Chapter Three

Blood Rose
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After what happened in room 18, I never went there the next days. It’s my first time to encounter patients who woke up with amnesia after operation but I’ve seen a lot of it in KDramas so I don’t really care. Besides, she’s not my patient. She’s not my problem.

“She still can’t eat solid food because of the operation. Soft diet, meaning liquid food only. Okay?”

The mother of the child smiled- too much –at me. What a flirt. “Yes doc.”

“Have you bought the medicines I prescribed?”

She nodded. I looked at the child, Dayoung, and patted her head. “Be a good girl okay?” Dayoung smiled at me showing her cute dimples and nodded. I bid goodbye and went straight to my office.

“Hello hyung! How’s your vacation?”

“It’s great! We had a lot of fun. Venice is really nice-“ said Suho hyung through the phone. I can also see him since it’s a video call.

“Hi Sehunnie!” I heard his wife’s voice shouted.

“Hi noona! I saw your pictures. You’re looking great even with your baby tummy.” I heard her squealed. Suho hyung and I laughed.

“So how’s your life there? I heard you are still at Daego.”

I sighed. “Yeah. Long story.”

“I have time.” So I told him all why I cannot go back and about the project my grandfather wanted me to do.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke.

“You know what Sehun, why not do all the things he wanted?” he suggested.

“What?! Are you kidding hyung?”

“Well, he said he is disappointed of you right?”

I scowled. “Yeah. I hate it when he said that. How dare him.”

“Then don’t give him a chance to say that again. Face him. Face his challenges. I think this whole thing he’s doing to you is just a challenge. He wanted to see if you could manage new things he keeps on throwing at you.”

“A challenge? So finding a wife is a challenge?”

“To get married means you’re ready to take a bigger responsibility. Accept his challenges Sehun. Show him that you’re a big man now and responsible, not a child that he could control. Besides, having a wife is not bad, just take me as an example. Also accept the medical mission. If you could make this medical mission a success, you did not just prove him you’re capable of many things but also this medical mission can also be your stepping stone. You could be featured in magazines and for sure my wife would love to put you in front cover.” Suho grinned.

His wife, Bae Ji-hyun, is the owner of Le Fame, a famous magazine in Korea that showcases not just celebrities but also successful people. It’s very popular and many people buy that magazine. It’s a great privilege if you’d be featured in the magazine. How much more if you’re on the front cover.

I mirrored his grin. He has a point. A big point. Yes, I’ll make use of this mission as my stepping stone. I’ll do this in my own way not with the old man’s way.


After the enlightening call from Suho hyung, I decided to go outside and think. I realize something that I forgot to mention hyung, that it’s not that easy to find a wife. I sighed. I was about to sit when someone bumped me and sat down on the seat I was about to take.

“What the F-“

“Wooh! Yah, never thought that walking around would be tiring. Aigoo! It’s so nice to finally rest.” The woman with a red bonnet wearing a white shirt under a red jacket partnered with black jogging pants muttered to herself not minding that she just pushed me and stole my seat!

I scoffed. The nerve!

“Yah!” I shouted at her.

She seems surprised for I saw her jumped on her seat a bit. Finally she looked at me. Her small thin cherry lips is the first thing I noticed.

“May I help you?” she asked.

I scoffed. “Yah, don’t you have manners?! How dare you stole someone’s seat?”

She raised a brow. “Me?” pointing herself. “Stole a seat? Why? Does this have

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Chapter 16: Hi authornim!!! Update please!!! I love your story ??
Chapter 8: Aw, same here Suhyun. I hope the girls understand and don't get mad at you later. Its nice to see her making friends you know? Sese nickname is really growing on me haha. I like this chapter that focused on them. It's nice to see them just talk and I can see that little by little Sehun will eventually open up to her and Suhyun will get answers. But questions of her own are already starting to pop up, what does she make of those ninjas? Because even I don't know. Seems like Suhyun is definitely a special girl from a special family.
Chapter 6: This wasn't boring at all, tbh, I laughed so hard because JAY, KARL and KEN LOL. Poor Kai but seriously I love this habits of hers. It's hilarious. It just makes her character that extra cute on top of her flirty and bubbly personality. Hopefully it'll melt Sehun's serious demeanour over time. Also I was imagining the dress and shiet I wonder if Suhyun has recent pictorials with dresses on. My Suhyun gallery may be a little outdated haha. Btw that scene when Sehun caught her made me low-key squeal. That was a little intense ;)
Chapter 4: AHHHH THAT WAS A LOT MORE REVELATIONS THAN I EXPECTED. Sehun may have just got himself involved in a mess bigger than his family dilemmas.
Chapter 3: This is so intriguing so far, I'm glad I clicked on this to try it out. Sehun as a doctor/surgeon and with all the family drama was an interesting start to perceive his character. So far we only see his pov and we can see how ambitious he is. I wonder how this will affect the story later on. Meanwhile Suhyun finally made a dramatic entry. I wonder what happened to her? Memory loss and no proof of identity whatsoever points to a couple of theories for me. But I wonder who she was and what caused this to happen to her. For now, I'll enjoy this bubbly girl who doesn't remember anything. Her interactions with ppl are cute so far and what's up with her and her forgetting people's names? Hahaha. The ending of this chap was extra hilarious and cute because of it and I really like that quirky trait. I just do wonder if it's really because of her accident. Anyway I'll keep on reading and commenting when I can. ^^
iyesha #6
Chapter 16: Yay!!! love your update...Hope you update again soon
Why aren't you updating these days ? I hope everything is fine with you. If you are busy then take your time but please tell us when will be the next update . I am so in love with your story that I reread the whole thing.. Please authornim try to update soon...
njwnzr #8
when will you update? ???
maysoda #9
Chapter 14: keep looking for new updates~~
njwnzr #10
Chapter 14: can't wait for new updates