Chapter Nine

Blood Rose
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Knock. Knock. Knock.

I am here again in front of her room. Urgh. Why is she still sleeping?

Like before, I opened the door and went inside looking for her, expecting to see her in the bed but the bed was already fixed. Suddenly I heard a door click. I instantly look at the direction and what I saw is something I didn’t expect, my eyes widen.

There, standing in front of the bathroom, is Suhyun with nothing but towel covering her from his curious eyes. Her hair is wet, and droplets are falling to her shoulders and floor. Her skin, her white milky skin is mostly exposed to him because the towel is so short it only reached her mid-thigh. My eyes slowly drifted down to her long slender legs that seems to be not ending. Damn.

“Like what you see?” I snapped my head to Suhyun’s face and saw her grinning at me with her hands on her small hips. . I looked away and cleared my throat.

“Will you put on some clothes!” I scolded her. Crossing my arms on my chest.

She grinned even more. “Your eyes told differently a while ago.” She teased.

“Yah! Don’t you have manners?” I huffed.

“How about you? Don’t you have manners? How can I change when you’re still here drooling over me?”

“I’m not-“ she cut me off by pushing me outside the room. “There. See you Sese!” before closing the door in my face. I scoffed. Me? Drooling over her? In her dreams. Psh. But my red ears showed seem to disagree.


“So, what are doing here again?” she asked. We are currently in a mall heading to a jewelry shop. I looked at her. She’s wearing a pair of faded jeans and black hooded fleece jacket with matching worn out white rubber shoes. Nurse Lim did took care of her.

“We need to buy the most important evidence of our engagement.” The glass door automatically opened and two staffs greeted us.

“Yah Sese, are you also an actor? Why is everyone staring at us? I mean at you, particularly.” Crazy girl whispered to me.

I smirked. “It’s because I’m handsome that they can’t help but stare.”                

I heard a gagging sound. I turned to Suhyun faking a gag. “Can’t believe I’m engage with a narcissistic guy like you even if it’s just a fake.” She whispered.

“I know. Being engage with me is like a dream. You’ll really find it hard to believe that a lowly woman like you will be with a god like me.” I mentally gave myself a round of applause.

She scoffed. “Wow. Unbelievable. Did they just turn the air conditioner up to its optimum? Whoa, I suddenly felt cold.”

I ignored her and went to the displays. The manager of the shop immediately approach me.

“Sir Sehun, it’s nice to see you again. Any particular jewelry you’re looking for?”

“I’m looking for engagement ring. Can you show me your new designs?”

“Oh! You’re finally getting married? At last. Are you going to marry the girl whom you gave the promise necklace you bought before?”

I clench my hand. “Can you make it faster? I still have other things to do.” I said in grim tone. She looked taken aback by my answer. “O-okay sir.”

I can feel a pair of eyes looking at me intently but I refuse to look at her to avoid questions I don’t want to answer.

She brought five small square boxes. I was uninterestingly trying to pick one when I heard a murmur.

“Oh. That’s beautiful.” My companion whispered to herself but loud enough to be heard.

“Which one?” I asked. She seemed surprise and jumped a bit. She looked at me with wide eyes. “Which one?” I asked again.

She pointed a ring hesitantly. I picked up the ring and examined it. It’s a rose-shape design with single diamond in the middle. Simple and elegant. I looked at her who’s looking everywhere but me. At least she has taste.

“I’m going to buy this.” I give my credit card to the manager. The manager was looking at Suhyun with raised brow then she left to process my purchase.


“Oh! You’re finally getting married? At last. Are you going to marry the girl whom you gave the promise necklace before?” the manager ask Sese.

Sese gave a promise necklace to a girl before? I looked at Sese and raised a brow, I badly wanted to ask him who this girl might be. I can feel my tongue got itchy, not from bacteria mind you. If he already has someone, why hire me to pretend to be his fiancé? I asked myself. Oh! His ex-girlfriend perhaps?

