Stir Awake

Come Away

The Queen rose from a fitful slumber, opening her eyes to velvet darkness and the steady pulsing of her own racing heart. The night was quiet and the air was still; dawn was still some time away. She frowned.

Wordlessly, soundlessly, she slipped from bed, leaving her sleeping husband’s side. She left the main bedchambers, halting the guards at the doorway with a raised hand as they made to follow her.

“My sons?” she asked them, perturbed by how her heart was still beating so rapidly. Naturally her thoughts immediately went to her children. Ten centuries had already come and gone and her instincts had never failed her. Something was amiss.

The guards shuffled in their armor. “In the Royal Wing, your Majesty.”

“All of them?” It was commonplace to have all three of her sons at the palace at the same time, but a niggling at the back of her mind was urging her to investigate.

“Reported by Prince Minwoo, your Majesty.” The guard said. “He also gave the orders that they not be disturbed until morning.”

Odd. Her eldest rarely issued orders like those, if at all. Had they gone somewhere for a night of revelry? Minwoo had been quite upset at Junjin for tricking the goblins into doing some tasks he had assigned, so had they already resolved their differences?

The Queen hesitated in her steps, deciding on her next move.

It would have actually been very simple to know whether or not her sons were really in the palace as they should have been, or as they claimed to be. She could already feel the familiar stirrings of power within her, one which she had often used when her sons had been much, much younger and still unfamiliar with the many ways mothers could watch over their children. She hesitated in using it now, unsure whether they would be able to sense it, and dreaded the consequences of doing such a thing; all her boys had such terrible tempers. Sometimes she wished they had taken after their father more.

But where would the fun be in that?

The Queen silenced the growing surge of maternal power within her in a flourish. No, it would not do; she knew better than to snoop around when it came to her sons. “In the morning, tell them I must speak with them,” she told the guards, who nodded, putting their gloved fists on their plates.

“Yes, your Majesty.”

Her heart was still beating hard against her ribs. Her sons were all right, she knew, because she also knew that if they were in mortal danger she would have felt it. For now there was just something odd in the air, but she would get to the bottom of it eventually. Nothing eluded the High Queen for long.






“Can we do it again?”

“Do what again?”

“Have dinner…” Andy hesitated. “…with Junjin.”

Eric froze, trying not to make any sudden movements as he continued massaging shampoo into Andy’s wet hair. It was nearly eleven at night and they had just concluded their first, and possibly only, dinner with the fae. The only thing Eric was concerned about at this point was getting Andy ready for bed and make sure he had enough sleep for school the next day, not whether or not there would be a repeat of tonight’s impromptu event.

“Andy…” he started to say. “Let’s…maybe we’ll talk about it in the morning, okay?” Because although he really didn’t want his brother to be any closer to the fae than necessary, the day had been long and eventful and he was exhausted in more ways than one. Andy, ever patient, nodded.

“Okay, but I promise I won’t tell people about him. I know he does magic and stuff and people might get scared.”

That was an understatement. Relative to his expectations, Junjin had been a surprisingly well-behaved houseguest, obeying his instructions to sit on his hands and keep within Eric’s line of sight at all times. Sans the one squabble he and Andy had had over what TV program to watch (where they had argued over the merits of watching either Paw Patrol or River Monsters, and Junjin kept testing Andy’s patience by changing the channels with his powers and at one point even resorted to making the remote control disappear so Andy couldn’t touch it), he had proved helpful in the kitchen, exhibiting his various abilities to either speed up kitchen prep and cooking time.

(“You can cook things? With your hands?” Eric stared, dumbfounded, at the bowl of potatoes he had given Junjin to wash but which the fae had instead baked to perfection without even putting in the oven.

“What? You were going to put them in that contraption anyway,” Junjin almost looked offended. “It’s dull waiting for these things.”

“But you can create heat?” Eric was suddenly wary of the fae’s hands and eyed it skeptically.

“My primary ability is in manipulating energy, not creating it.” Junjin demonstrated by opening his palm and creating a ball of blue flame seemingly out of thin air. He laughed when Eric jumped back, surprised, while Andy clapped his hands. “My brothers and I each have one.”

Something clicked in Eric’s mind, and he remembered what Hyesung had said just that morning. Much like any other skill, magic requires harnessing and training. My brothers and I are still learning…

“Put that away!” Eric yelped. “Do you even know how to use it properly?”

