Magic, Of Course

Come Away

The Queen was restless.

Sitting on the throne in the middle of a dais as she held court, she attempted not to openly fidget. She had been attending to official duties since that morning but her focus constantly wavered, often drifting to stray thoughts that did not seem to have any immediate significance. It was not like her to be distracted but she was now, her thoughts somehow honing in on her sons, although she could not fathom any logical reason why it would be so.

She had seen them just that morning and nothing had seemed amiss. All three had broken fast with her in the Royal Wing even before dawn had arrived, prior to attending to their individual schedules. They had been their usual selves, bantering with her and telling her jokes, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and conjuring flowers and starlings from thin air. At that moment she had no cause to suspect them of anything; she had only been glad and grateful for the rare treat of being together with her boys, something not easily arranged now with all three of them being of age and each being groomed into the roles they were born to eventually hold. She had also taken that time to discreetly check on their progress, and had been glad that it seemed they were all adjusting well to the increasing pressures of taking on more official engagements…

She shook her head. Well, Minwoo was, at least. Her two younger sons were a different matter altogether. Unlike their eldest, Hyesung and Junjin had always been granted more freedom than required and so as a consequence, both were a bit more…unrestrained. But she could not really complain. After all, the fact that they had three heirs was already more than what they could have ever expected…

The Queen bit her lip, her restlessness growing. Had something happened, perhaps? Was the secret dread she had always harbored, being the mother of three children rather than one, about to come to pass? Was it related to the strange, sleepless nights she had been having of late?


When Wind awakens and shadows creep…


“Your Majesty, are you all right?”

She startled at the sound of the Royal Guard’s voice close to her ear, leather squeaking as she tightened her grip around the armrests of her seat. The Royal Guard gave her a look of concern. Below the dais, the citizens were also peering at her curiously, wondering what had just happened for the Queen to suddenly and inadvertently disrupt the session.

“Your Grace?”

She ignored the Royal Guard’s call as fear, thick and bitter, gathered in the pit of her stomach. What had just happened? She had not summoned the old prophecy in thought for ages now, had not even dared to breathe a word of it since Junjin had barely left her as a babe. But now the words danced unsolicited in her mind like a spell, chillingly, almost tauntingly so. As though it were a reminder. Or an omen.


When Wind awakens and shadows creep
A darkness stirs from hidden sleep…


“Your Majesty, does something ail you? Would you like me to call for someone? The Royal Healer perhaps?” The Royal Guard made sure he was close enough so his words remained unknown to everyone else; it would not do for the denizens of the Underground to witness the High Queen being unwell.

The Queen shook her head in reply as her hands curled into tight fists on her lap.

“I apologize…” She fought to regain her composure as her heart thrummed fast against her chest, and although the room was already far too warm, she shuddered.


Witness thy beguiling hour
When the True Forces come to pow’r…


“Your Majesty…?”

The Royal Guard stepped back as the Queen suddenly made to stand. Below the dais, the crowd gave a small gasp of surprise.


Where Child of Earth and Child of Light
Entangle in thy fatal plight…


“I truly apologize but I would need to arrange for this another time. There is something urgent I need to see to.” She turned to the citizen who had been standing before her stating his case, his head bowed and with his hat in his hands. “I shall grant you a personal appearance, kind sir, but you must forgive me this once for departing prematurely.”

The citizen bowed deeper. “Yes, of course, Your Majesty.”

The Queen turned to the Royal Guard nearest her. “See to it that this man’s concern is the first on my timetable on the morrow.”


And kingdoms fall to fire and flame
As thine Fates play thy deadly game…


She saw as concern flashed in the Royal Guard’s eyes as she faltered in her steps, an action so minute no one else but he had spotted it, and reactively, he readied his hand in case she continued to stumble. The glare she gave him in return for his efforts was a frightening one, making him quickly fall back into place. By the time they were safely enrobed in the shadows of one of the palace’s many hidden walkways and out of public view, however, a sharp intense pain was already lancing through her skull and she gasped out loud, this time stumbling and falling to her knees on the stone floor.

“Your Majesty!”

Face pale and with her heart in , the final words of the prophecy echoed in the Queen’s mind, the sudden remembrance of it enough to make her magic flare and crackle:


Darkness, ash, and dreams recall
The coming of the Final Fall.