I saw him tightly clench his hand. Bingo! The Ex-girlfriend. “Can you make it faster? I still have other things to do.” he said in grim tone. The manager looked taken aback by his answer. “O-okay sir.”

Whoa, it’s my first time to witness Sese like that. I often see him annoyed but not this pissed off. Hope he’s not going into hulk-mode.

I can see he’s avoiding my stares. Hey you! Look at me! Urgh. Maybe he doesn’t want to talk about it, but it just made me a lot more curious about this girl. Whoever she might be, she’s a total idiot.

Look at what she let go! I hate to admit it but Sese is like every girls’ dream man. Grew up from a rich family, intelligent, have a decent job, and a total hottie. Fortunately, I am not like any other girls out there. He’s a total package but I’m immune to guys like him. Yup people! Money and looks aren’t everything for me.

Manager-nim brought five small square boxes.  I was immediately drawn to a particular ring, a rose-shape design with single diamond in the middle. I was so in love with it I didn’t notice I voiced out the compliment in my mind.

“Oh. That’s beautiful.” I whispered to herself. I froze when my action registered to me. I mentally slapped myself. Please tell me he didn’t heard it.

“Which one?” he asked. I was surprise and jumped a bit. I looked at him with wide eyes. “Which one?” he asked again.

“Ahhh…” I gulped then pointed the ring hesitantly. Sese picked up the ring and examined it.

Manager-nim smiled at Sese, “It’s called Beast’s Rose, inspired by the story of beauty and the beast. It has 24 carat diamond in the middle and another six smaller diamonds on the leaves. It’s one of the most expensive ring we have here.”

He looked at me. I didn’t want to look at him so I busied myself counting the people who’re inside the store. He won’t buy it. He won’t. I know he won’t. It’s too expensive for a mere fake fiancé like me. I bit my inside cheek and suddenly felt a lump stuck in my throat for an unknown reason.

“Okay, we’ll take this.” He said then gave his credit card to the manager. My eyes widen at what he just did. Did he bought it because I like it? I thought my opinions doesn’t matter to him. He bought it for me even if it’s expensive. I can feel my cheeks heated a bit. Nah! You’re imagining too much Suhyun. Maybe he just bought it because it’s expensive. The manager was looking at me with raised brow then she left to process our purchase. Yah! Want me to scoop your eyes?! Kidding!

“Next stop, we’re going to buy you clothes then we’ll buy you a phone.”

“Really?! Clothes and brand new phone?!” I asked. Totally forgetting about the ring. I was so excited because it will be my first time to go shopping, well, as far as I could remember. Yes! I can finally have new clothes! It’s not that I don’t like my clothes, I love it because it was given by Nurse Hyejin, it’s just that I only have a few pairs and I was kind of embarrassed I have to wear some thrice a week.

We went to a clothing store and like the arrogant he is, he asked the manager to bring out all latest clothes they have even the expensive ones. I just rolled my eyes at him and smile to myself. Who cares! As long as he is the one paying, I’m going to pick everything I want.

I snatch some shirt. The price almost made me drop the clothes. Yah! What are these? Gold? I returned it and picked another one. It’s lose and big, very comfy. Then I picked baggy jeans. I can move freely with these. I at least have 5 pairs. Whatever! I’m not the one who’s going to pay all these, besides the jeans are not that expensive. I grinned then turned around to face Sese.

“Sese! Look! I saw these clothes and I really like it. I want to buy these!” but he’s not listening, he doesn’t even looked at me.

“Yah! Sese!” again, no response. I moved towards him and saw the clothes he’s putting on the cart. “What are these? I don’t wear dresses! It’s uncomfortable for me!”

“So what do you want? Those baggy jeans? I don’t like people seeing me with someone wearing unflattering cheap clothes.”

“Yah! Many girls wear these kind of jeans!” but he’s not listening. He kept on choosing girly dresses that almost made me gagged. “Yah! Sese!”

“Will you bloody shut up?” he said that made me jumped a bit and staggered back. He didn’t shout but his voice sound so cold. I curled my fist on the side.