“Oh ho!” Junjin crowed, then extinguished the flame by closing his fist over it. “You’re a sharp one, Eric Mun. But perhaps my brothers had already advised you of our training? You’re correct, however. I am still lacking in many ways in terms of harnessing this power.”

That ended Eric’s internal deliberation of whether or not he should give Junjin the chicken to cook; he didn’t want to risk blowing their apartment to smithereens just to satisfy his curiosity.

“What’s Hyesung’s then?” he asked. It had already been revealed that Minwoo could manipulate space and time, and so Eric could hazard a guess that that was his primary power. Hyesung, however…

Junjin sniffed, dismissive of the question. “It is not for me to discuss with you. You should ask him instead.”

“Aren’t they coming?” Eric blurted out, surprised at the tiny bloom of hope that sprung forth in his chest when the question was raised. Junjin cocked his head at him quizzically.

“I had believed you were not comfortable with my brothers and I, and yet you question their absence. Would you like for them to come?”

At this, Eric felt his ears turning red. “What? No.” He shook his head vigorously. “They just have a habit of appearing, that’s all. I just want to make sure we would have enough food.” There was no other reason for it.

“If you would like for them to come, all you have to do is ask,” A wide smile was creeping across Junjin’s face. “If you prefer, I can—”

“No! No. No thank you.” Eric interrupted him. “One of you is enough. I was just being polite.” Because he was. Really.

“Hm.” Junjin replied, but said nothing more on the matter.)

“Hyung? Are you listening to me?”

Andy’s voice snapped Eric out of his reverie. “Yep. Of course.” He said, avoiding Andy’s narrowed gaze.

“What did I say then?”

“We’ll talk about having more dinners with Junjin tomorrow.” He cleared his throat and pulled rank, knowing that if he didn’t they would never reach the end of this discussion. He reached for Andy’s towel. “For now, you’ve got to get to bed.”

“Have you met his brothers?” Andy was still talking as Eric dried him off and helped him into his pajamas. “Are they nice?”


(Hot breath. The scent of autumn blooms and rain-streaked wind. His stomach dropping to his feet like a lead weight. Lesson One: the Fae are not nice)

…they’re okay.” Eric said, with much consideration. He wasn’t going to take his chances in case any of the three was listening.

“Do they do magic too? Can they change to birds too? Hyung, where do they live?”

Andy.” Eric had to shush his brother as he got too excited. He could understand how exhilarating it must be for such a small boy, especially one intimately familiar with Harry Potter, but he also didn’t want to risk anything. “Promise me, you’ll never ever talk about this to anyone but me, okay? I don’t know a lot about them and they are not our friends.”

Andy frowned at this. “Dongwan hyung likes Junjin though.”

Eric resisted rolling his eyes, although he couldn’t blame Andy’s willingness to use Dongwan as an indicator of whether or not someone was okay to befriend. Dongwan’s high level of paranoia and wide protective streak was able to filter bad eggs out by a mile, but he had readily accommodated Junjin that night, spending most of the meal laughing with him and trading dumb jokes. There were times Eric had even felt slightly jealous at the attention his cousin had showered on the fae, who had played his part as his “friend from work” exceedingly well.

(“Oh man,” Dongwan was wiping his eyes from the last joke Junjin had said. “Honestly, how can such a great guy like you be willing to put up with Eric? Granted, he’s my cousin, but I’m sure he gives you hell—I mean heck,” he censored himself, glancing at Andy who was still at the table and was listening intently to their conversation, “at work.”

“He isn’t so bad,” Junjin smirked. “Most times.”

“Is he a pain at the office?” Dongwan asked. He spooned some carrots onto Andy’s plate, oblivious to the disgusted expression Andy made. “I’ve always wondered what his professional friends think of him.”

“Oh,” Junjin hummed. The fae was an excellent actor, even going so far as throwing Eric loaded glances as though to ask him permission before saying anything. “He’s…strict.”

“C’mon, let’s just eat, you guys.” Eric had gotten increasingly tired over the course of dinner; he just wanted it over and done with. “No talking about work…hey!” He scolded Andy as the boy passed the dreaded carrots onto Junjin’s plate, and which the fae ate without even blinking. Andy gave him a toothy grin in response, a half-apology that said sorry I’m not sorry that only served to put Eric in a pissier mood. 