“If you guys keep doing that, I swear, this will be the last time Hyesung or Junjin can come for dinner.”

Eric saw from the corner of his eye as both Andy and Junjin froze in their movements. They – well, actually Junjin, but most definitely with Andy’s participation – had been transferring all the vegetables on Andy’s pizza slice onto his through some weird fae sleight-of-hand, making Junjin’s slice look more like a salad now than a pizza. The identical looks of guilt and mock horror that they wore in response would have been funny if Eric wasn’t so annoyed at the fact that it was Andy who had insisted he sit beside the younger fae in the first place; his little brother was quite sly when he wanted to be.

“We’re not doing anything.” Andy said. He now had a broccoli in his hands, which he popped into his mouth. “Yum!” he said, smiling through a grimace that was attempting to overtake his features.

“Chew and swallow that.” Eric said pointedly. “And you,” he turned to Junjin, who grinned at him with his mouth suddenly full, possibly crammed with all the other vegetables that had been on his plate, “quit following what an eight-year-old keeps telling you.”

“Oh leave them alone, Eric Mun.” Hyesung said, his voice light with amusement. He was already on his fourth slice of the Napoli Supreme Special (which was their second pizza order because apparently one wasn’t enough) and was eating it like a true Brooklynite: folded and with his hands, ignoring the cheese and oil oozing out from the crust and onto his fingers. Why Eric had even ever imagined Hyesung eating pizza with a fork and knife, he didn’t know; the fae ate with the gusto of a half-starved workman all the time. “Mind your own dinner.”

“These are delicious.” Junjin said, his words barely comprehensible with his stuffed mouth.

“Don’t speak with your mouth full,” Andy giggled, although his own cheeks were puffed up. This caused Junjin to giggle as well, although what they were finding hilarious Eric didn’t even know. He shook his head, wondering how it was possible that he had been saddled with babysitting two children rather than one. 

“Now now, Young Master Mun.” Hyesung said from beside Eric, his voice suddenly taking on a firmer tone. “That is no way for a young noble to behave. We have told you this, yes?”

Andy immediately looked ashamed. The entire walk they had done on the way to the pizza parlor had been filled with Andy peppering the fae with questions about their being royalty among other things, urging a mini-lecture from Hyesung about protocol that even Eric found interesting. One of them was of course to never tell any member of the Royal Family to ‘shut up’, but he pretended to be deaf when Hyesung made direct references at him.

“Sorry.” Andy said after forcing himself to swallow the food in his mouth. He made a face. “I don’t like vegetables but Dongwan hyung and Eric hyung always make me.”

“They are at least right in that sense.” Hyesung had finished his pizza and was wiping his fingers with a napkin. “Junjin was similar to you, but when we started our formal training he quickly realized he had to eat the right kinds of things in order to make him bigger and stronger.”

At this, Andy perked up, suddenly interested. “You mean…magic?” He asked, his voice dropping to a dramatic whisper on the last word. Beside him, Junjin nodded, and Andy turned to him. “Did you already do magic when you were a kid? When you were my age?”

“I was already doing it even before I moved out of the nursery.” Junjin said almost proudly. “One of my former nursemaids used to say I was able to conjure illusions as a babe so I could sleep.”

“It is not uncommon for the fae to exhibit powers early, but for the High Fae, it comes much earlier, I believe.” Hyesung said. “Mother also encouraged it. Even before we could walk we could already do simple spells.”

“That’s so cool,” Andy breathed, looking completely awed. Eric said nothing, interested how this conversation would play out. He was also keeping a close eye on the passing crowd and making sure no one was eavesdropping. “What about when you guys turn into birds? Is that a special power?”

“You can say that. It requires intensive training and is not simple magic.” Hyesung pointed to the markings, near-invisible now, by his eye line. “This is the marking of shapeshifters among the High Fae. To my knowledge only the Royal Family have the privilege to learn the craft. It took Junjin and I many years to learn it.”

“I learned it much faster, of course,” Junjin beamed and Hyesung made a face, although he did not contest it.

“Awww.” Andy looked disappointed. “That means I can’t learn it.”

Hyesung shook his head. “No, unfortunately, young one.”

“But what about other types of magic? Do you have to use a wand and stuff?”

