, correct?” the Hostess asked the couple sitting across from her.

They both nodded.

“Aren’t they cute? So who asked who?”

“Actually I asked her,” JaeJoong answered while Yoobin rolled her eyes at his response.

“Well it doesn’t seem like that….Yoobin you want to let us know the truth,” the Hostess chuckled.

“He didn’t so much as ask me, it was more of a surprise attack, he kissed me.”

The crowd went “Aw!”

“Well I made the first move didn’t I?” JaeJoong justified.

Yoobin reluctantly nodded.

“So JaeJoong, when was your first kiss?”

JaeJoong laughed. “It was in sixth grade.”

The Hostess chuckled, “How about yours Yoobin?”

Yoobin reddened, “Actually…it was JaeJoong.”

The crowd went “Aw!” again.

“Well aren’t they just adorable. So is there something about each other’s life that you would like the other to improve on or change?”

The pair narrowed their eyes at each other while everyone else laughed at their reaction.

“I wouldn’t mind it if Yoobin didn’t know so many guys,” JaeJoong answered.

Yoobin scoffed, “Well I wouldn’t mind if you weren’t plastered on magazines with different girls.”

They both grinned at their answers.

“Well it seems that you are both jealous of those scandals, but I’m sure that they don’t mean anything,” the Hostess declared, “Well we’re out of time. Thank you for joining us today, Mr. and Mrs. Kim JaeJoong.”

The couple stood up and bowed and hugged the Hostess.


“Two weeks ago when you guys were being interviewed you both mentioned that you would like it if both of you didn’t have scandals, now the fans have left these questions for you guys,” the Host said. “Everyone wants to know who this mystery man is Yoobin-sshi,” he said pointing to the screen behind the members of their respective groups.

All the guests turned around to see a picture of Yoobin and a young man with linked arms.

“Oh that’s Ryo Oppa,” Yoobin answered freely.

“Does JaeJoong-sshi know who this ‘Ryo Oppa’ is?”

JaeJoong nodded with annoyance clearly visible.

“Ooh have we hit a soft spot?”

“Any guy with him is a soft spot…Ryo Oppa and I grew up together since our parents went to college together,” Yoobin interjected.

“What about this one?” the Hostess asked.

Once again everyone turned around to check the screen behind them to find Yoobin linked with two guys.

Changmin and Yoobin laughed.

“Who are they?” JaeJoong asked.

“The one on the right is Changmin Oppa and the one on the left in Young Bae Oppa,” Yoobin answered.

“The maknae trying to steal his Hyung’s girl,” a Host joked.

“No, no that’s not the case and Noona can confirm this,” Changmin quickly refuted before any confusion occurred.

“Yah, why do you keep calling me Noona?” Yoobin scolded.

The crowd laughed.

“Well you’re married to Hyung,” the maknae answered.

Everyone laughed while Yoobin pouted.

“Alright last one Yoobin-sshi,” one of the hosts stated.

 Yoobin turned around to find a picture of her kissing a guy whose face was covered by sunglasses and a scarf.

Yoobin flushed.

JaeJoong smirked.

“Noona are you alright?” Junsu squeaked with concern.

Yoobin nodded hiding her face with her hands.


She cleared , trying to find the courage; thankfully her leader did her the favor.

“That’s actually JaeJoong Oppa when he came to pick her up at the airport,” SunYe stated.

 Everyone started to ‘aw’ at the couple.

“Alright now it is JaeJoong’s turn in the Hot Spot,” the Hostess said causing everyone to turn towards the screen.

A picture of a young girl with light brown hair that was clearly dyed was walking along with him.

“That’s Lee Ayumi, we happened to have coincidentally have met at the same noodle shop,” JaeJoong stated calmly.

“Ooh look at that he is not even phased and neither is the Mrs.”

“How about this one?” the Hostess solicited.

His eyes widen for a second, something that Yoobin did not miss, but what made her angrier was that she very well knew who that person along with him was.


“That’s Park Bom,” Yoobin answered nonchalantly.

JaeJoong quickly scanned Yoobin to see if she was angry, she looked calm enough, but he knew very well he would be hearing it when they got home.

“Ooh this is interesting, see this actually relates to the next question fans want to know…there has always been a rumor that you two were dating, so how far from the truth is this?” the Hostess asked grinning.

Yoobin looked at JaeJoong with bated breath.

JaeJoong was silently thinking of what to say, he didn’t want to lie though he had done it many times, but he didn’t want Yoobin to think he was cheating on her when he clearly wasn’t.

After taking a deep breath that didn’t escape the Hostess’s eyes he replied as calmly as possible, “Those rumors are not so far from the truth…sorry Bom-ah,” he bowed, “We actually did date for a little bit before, but this picture is pure coincidence we both happened to be at the same event and decided to go out for some drinks along with the maknae, sorry I didn’t tell you Babe.”

Yoobin listened closely to his semi-lie before blushing mad crazy once she realized he had just called her ‘Babe’, a term of endearment that he had definitely not used before, at least not on her.

“Aw look aren’t they so cute, anyways that is all the time we have now. Thank you for joining us Changmin-sshi, Junsu-sshi, Sun Ye-sshi, and Mr. and Mrs. Kim,” all the hosts said, one winking at the pair holding hands.


Sorry that it took so long!!!

This chapter was not long, but there is a reason for that!!! I just wanted you guys to see the characters as the media sees them, because the media will play an important role later on!!

Haha thanks JaeJoongLove for reminding me :)

I was soo busy reading others fanfics, and with school that it slipped my mind!

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maiquie24 #1
Chapter 8: Oh my freaking chicken. My heart. Its funny cause Jae is the one showing the symptoms. Nice story
I don't know if you are still active in AFF or not.. But still, I want to ask for your permission to translate this story into Vietnamese, cuz I LOVE IT!!!!

Good job author-nim!
im sorry but pls do more jaebin, its like my 10th time reading this and I just cant get enough :)
ilikek444 #4
love your story so much !!! pls do more jaebin !!!
strawberrysohee #5
Asdfghjklzxcvbnm Y I JUST READ THIS STORY??? I'm a lil bit curious about JaeBin fanfic and this is the best i've ever read abot JaeBin *clapclapclap
OTL I really like Jaejoong's family ;3, great fic... btw, i just noticed the past three comments (including this one) are all exactly one month apart~
Good story! I really liked it! :D
bolero #9
Lol, I just read the story. The last chapter...pssht, typical Jaejoong Omma. xD

Great story!
CazzLeana #10
hi ur story is very good<br />
so i wonder could i tranlate your stor into vietnamese plz<br />
there are many JaeBin fan in Viet Nam<br />
i promise i'll mention your name as the author