“Isn’t there a girl you can recommend to him?” Dongwan suddenly asked, expression one of feigned innocence. Eric glared at his cousin, intent on making him realize he was treading into dangerous territory. “What? If you never ask, you can never know. And you’ve gone so long without one.”

“I’m not looking.” Eric snapped. Having a girlfriend was not at the top of his priorities at the moment, especially since Andy’s arrival. It was already enough work taking care of another human being who was fully dependent on him for his future and survival; he didn’t need the additional headache. “Why don’t you just look for one for yourself? Don’t include me in the mix.”

“I’m still heartbroken over the last one,” Dongwan sighed. His cousin was a serial flirter and was forever falling in and out of relationships. His last one had been with a small-time print model who had a gap tooth and a tattoo of a barcode on her wrist. It had lasted a grand total of seven weeks before the girl had told him she was already more than 3 months pregnant with her firstborn. Dongwan had dropped her like a hot potato but had locked himself in the gym for weeks afterwards, bench-pressing as tears ran down his cheeks. “You should though. Maybe it’ll make you into less of a grouch.”

“Hm.” Junjin looked thoughtful but didn’t contribute further to the discussion, and the topic was dropped as soon as it had been raised.)

“Yeah well. Dongwan doesn’t know everything.”

“You mean that they’re magic?”

Sunho.” Eric warned. “I literally just said…

“I know, I know!” Andy squeaked. “You said if it was with you, it was okay.”

“Yes, but don’t mention that word. Look…” He sighed, not knowing how to explain the situation in a way which Andy would understand. “We just have to be careful, okay? Never be alone with any of them, even with Junjin. We don’t know anything about them, apart from the fact that they’re…” Not human, he wanted to say, but even that already seemed a hard pill to swallow.

“Okay, okay,” Andy already seemed fed up with the talk, most likely due to the many warnings. He waved his hand dismissively. “I got it, hyung.”

“I mean it.” Eric had to make sure his brother on his own understood the risks of consorting with the fae. “We don’t know what they’re capable of. They could turn you and me into insects for all I know. Don’t speak to them when I’m not there. Got it?”

Okay.” Andy hopped off the side of the tub where he had been sitting as he brushed his teeth. He spat into the sink and very quickly rinsed his mouth, giving Eric a light peck on the cheek before rushing out of the bathroom. “Good night, hyung!” The sound of his bedroom door closing was proof that he was done discussing it for the night. Eric sighed and mentally steeled himself to try again tomorrow.

He found Junjin still there as he went back to their living dining room to do a final check. The fae was channel surfing by making motions with his head, before finally settling on a Peppa Pig marathon. Eric froze as he saw Dongwan beside him on the sofa, lying back with his eyes closed.

“Did you kill him?” he asked Junjin rather bluntly, because honestly, he was prepared for anything now. Junjin looked at him in distaste.

“Why would I? I like him,” the fae said. He patted Dongwan’s hair as though he was a favorite pet, and his cousin snored in response, turning to snuggle against Junjin. “I merely helped put him to sleep. He was exhausted, and I was tired of restraining my powers. I’ve already cleared the dishes by the way.” Junjin grinned. “You’re welcome.”

Eric surveyed the whole area and noticed that it looked brand spanking new again, similar to that one time…

“It was you!” Eric said, fully realizing now the source of the strange goings-on at their apartment in recent weeks.

“Your brother had tried to tell you. You were the one who insisted on being stubborn.” Junjin raised an eyebrow at him. “This does not count as a Favor, by the way. I was just bored.”

Because of ing course.

Eric was about to tell him to go because he’d already had enough of this nonsense and he was tired and not willing to deal with this anymore, but Junjin surprised him by standing, turning the TV off with a flourish, and letting Dongwan stretch himself fully on the sofa. He even deigned to pull the throw (We had a throw? Eric was mystified) over the sleeping man before turning to Eric with a huge smile.

“I am retiring for the night, Eric Mun. I thank you and your family for your hospitality. It was indeed a joyous and enlightening gathering.” He gave a bow, which startled Eric. But he guessed he really shouldn’t have been. Junjin was a prince too, after all.