“A wand?” Hyesung smiled. “Silly boy. No, of course not.”

“So it just…is it like a talent?”

“Sort of…yes. We are…inclined to it, I would say.”

“Could you…could you teach me?”

At this, Eric sat up, slightly alarmed. “Whoa, hey, hold on, Dee, let’s not go there. No lessons. No. Just questions. That was the deal.”

“It is a question.” Andy said, pouting.

Okay, point. But still…. This wasn’t Harry Potter or Narnia. This was real life. He didn’t need it any crazier than it already was.

“Yeah, but no teaching of…” he lowered his own voice as server walked past, “…of magic. No, way. You can’t anyway, right, Hyesung?” He turned to the fae, hoping to communicate with a glare that he’d better get on board or else. But then Hyesung had never really been one to actively listen to him.

Hyesung hummed under his breath, looking thoughtful. “Your brother is right that we cannot, in actuality, teach you. However…”

“It depends on what sort of magic you want to learn,” Junjin explained. “Your realm dampens a great deal of fae power, but…” He looked at Hyesung, who nodded. “Perhaps we can let you borrow a bit…”

This time both fae glanced at Eric, obviously asking for permission for something. And Eric heard alarm bells sounding off in his head.

“Hold on, I just said ‘NO’, right? In no way, shape, or form did I actually say ‘YES’ to this!”

Hyesung shrugged. “We will merely let your brother borrow our powers, Eric Mun.”

Borrow? Borrowing was for library books, pencils, and cups of sugar from neighbors. When in the world did magic become something that could be lent?

“How would you do that?” Eric asked, flabbergasted.

“It’s simple enough,” Junjin grinned toothily at him, the familiar mischievous glint back in his eyes. “With your permission, of course.”

Andy also looked at him, looking both thrilled and nervous at the same time. He clasped his hands. “Please, hyung! I’ll eat all my vegetables forever if you want me to!”

“I mean…” Where they going to start making the salt and pepper shakers float? Were they going to start pulling rabbits out of thin air? What if something happened? “Here? Now?” Should he even suggest they do it at the apartment instead? Why am I even considering this??? Magic wasn’t even anything he had believed truly existed until a few weeks ago!

“I shall cloak it. We are not that cavalier.” Hyesung’s eyes gleamed, looking very much as though he was enjoying Eric’s inner turmoil. “But I do need your approval as Young Master Mun is your ward.”

Adjacent from him, Andy looked fit to explode, his body practically vibrating in his seat. “Hyung, please let me do it. I’ll do anything you and Dongwan hyung ask me to, forever and ever and ever!” His eyes were wide as dinner plates. ing great. They were at the point of no return. If he said no, he’d be lucky if Andy ever deigned to look his way again.

Eric glared at the two fae in warning. “Nothing dangerous. Nothing that will make him change his form, or maim him, or damage him irreparably, or I will make both of you eat iron fillings, I swear.”

“You have nothing to fear.” Hyesung said, although the way he said it didn’t sound very comforting at all. Already Eric could feel the familiar buzz of magic surrounding them, the restaurant’s ambient sounds being reduced to a muffled clinking, as though they had suddenly been covered by an invisible blanket. The older fae had already applied the cloaking spell, it seemed. “They will only see the four of us eating quietly in the meantime.”

Eric’s breath hitched as he watched Junjin move closer to Andy and put an arm around him, moving plates of uneaten pizza crusts aside before positioning his brother’s hands on the table. His own palms were sweaty, urging him to wipe them distractedly against his jeans. He threw Hyesung a hard stare, one that was meant to serve as another warning in case anything went wrong, but the older fae merely responded with a smile, one that reminded Eric of that time Hyesung had come, uninvited, into his bedroom.

(Do you trust me?)

This time, despite the circumstances and his constant denial, Eric already knew the answer.

“Hold your hands together.” Eric heard Junjin direct, his voice low and gentle. He had gotten into a crouched position, so his face was side-by-side with Andy’s. “That’s it. As though you were holding a newborn bird in both your palms.”

“I’m really doing magic?” Andy squeaked as Junjin nodded, cupping Andy’s hands in his. “Cool!”

“All right. Now…” The younger fae laughed gleefully as Andy gasped, whirling to face Junjin openmouthed. “Do you feel it?”

