Chapter Sixteen

Blood Rose
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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to MINSUGA2 – thank you for loving this story so much that you reread the whole thing ^^ also to njwnzr ^^

And of course to my upvoters and subscribers! Thank you soooooo much!!! Muah!

I’m currently here in the district hall where Sese’s medical team set up their medical equipment and tools. My mind is still thinking about the man in the bar. I didn’t even get enough sleep because of him. I sighed and shook my head. I can’t let that man filled my mind. I have too much in my baggage right now. Deciding to just let it go, I let my sight wander.

Sese was so busy supervising and doing medical checkup on the patients while I just sat there watching him work. I admit, he really looks so cool in his white lab coat and that handsome serious face he’s wearing. I sighed. I don’t care if all I do is stare at him the whole day. Is that weird?

“Who’s that?” I heard from somewhere. From the tone and loudness of the voice, I know that person was not even trying to hide her presence. In fact, I could go as far to say that she intently make her voice louder for me to hear it.

“Hmph. I don’t know. I just saw her with Dr. Oh this morning. They arrived together but Dr. Oh didn’t introduce her to us. He just left her to sit there and he immediately start working.” The voice was full of bitterness. I just kept my head looking at Sese but still listening to them. The hell with this bitter girl?! What’s the matter if I and Sese arrived together?! Duh! As if I know where the medical mission is located. If I don’t go with Sese, I’ll be lost for sure and I also don’t want to expend money. :P Commuting is fun but teasing Sese while driving is a lot more fun.

“I bet she’s just Dr. Oh’s PA or something. You know, because for me she doesn’t look like his girlfriend. I’m sure Dr. Oh’s standard is far more than that.”

I scoffed. Yah! What do you mean by that?! That I’m far from Sese’s type?! It seems like it was indirectly saying that I’m not beautiful enough! The nerve! And PA?! Duh! I’m his fiancé F.Y.I.!

“Yeah. Very far! If that’s Dr. Oh’s standard then were far better choice!”

I rolled my eyes, gritted my teeth and inhaled deep calming myself before I could strangle someone. Deep breath, Suhyun! Deep breath…

“True! But if we talked about Dr. Oh’s type that would be Dr. Jae! Ah, whenever I see her I can feel jealousy cursing my vein!” The girl whined.

“Yeah right. To have all the qualities a man looking for in a girl – brain, beauty, body and even money! – She’s totally perfect! And I even heard she serve in the army for 2 years so I’m sure she knows some self-defense too! Wow! I bet in just a few more days, Dr. Oh and Dr. Jae will date each other!”

What?! What are they talking about?! Who is this Dr. Jae?! Date?! Them?! I leaned a little bit to their direction to hear a little clearer.

“Uh huh! I even often see them together talking and having lunch! They are also always working as a partner! If they ever ended up with each other they will be a perfect couple!”

Perfect couple?! There’s no such thing as perfect! Yah! Where is this Dr. Jae?! I have to see her!

“Uhm, excuse me?” I jumped a bit from the sudden voice that spoke to me. I looked up and saw an angel wearing a lab coat smiling at me.

I gaped at her. “Uhm, I noticed that you have been sitting here for a few minutes already. Are you also going to have a checkup? If you want I could-“

“Ah! No, no no!” wiggling and and shaking my head. “No, I’m not going to have my chekup.” Smiling at her awkwardly.

“Oh! I’m sorry I thought-“

“Nah! It’s okay.” I smiled a bit. I saw the name on her nameplate. ‘Dr. Jae Lizzy’

“Ah, so you’re Dr. Jae…” I unconsciously said. I gasped when the realization hit me then immediately covered my mouth.

The girl, or should I say Dr. Jae, looked amused and smiled. “Yes, I am. Is there anything you want to ask me?”

“I… No! There isn’t. Hehe” laughing awkwardly. I unsuspiciously looked at her from head to toe. Ah… It’s true. She really is beautiful. Really beautiful. The kind of look that matches Sese. I mentally frown. I suddenly felt jealous. I mentally slap myself. No Suhyun! You’re anything but jealous! You’re not jealous, understood?!

“Ah. Okay. If you need any help or felt something bad just don’t hesitate to find me. I’m Lizzy by the way.” She offered her hand to shake.