“Uh…” he said, finding himself oddly tongue-tied. His days really couldn’t get any weirder now. “Sure.”

“We will meet you again soon, of that I am sure. We must have more gatherings like this, hopefully with my brothers.” Did Junjin ing wink at him? "Until then.”

There was a gust of wind and Eric saw as a large raven now occupied the spot where Junjin had been. The bird flapped its wings proudly and let out a loud caw before circling in mid-air and sitting on the windowsill of one of the windows which had just slammed open. It glanced back before cawing once more, then spread its wings and disappeared into the long black night, leaving Eric who watched its departure in disbelief and Dongwan, who slept on, oblivious to the conclusion of that day’s events and now was drooling slightly on the cushion his head was resting on.




Something awoke the High Queen once more. A wrinkling in the universe that was imperceptible to many, but to her was powerful enough to make her rise and leave their chambers for the second time that strange night, this time ignoring the guards fully as they rushed to follow her, startled by her sudden appearance.

“Your Majesty—!”

She met her sons in the main hallway of the Royal Wing, all three still awake and fully dressed and speaking in low tones as they walked, their boots barely making any noise on the flagstones. Somehow she was not surprised to see them.

“My sons.” The Queen greeted as they remained oblivious to the first few moments of her arrival. They instantly straightened, obviously stunned at her presence, but very quickly regained their composure, bowing at her respectfully without breaking rank.

“Mother,” Minwoo greeted, giving her a charming smile. He stepped up to her and kissed her hand. “The hour is late and the night cold. Why have you left Father to slumber without you by his side?”

“I believe your father can make do a while without me.” The Queen raised an eyebrow at her eldest, with his honeyed words and disarming smile. “I could ask of you the same thing. What mischief have you wrought?”

She kept a critical eye on Junjin, who advanced this time, repeating Minwoo’s action and twirling her in addition. There was a scent of something bitter on him, and she frowned. “Why, dear heart,” he said, initiating a waltz with her. “We have done nothing to merit your concern.”

The Queen scoffed. Such lies her youngest could weave. “You may be of age now, dear princeling, but do not think you can fool your mother so.” She halted the gentle dancing Junjin had led her into and gazed into his eyes, but they told her nothing but the endless mirth she knew far too well he was capable of.

“You mustn’t worry so, Mother.” Hyesung spoke this time, but kept his distance. He was always careful, her middle child, the calm between the two storms that were his brothers. In the same way he was cautious with her, so was she with him, as she would be with a dragon lying quietly in its lair. She eyed him as he spoke. His handsome face was impassive, but his words were weighty and chosen with purpose. Of all her children, Hyesung knew the power of words best, and wielded the skill with much success. “My brothers and I were merely discussing our training, and of the best way to approach the challenges they present.”

“Is that so, my darling?” The Queen deigned to smile. It was a well-known fact that Hyesung fell far behind in training compared to his brothers, due to more reasons than one. But at this hour? “Surely it can wait until morning.”

“You are of course correct, Mother. Only I had been soundly beaten at the grounds today and had taken a night flight to calm myself. My brothers joined me and proceeded in giving me advice on how to better myself. We were not aware of how late it had gotten and will be retiring shortly.” He gave a small bow, his hair shining silver in the moonlight. “We had no intentions of worrying you.”

“Hyesung speaks the truth, Mother.” Minwoo spoke. “We only sought to comfort our brother but can resume this in the morning.”

“We apologize, darling one,” Junjin kissed her cheek, quickly and gently, his cheek a feather brushing against her own. “We did not mean to steal you from Father’s side.”

The Queen grasped Junjin’s hand as he made to move away, but the universe had already stilled and cooled, and all she could feel now was her son’s warmth against her own. He grinned at her cheekily.

“I love you, Mother,” he said, eyes like black stars. He kissed her hand before extricating his own and standing in line once more with his brothers.

“We shall retire and will see you in the morning, your Majesty.” Hyesung said. 

It was, in all essence, a dismissal, or permission for one. The Queen nodded, slightly puzzled but refusing to show it. “Of course,” she said. “Sleep well, my sons.”

“Good night, Mother.” Minwoo said and placed a hand on his chest, an action which his brothers mirrored, before bowing. She turned and walked away again, back towards their chambers with the guards right behind. It did not even take her two steps to know that her sons had already vanished into the shadows.