“Yes!” Andy turned to Eric, who sat in his seat, tense, as he watched the scenes unfold. He clenched his fists to keep him from reaching out and grabbing his brother. Internally he was praying Junjin wouldn’t accidentally set anything on fire or make anything – or anyone – spontaneously combust or implode.

“It feels so weird!” Andy laughed.

“Does it hurt?” Eric couldn’t help but ask, alert once more. He leaned forward in his seat, ready to pull Andy away if necessary. To his surprise, Hyesung suddenly placed a hand on his leg, preventing him from leaning any further. Confused, he attempted to shift his leg in case it was a mistake, but Hyesung ignored his movements and stubbornly kept his hand in its claimed spot. The reason for it soon became clear: a calming warmth had started to spread throughout his body in waves from the spot where the fae’s hand was, the sensation quickly soothing his growing anxiety.

(It did nothing for his galloping heartbeat, however, and had to turn his head to make sure Hyesung didn’t see how much he was blushing)

“It doesn’t really hurt…it’s like…pins and needles and water and wow!” Andy was giggling hysterically. He held his hands out, still enclosed in Junjin’s larger ones. “Agh! It tickles!”

“Now, let’s try something different…”

“No fire!” Eric warned, remembering Junjin’s primary power. “If you’re going to be playing with fire, forget about my approval for this crazy experiment.”

Hyesung tsked beside him, the first sound he had made since invading his personal space. His hand was still on Eric’s leg, the warmth of his fingers seeped through the fabric of his jeans and onto his skin. “You are far too protective. Let the children be, Eric Mun, and sit back and watch.”

“We will not conjure fire.” Junjin raised a hand, as though in assurance. “We will attempt something simple. A flower.”

Andy looked up at the younger fae. “Any flower?”

“Your favorite one.” Junjin smiled. “The most beautiful one this entire realm has to offer.”

“But I don’t know what it’s called…”

“You need not know its name, just how it looks like.” Junjin said, nudging Andy encouragingly. “Think of its shape…”

Andy looked skeptical but then quickly nodded, tongue between his lips. “Okay.”

“Its color…what’s your favorite color?”

“White…and orange!” Andy grinned.

“All right…Picture it in your mind and focus.” Junjin rolled his shoulders and leaned forward. “Ready?”


Eric wasn’t sure what to expect and so he held his breath, all his muscles taut and ready to spring into action in case it all ended in disaster. He watched as Junjin closed his hands, his fingers easily covering Andy’s small ones, then gently pulled them open again.

Andy squealed. “Oh wow! Oh wow!

A large snow-white chrysanthemum had started taking bloom in the cusp of his palm, the flower gently unfurling and blossoming into twice the normal size until it reached the edges of his hands. When it finally stopped growing, the tips of its petals slowly turned a soft blushing orange.

“WOW!” Andy yelled. He held up the flower for Eric to see, breaking away from Junjin’s hold. “Hyung, look! Look!

Relief that nothing had gone wrong washed over Eric like a wave, and he felt he could properly breathe again. Whatever anti-anxiety spell Hyesung had cast over him had definitely worked.

“I see it, I see it.” The mum was as big as his own palm, and when he reached out to touch it, it didn’t wink out of existence or turn into dust. He was tempted to inspect it more closely but decided to give Andy the pleasure of doing so instead. “That is pretty cool…” he muttered.

“I did tell you.” Hyesung said smugly.

“Shut it.”

“Honestly, Eric Mun…”

Across from them, Andy was talking non-stop. “It’s exactly what I was thinking. Isn’t that cool—oh! Jinnie, you’re bleeding!”

Eric snapped his head up, alerted by Andy’s statement. Sure enough, a trail of blood was leaking out of Junjin’s one nostril and made its way towards his lip. The dark red against his fair skin was startling, and Eric stared a few seconds before he was shocked into movement as Hyesung from beside him abruptly stood up, momentarily snatching all the warmth that had collected in his body as he quickly withdrew his hand. The cloaking spell was quickly dropped, causing the ambient noise of the restaurant to return and come at them as a low roar.

“Junjin!” Hyesung said, sounding shocked. He reached across the table to hold his brother’s chin. Junjin himself wore a look of confusion as Hyesung fussed over him.