Not only beautiful on the outside but also on the inside. I smiled and shook her hand. “I’m Suhyun. Nice to meet you Dr. Lizzy.”

“Uhm, excuse me doc…” a nurse suddenly appeared on her side.


“Dr. Oh has been looking for you, he said he needs your assistance.” Sese’s looking for this woman? Why particularly her? I pouted.

The girl smiled sweetly. She then turned to me, I immediately replace the pout on my face with a smile. “I have to go. Nice to meet you again.”

“Yeah…” yeah. Go to your Sese! Hmph! As if I care! If you two want to date each other, then just go do it so I could move on with my life! Tch. I watch as the doctor went to Sese, smiling with each other. I frown.

“How long is that Jane going to take before she gets here?! I have also things to do! Dr. Tamaya is already pissed off. I can't just stay here and baby-sit children.” I heard from not far from where I’m currently sitting. I saw a guy, a nurse based from his uniform, looking pissed off while carrying a toddler. There are also two more children older than the one he was carrying but I’m guessing their age ranges from 3-5 years old. The children were looking sadly at the scowling guy. I bit my lip and look at them with pity. This whining guy is making the children feel that they’re an annoyance and I can’t let that happen so without further thinking I walked towards the guy.

“Uhm, excuse me.”

“What?!” the nurse asked. I breathe deeply to calm myself before I could break this guy’s nose with my fist.

I smiled. “Do you need help? If you want I could take care of the children.” I saw the surprise followed by hesitation. “Oh! I’m Lee Suhyun by the way. Don’t worry. I know how to take care of children” – since all of my hospital ‘playmates’ are children I know some techniques how to handle them – “and I’m not a bad person. You can ask Se- I mean Dr. Oh if you want confirmation.” I said smiling at him.

I saw him thinking, probably weighing pros and cons and then sighed.

“Fine. But when Jane arrived, she will took over this okay? And I’ll hold you liable if something bad happens to this children.”

I nodded eagerly with a smile. With a little hesitation, the nurse handed me the toddler who smiled at me. Aww! She’s so cute with that big eyes and chubby cheeks!

“That is Erin. The one wearing a yellow shirt is Gab, three years old, and the other one is Jelo, five year old.”

I looked at them and smiled and wave. They are looking at me with their wide cute eyes, giving me calculating gaze.

“Erin is Dr. Gyum’s daughter so don’t ever leave your eyes off her. You’ll be in hell if something happened to her.” he threatened. Ah. I’ve been there. I mentally laughed.

“Gab and Jelo are children of our patient. Their mother is currently undergoing intensive checkup that’s why they’re here.”

“I didn’t know you guys baby-sit children of some patients.” I said while playing with Erin’s cute fingers.

“We don’t. The mother just begged us to take care of her children for a while. Jane, Erin’s nanny, went home because she forgot the baby’s milk. Bloody idiot.”

I glared. “Excuse me but please do not speak bad things in front of the children. If you badly wanted to go now then go. I can take care of them.” I said in cold voice.

The guy just raised a brow but went away. I sighed then turn to the two young boys looking at me.

“Hi! I’m Suhyun, but you can call me Noona.” I said to them with my bright smile. Jelo smiled at me, “Hi noona! You’re so pretty!”

I chuckled. I like this little boy immediately. I looked at Gab and he blushed, “H-hi…” he said shyly.

“N…Noo…na… h-yun… Noona Hyun!” said Erin who giggled afterwards.

I giggled. “Aww! You’re all so cute! And don’t worry, I’m very kind and loving noona, I won’t scowl or shout at you like the other guy.” I said in a hushed voice.

“I know you’re better than Gory!” Jelo said.

“Gory?” I asked.

“Gory as in gorilla!” I was shock but then laugh out loud.

“Oh my gosh! You boys are so naughty.” I grinned. They grinned back.

“So, what do you want to do?” I asked.

Gab raised his hand. “Hmm… c-can y-you tell us a story instead? Since Erin can’t play hide and seek with us.”

I smiled. “Of course!” he smiled at me.

“What story do you want to hear?”

“Anything Noona!” Jelo said.

I looked around and my eyes found Sese. Suddenly an idea passed my head.

“I have an idea…” I said wiggling my brows.



“They kissed.”

“Ewwww!!” the two boys reacted. I laughed at their reaction.

“What’s wrong with kissing?” I inquired.