Author's Notes
1. Changed the format. OMG.
2. Why is there no obvious Ricsyung yet? The answer is idk??? I have a feeling it will come next chapter though. Finally Eric has some answers, so we can get a move on with the rest of the plot. LOL
3. Junjin's primary power is energy manipulation! He's not very good at it yet, though, but is far better than Hyesung is with his own. 
4. For some reason, I like the Queen??? She has no name and I don't know if I'll give her any. I just like the fact that somebody knows MinSyungJin better than themselves and can (kind of) control them.
5. Between Andy and Junjin, Paw Patrol = Jinnie and River Monsters = Andy. Because yes. 
6. That was one long damn day for Eric. Four chapters??? Poor guy. Glad it's over though.
7. Fae actually can't lie, so what MinSyungJin are doing are just twisting truths. Their mom knows their game though. She'll probably catch on quick.  

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Chapter 14: Wait so is it Junin and Andy or Minwoo and Dongwan who bring the end of world's?
Chapter 18: rereading everything :))) i love the way it makes me smile this sunday morning <3 so much comfort!! loveu wunderbarnim!!!
missstery #3
Chapter 18: Wow, the story just keeps getting better. It seems like Hyesung gave in to him feelings, even for a moment, I'm happy for both of them. I'm still worried about Jun Jin and consequently about Andy, hopefully nothing bad happens to them. I wonder why nothing happened when Eric entered the Underground, is it a sign? Now I am more intrigued by what may happen later. Thanks for the update, as I said it's getting more and more interesting and I can't wait for the second part. Greetings and take care
spookygirl #4
Chapter 18: Wow, finally RicSyung are connecting (lips to lips and emotionally 😁) and starting to understand more about each other’s feelings. Finally Hyesung is opening up and sharing what he’s going through. The situation at the Underground is sounding worse, and it’s like a massive unraveling. Looking forward to finding out more in the next chapter! Thanks for the update and stay safe and healthy!
Chapter 18: i haven't read it yet, i just want to say, thank you! i had a tough week, notification of your fics updates automatically cheers me up!!! love u wunderbarnim!!!
spookygirl #6
Chapter 17: Wow! What an ending. Finally, Eric has admitted his feelings and has pushed Hyesung to face what he feels too. That last grasp of his wrist was probably something he could not help and now he’s probably in the realm with Hyesung.
The sweet devotion between Andy and JunJin is touching. I hope JunJin can recover soon and have the flower bloom again so Andy can be reassured of JunJin being ok.
Not much of Minwoo in this chapter, and why do I think he’s being punished by his parents?
Can’t wait for the next chapter, as always!
missstery #7
Chapter 17: The relationship between Jin and Andy is very strong, as risking his life to protect Andy and fulfill his promise is surprising. Hopefully Junjin will let himself be helped so that nothing bad happens to him. Like Eric, I believe that the events are not due to climate change, could it be that the prophecy is also affecting them? And then Hyesung denying that he cares about them, because Eric is right in everything he told him, hopefully he will accept his feelings, although I don't know if that will make the situation worse in both kingdoms. I want to see what will happen now that Hyesung accidentally took Eric into his kingdom and how it affects the prophecy. Thanks for the update, this chapter was great, take care and greetings.
Chapter 17: wait what happened, did Eric go with him to the underground?
missstery #9
Chapter 16: I can't believe Eric tell Dongwan the truth. What happens to the flower? Please don't let anything bad happen to Jin, I can't imagine how Andy will be if something bad happens to his flower and Jin of course. I could see the reaction of a mother here, once the concern for her children passes, she get angry with them and "scold" them, although in this case attacking them goes beyond a scolding, but is understandable. AlI is happened is for the prophecy right? I hope to see what other consequences it will have on the kingdom and how it could affect Eric, Andy and Dongwan, since I don't know who will have activated it. But what happen to Jin? no, please someone help him. Thanks for the update, it is getting more and more interesting. Although it leaves me so many doubts and concerns, I still want more. I hope you don't forget Mise en Place, please (begging), I miss it. I hope you are well. Take care
Chapter 16: nooooooooo! he can't fadeaway, he's going to get married on 13th! authorniiiim pleeaaase save him!! *sobs