“Brother, unhand me.” He growled as he swatted at Hyesung’s hands.

“You’re bleeding.” Eric said, momentarily frozen at the sight. He snapped out of his reverie as another rivulet appeared and casually drew another red streak down Junjin’s chin. He held out the napkin dispenser and Andy pulled out several sheets to hand to the younger fae. “Are you all right? Did you hit your nose?”

“Ah,” Junjin dabbed at his nose, looking aware now of what was going on. He didn’t seem half as panicked as the rest of them were, despite the blood spotting the napkins in his hand. “It’s all right. I had a rather grueling session with Father.”

“That means you were not fit enough to have come here! Did you drain your powers during training? What was Minwoo thinking letting you go?” Hyesung said almost angrily. He turned Junjin’s head as though to inspect him, and the younger fae pulled away.

“I am all right. He had no reason to not let me go.”

Eric saw as Hyesung narrowed his eyes at his brother. “Did something happen during your training?”

“Nothing of merit happened. Speak no further of it.” Junjin said and gave the older fae a loaded look, and from his gaze, Eric could see that it was definitely a silent warning. Beside him, Hyesung hesitated for a moment before standing down, surprising anger marring his features. When he backed away, Andy quickly got on his knees on the seat and scrutinized Junjin’s face, now wiped free of blood. His flower he had placed on the table to keep it from being jostled too much in the excitement of the moment.

“Jinnie, are you okay? Does it hurt? Are you sick?”

This time, the younger fae smiled, his expression gentler than it had been minutes ago. He didn’t pull away from Andy’s grasp and let the boy poke at him. “Of course it does not. Worry not, pest. I am all right.”

“That was scary. You should plug your nose up. Use the napkins…”

While his brother was distracted, Eric looked at Hyesung, who had returned to his seat but was still glaring at Junjin. The blood had startled him, Eric had to admit; it was not something he had expected. But Hyesung’s reaction made it even more worrisome. “Is he really?” he asked the older fae. “That’s normal, right, since you guys are training? Or are you guys not supposed to bleed?”

Hyesung huffed, looking displeased. He crossed his arms over his chest. “It happens, but rarely. Usually with a drainage of powers. Or some other vulnerability.”

Junjin, who was listening in, still did not seem worried. “You neglect to say that we also heal quite rapidly, brother.”

“Yes, well.” Hyesung frowned, entirely unconvinced. “That is less relevant than the reason as to why it occurred in the first place.”

Obviously not wanting to provoke his brother any further and also to divert the unwanted attention, Eric watched as Junjin deflected Hyesung’s comment by refusing to state anything more on the matter, and instead returned the focus back to the flower on the tabletop. With a quick flick of his wrist, he produced a small mason jar from thin air and placed the flower inside before carefully handing it over to Andy.

“Is it mine now?” Andy said, peering at the flower curiously and tapping at the glass with his fingernail. He gasped when Junjin nodded. “Won’t it die? Do I have to water it? It doesn’t have any roots.”

“It will live despite it.”

“Oh wow! That is the coolest thing! How does it do that?”

“Magic, of course.” There was a trace of smugness in Junjin’s tone.

“Does it do anything?” Andy asked, already hugging the jar close. “Does it have any special powers?”

Junjin smiled almost proudly at the remark. “It does but it’s a secret for now. However, do keep it somewhere safe in the meantime.”

Eric saw the knowing glance Hyesung was already giving the gift, the older fae obviously knowing what it was. The fact that he didn’t though made him feel more cautious. He wasn’t going to let Andy keep something that he didn’t understand. Even though it looked quite innocent encased in glass, he didn’t really want to underestimate anything that came from the fae. “Junjin, if this is dangerous…”

“It is perfectly safe, you have my word.” Junjin said, cutting him off. He looked offended. “I would not harm Young Master Mun.”

“Look, I’m just saying…” Eric stopped when he felt a tap on his arm. The culprit, Hyesung, shook his head at him, looking mildly annoyed.

“It is safe. I can assure you,” Hyesung said, his tone making it clear that it was such a nonsensical thing to argue about. “It is but a small Token made and given in good faith.”

He had a hand on Eric’s leg again. This time there was no spell being cast, but heat was rising on its own accord from within the pits of Eric’s stomach. Eric gulped, forcing a wad of saliva down his throat, and quickly got off Junjin’s case, not missing the look of confusion the younger fae wore when he suddenly folded.