“Why do you keep on insisting I wear dresses? It’s not my style I-“

“Because I want to. This way you’ll look more presentable. Besides I haven’t seen Seohyun wear anything other than dress befo-“ he stopped and gripped the clothes he’s holding.

So this has something to do with his ex. I’m with him yet he’s thinking other woman.

“Doesn’t my opinion matters to you?” I asked in almost whisper tone but full of bitterness.

He stopped picking clothes then looked at me with cold emotionless eyes. “No it doesn’t.” I felt something pricked inside my chest. “You’re just someone working for me.” I let out a short bitter laugh. Of course! I don’t know why I even bother asking him when I know that in the first place. I expected so much from him because of what happened last night. I thought I at least mean something to him, like a friend. But I guess I’m wrong. I’m just a tool in his plan. Just a mere homeless woman he paid to act as his fake fiancé. Just a bland woman he’s trying to doll up with clothes similar to his beloved ex.

I looked around and saw the salesladies looking at me with mirth in their eyes. Mocking me. I bit the inside of my cheeks. “Fine.” I said clenching my fist. I turned my back and started walking away.

“Where are you going?”

I stop walking but didn’t face him. “I’m going to buy underwear, Mr. Oh. Why? Am I not allowed to buy alone? Are you even going to choose for me too since my opinion doesn’t really matter in this?”

Silence. I was about to move forward when he spoke again.

“Wait. Ms. Jena will come with you.” I looked at him and glared but he’s not looking. That bastard doesn’t really trust me. I glance at my side and saw a saleslady looking at me with raised chin and sneered at me, her ba

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Chapter 16: Hi authornim!!! Update please!!! I love your story ??
Chapter 8: Aw, same here Suhyun. I hope the girls understand and don't get mad at you later. Its nice to see her making friends you know? Sese nickname is really growing on me haha. I like this chapter that focused on them. It's nice to see them just talk and I can see that little by little Sehun will eventually open up to her and Suhyun will get answers. But questions of her own are already starting to pop up, what does she make of those ninjas? Because even I don't know. Seems like Suhyun is definitely a special girl from a special family.
Chapter 6: This wasn't boring at all, tbh, I laughed so hard because JAY, KARL and KEN LOL. Poor Kai but seriously I love this habits of hers. It's hilarious. It just makes her character that extra cute on top of her flirty and bubbly personality. Hopefully it'll melt Sehun's serious demeanour over time. Also I was imagining the dress and shiet I wonder if Suhyun has recent pictorials with dresses on. My Suhyun gallery may be a little outdated haha. Btw that scene when Sehun caught her made me low-key squeal. That was a little intense ;)
Chapter 4: AHHHH THAT WAS A LOT MORE REVELATIONS THAN I EXPECTED. Sehun may have just got himself involved in a mess bigger than his family dilemmas.
Chapter 3: This is so intriguing so far, I'm glad I clicked on this to try it out. Sehun as a doctor/surgeon and with all the family drama was an interesting start to perceive his character. So far we only see his pov and we can see how ambitious he is. I wonder how this will affect the story later on. Meanwhile Suhyun finally made a dramatic entry. I wonder what happened to her? Memory loss and no proof of identity whatsoever points to a couple of theories for me. But I wonder who she was and what caused this to happen to her. For now, I'll enjoy this bubbly girl who doesn't remember anything. Her interactions with ppl are cute so far and what's up with her and her forgetting people's names? Hahaha. The ending of this chap was extra hilarious and cute because of it and I really like that quirky trait. I just do wonder if it's really because of her accident. Anyway I'll keep on reading and commenting when I can. ^^
iyesha #6
Chapter 16: Yay!!! love your update...Hope you update again soon
Why aren't you updating these days ? I hope everything is fine with you. If you are busy then take your time but please tell us when will be the next update . I am so in love with your story that I reread the whole thing.. Please authornim try to update soon...
njwnzr #8
when will you update? ???
maysoda #9
Chapter 14: keep looking for new updates~~
njwnzr #10
Chapter 14: can't wait for new updates