“It’s gross!” Jelo said with scrunched face and fake gagging.

“Yeah. Mom and Dad always do that.” Gab agreed.

“Well, it’s… not actually gross…” I said while scratching my reddening cheeks.

“Have you kissed someone before noona?” Jelo suddenly asked.

“Wha-what? Uhm, I… it’s a secret.” Turning my gaze away from them.

“Ohhhhh…” they said together with matching suggestive wiggling of eyebrows.

“Yah! You kids…” they chuckled. “Anyway, let’s go back to the story. After they kissed, the ugly woman was suddenly enveloped with blinding light and when the light faded, it revealed a beautiful princess.”

“Wow! So the ugly woman is actually a beautiful princess after all!”

I smiled and nodded.

“So when the doctor kissed her she suddenly transformed? Why did he do that? Why did he kissed her?”

I chuckled at the pouting Gab.

“Because he likes her. No, it’s because he loves her.”

“So when you like someone you kiss that person?” asked Gab.

I shrugged. “Ahh… Yes?” I answered.

The two boys suddenly look at each other and to my utter shock, they stood up and both of them kissed me on the cheeks.

“Omo!” I exclaimed.

Erin then giggled, seemed amused at the two, and copied them. She wrapped her small arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheeks.

I looked at them with wonder. “Why did you do that?” I asked while smiling.

“Because we like you Noona!” Jelo answered, Gab nodded shyly with a cute blush on his cheeks.

I smiled. “Aww. Thank you.”

“Aren’t you going to kiss us too? Don’t you like us?” Gab asked.

My eyes widened a bit but then I smiled. “Of course I like all of you! If you want a kiss then I’ll give each one of you! Let’s start with Erin!” I immediately attacked the cute toddler with kisses all over her face. She keeps on giggling the whole time.

“Next is Jelo!” the boy excitedly went towards me

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Chapter 16: Hi authornim!!! Update please!!! I love your story ??
Chapter 8: Aw, same here Suhyun. I hope the girls understand and don't get mad at you later. Its nice to see her making friends you know? Sese nickname is really growing on me haha. I like this chapter that focused on them. It's nice to see them just talk and I can see that little by little Sehun will eventually open up to her and Suhyun will get answers. But questions of her own are already starting to pop up, what does she make of those ninjas? Because even I don't know. Seems like Suhyun is definitely a special girl from a special family.
Chapter 6: This wasn't boring at all, tbh, I laughed so hard because JAY, KARL and KEN LOL. Poor Kai but seriously I love this habits of hers. It's hilarious. It just makes her character that extra cute on top of her flirty and bubbly personality. Hopefully it'll melt Sehun's serious demeanour over time. Also I was imagining the dress and shiet I wonder if Suhyun has recent pictorials with dresses on. My Suhyun gallery may be a little outdated haha. Btw that scene when Sehun caught her made me low-key squeal. That was a little intense ;)
Chapter 4: AHHHH THAT WAS A LOT MORE REVELATIONS THAN I EXPECTED. Sehun may have just got himself involved in a mess bigger than his family dilemmas.
Chapter 3: This is so intriguing so far, I'm glad I clicked on this to try it out. Sehun as a doctor/surgeon and with all the family drama was an interesting start to perceive his character. So far we only see his pov and we can see how ambitious he is. I wonder how this will affect the story later on. Meanwhile Suhyun finally made a dramatic entry. I wonder what happened to her? Memory loss and no proof of identity whatsoever points to a couple of theories for me. But I wonder who she was and what caused this to happen to her. For now, I'll enjoy this bubbly girl who doesn't remember anything. Her interactions with ppl are cute so far and what's up with her and her forgetting people's names? Hahaha. The ending of this chap was extra hilarious and cute because of it and I really like that quirky trait. I just do wonder if it's really because of her accident. Anyway I'll keep on reading and commenting when I can. ^^
iyesha #6
Chapter 16: Yay!!! love your update...Hope you update again soon
Why aren't you updating these days ? I hope everything is fine with you. If you are busy then take your time but please tell us when will be the next update . I am so in love with your story that I reread the whole thing.. Please authornim try to update soon...
njwnzr #8
when will you update? ???
maysoda #9
Chapter 14: keep looking for new updates~~
njwnzr #10
Chapter 14: can't wait for new updates