“Thank you, Jinnie!” Andy said happily, placing the jar on the tabletop before reaching out to hug the younger fae’s neck.

“You are most welcome, Young Master Mun.” Junjin beamed. Already he seemed back to his normal self, humoring Andy as the boy pulled at his cheeks to force him to make faces. Eric ignored the twinge of jealousy he felt as Andy released a string of giggles at the expressions the fae pulled.

“I apologize but we must cut this short.” Hyesung interrupted the reverie. “Night approaches, and we must make our way back.”

Eric glanced at the fae, surprised at the statement, but Hyesung’s expression was unreadable, and it was almost disconcerting.

“I guess you’re right. It’s a bit late…” It really wasn’t, but he could sense how much Hyesung probably wanted to talk to his brother in private. “Did…er…did you want to bring home some pizza?” It was a stupid question, but the pizza was nearly twenty dollars each. Since Hyesung had finished most of it, it would make sense to offer.

“No, Eric Mun.” The older fae shook his head, looking very much as though he had lost his remaining appetite. His tone had been stripped of its teasing lilt, and Eric figured he was still probably very worried about Junjin. “But I thank you for your gracious offer.”

“Let us at least bring Andy and Eric Mun home, brother.” Junjin said. Eric saw as the younger fae started when both he and Hyesung said ‘NO’ at the same time, the older fae’s voice louder and his tone even more vehement than his.

“You will put yourself in greater harm if we transport everyone.” Hyesung said, without even waiting for a rebuttal. “No. No. A thousand times no.”

“And neither of you are taking Andy along for a free ride,” Eric said, glad he and Hyesung agreed for once. “No. We’re walking.”

“I was not referring to Shimmering.” Junjin frowned. “Your home is not far from here.”

“And to what end does this play toward?” Hyesung sounded exasperated. “We must return to the Underground before your condition worsens.”

“I have no condition, and walking will do no harm, brother. Minwoo has not yet Summoned us…”

Eric rolled his eyes as the brothers argued. He left a fifty dollar bill on the table as payment, hoping to make a quick getaway before either of them could notice. When he reached for Andy’s hand to bring him along, however, Andy snapped his arm back.

“C’mon, Dy. Hyesung is right. It’s getting late and they need to get back.”

“No, I want Junjin to come back to the apartment with us.” Andy turned and tugged at the older fae’s sleeve. “Please, Hyesung hyung?”

“Yes!” Junjin grinned. “Please, Hyesung hyung?”

Eric snorted in disbelief. Hyesung hyung? His brother was much cleverer than he had ever given him credit for. Andy had also always been quite talented at begging for what he wanted. He watched as Hyesung’s expression went from surprise to suspicion, staring at the twin expressions of pleading in front of him. Junjin, Eric had to admit, could also give Andy a run for his money…

“All right. What pests!” Hyesung grumbled. He raised a finger at Andy. “But just to your abode. There will be no other stops.”

“Yes!” Andy cheered. Did he and Junjin just high-five each other???

Seriously?” Eric was amazed at how easily the older fae cracked. “You at disciplining.”

“He leaves that to Minwoo.” Junjin beamed. He placed a kiss on his brother’s cheek. “I know you and your soft heart. Thank you, brother.”

Eric was about to tease Hyesung whose face was quickly reddening but stopped when he saw the death glare being thrown at him by the older fae.

“Shut up, Eric Mun,” Hyesung snapped, causing Junjin to gasp in shock.

“Hyesung hyung!” Andy said, looking equally scandalized and adopting a tone similar to what had been used on him earlier. Hyesung, much to his chagrin, was suddenly at the receiving end of a wagging finger. “That is no way for a noble to behave!”

Despite the many curses and threats of painful-sounding hexes thrown his way, Eric was still laughing even long after they had left the restaurant.




Her dreams were of nights and summers long gone, the images flitting like restless ghosts in her mind:

Her mother and father whispering to her the words of the old prophecy as though it were a lullaby, as though it was not a family curse, as she found out later on…

Pleading for the mercy of her new husband when she told him of the prophecy on the night of their Union, and weeping into his robes when he did nothing but embrace her, whispering reassurances in her ear…

The fear that constantly enveloped her even before she was with child, hoping it would not be their family’s generation to fulfill it…

Minwoo being born, assuring the continuation of the Royal lineage, and her commencing on his magical training even before he had left the cradle, not wanting her son to be unprepared for whatever may befall them should the curse strike…

Carrying a child the second time, the first in generations for the Royal Family, and Pilkyo arriving on a windblown autumn evening, so beautiful she could not bear to take her eyes away from him, less so believe he would be instrumental to the fulfillment of an ancient curse…


(“We will call him Hyesung, to trick the Fates. It will not be our sons the curse will find, dear one. This I swear to you.”

“I will protect him, Mama.” Minwoo said, playing with the fine downy hair of his younger brother. “I will protect you too.”)


And then bearing a third…the fear by then so severe that as the kingdom celebrated Choongjae’s birth she had nearly ended his life before it had even begun…


(“He is our son, and another blessing from Danu. He is perfect. We will call him Junjin.” Her husband’s eyes shone with unshed tears as he stilled her hands and calmed her soul. In his hand he held the iron-tipped knife that had been in hers. “He will live, and be great, and people will praise his deeds and spirit. Please do not weep, dear one. We will keep them all safe.”

“I will protect them, Mother.” Minwoo said, holding his youngest brother protectively. “And I will protect you. I swore this, and I intend to keep it.”)


Her two strangers, her untamed spirits. Had they been too negligent? Was Fate now playing its part?

“Dearest one.”

She opened her eyes to her husband’s face, bright and clean as a new dawn, a true child of the Summer Court. She felt as his fingers caressed the side of her face.

“You had collapsed after holding court and I was alerted. We are in our chambers.” He lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed them. “Are you feeling all right?”

“Our sons?”

“They know not. I believe Minwoo has gone to join the other two, wherever they have gone.” The King raised his eyebrows. “Should I have alerted him?”

Although not knowing where her sons were made her anxious, she did not let it show.

“No, leave them be. This will pass…”

Her husband’s fingertips were warm as he wiped away her tears.

“Your turmoil pains me so.” The King murmured. “What ails you, darling one?”

She did not deserve him. She did not deserve her children.

“I am merely afraid…” the Queen said, unable to explain any more eloquently what she was feeling. She no longer felt any pain in her head, but the prophecy’s words hung over her like an ancient ghost, breathing down her neck and rattling its chains. It was irrational, at best, and she did not want to worry her husband.

“What have you to fear?”

She wanted to tell him. Wanted to share the familiar fear that was threatening to choke her, its hold on her cold and cloying, like the claws of a great beast that had been lying in wait. But it was not time…

“Worry not for now.” The Queen smiled at her husband and held his hand in hers, holding it against her cheek. “I am stronger than you think.”

At this, her husband grinned, looking very much like their youngest son.

“Truly your sons’ mother,” he chuckled. “I will be here to watch over you as you sleep. Rest now, darling one.”

And despite the unease rising in her, the Queen was quick to obey her husband, slipping into the first restful sleep she had had in ages, under his watchful eye.




Dongwan had been in the middle of a very good dream – something to do with a Bond girl and him being the center and hero of a very complicated spy plot involving several hundred cats and some fidget spinners – when he was woken up by sound of keys scraping against the lock of their front door and a hushed argument taking place on the other side.

No, I just told you—”

“Let me do it!”

“If you drop my brother, I swear to God…”

He snorted and opened his eyes. He had been lying face down on the sofa, and his hair had made lines on his cheek. He could hear as the argument went on and was set to ignore it until his phone rang seconds later, vibrating like crazy against the small of his back.

“What?” he growled.

“Open the door,” Eric ordered.

“I was asleep, you .”

“You’ve been sleeping all day. C’mon, the keys won’t work…”

“You’re just an idiot.”

“And Andy’s fallen asleep so we gotta put him to bed.”

“What time is it?” It was dark out already, but his brain was muddled and slow like soup. He hated Eric. “Weren’t you supposed to just pick him up from school? Did you go clubbing with him or something?”

“We ate out. He was probably tired…. Get up, you jackass, I know you’re in the living room. I can hear your voice.”

His tongue felt fuzzy and his throat was parched but Dongwan got up and unlocked the front door, grumbling threats under his breath. He was ready to yell at his cousin but was halted by the sight of two other people with him: one of them was Junjin, the kid Eric worked with, who was carrying Andy who was, indeed, asleep, and the other one beside Eric was someone he had never seen before, but whose face was so ethereally flawless he thought at first he had dreamt his Bond girl to life.

“Yowza.” Dongwan said, blinking stupidly at the trio. He was still blinking as Eric led them inside and into their narrow hallway.

“Took you long enough. And for God’s sake, put a shirt on.” Eric flicked his bare chest, which Dongwan ignored, his gaze locked on their mystery companion. They hadn’t said a word yet, and he was having a hard time seeing past Eric, who seemed intent to annoy the hell out of him by blocking majority of his view as he removed his shoes.

“Hyesung,” Eric said, maneuvering to make more space, “this is Dongwan, my cousin. Dongwan, this is Hyesung. He’s Junjin’s older brother.”

“Hello.” Hyesung said, bowing slightly.


Hyesung. A man.

But of course. Dongwan could have kicked himself. The clothes were a dead giveaway. The features. He was probably more tired than he thought if he saw Hyesung as his dream Bond girl.

Still, it doesn’t change the fact that he is beautiful, even though he is a man.

He was still mulling over his thoughts that he hadn’t realized Eric had still been talking. Mostly to Hyesung anyway. Did Hyesung work at Eric’s office as well?

“Hello, Dongwan hyung.” Junjin whispered, interrupting Dongwan’s internal Q&A Panel and urging him to turn in greeting. Even though he was smiling, the kid looked exhausted. Eric was probably working him to the bone.

“Oh!” Dongwan realized Junjin was still carrying Andy, who was peacefully dozing despite their movements. “Let me get him…” But Junjin edged away, one hand placed on Andy’s back to hold him in place.

“No, I can do it. But where shall I place him?”

“Oh! Sorry. Yes, of course. You can put him in his room down here…” Under normal circumstances he would have forced Junjin to give him Andy and he would put his cousin to bed himself, but he didn’t want to let Hyesung out of his sight. “Just put him in bed. I’ll change him later.”

Junjin nodded and disappeared into the end of the hallway towards Andy’s room, leaving him with Eric and Hyesung who were now looking all sorts of awkward now that Junjin had left.


“So, uh…” he tried to maneuver his way into a conversation the same way he would have as a master spy defusing a bomb. Which he had been, in his dream. “Junjin is your brother.”

Hyesung looked at him. Dongwan could barely see his eyes that were nearly covered by his bangs. Blonde, obviously colored but it looks so natural on him… “Yes.”

“You know Eric too?”

“We met through my brother.”

“I see.” Hyesung wasn’t coming off as unfriendly, but he was definitely wary. So, Dongwan tried another tactic.

“You guys want a beer or something?” he offered, and again interest sparked in him as Eric and Hyesung shook their heads in unison, as though they were Siamese twins.

“No, they have to get going soon. And we just had dinner.” Eric finished lamely. Dongwan turned to him, noting the lack of takeaway bags.

“Did you eat at Lucali? Did you get me anything?”

“Should we have?”

“You’re a jerk. You knew I was home.”

“I’d thought you’d be sleeping anyway.”

“Yeah, until you woke me up—!”

He was about to put Eric in a headlock, guests be damned, when the bell suddenly rang, startling the three of them as it blared throughout their apartment. Hyesung even covered his ears.

“Great Danu, what is that?” he asked, his mouth open in a small oval. He looked…adorable, and Dongwan didn’t really know what to do with that thought.

“It’s just the door. Wannie, go and get it.” Eric pushed him towards the door and away from Hyesung, making him nearly trip over the pile of shoes they kept by the entrance. Dongwan swore to himself that the minute Hyesung and Junjin were gone he was going to make Eric pay.

“All right!” he shouted at the door. Whoever was ringing the bell was also a rude motherer because he didn’t take his finger off the button once and already the sound was making him imagine that he had a beehive for a head. Dongwan flung the door open, nearly hitting his own face in the process because Eric and Hyesung were still in the goddamn hallway pretending they weren’t six feet and taking up at least ¾ of the space and consuming majority of the oxygen. “Man, what the hell are you tryna—”

The person on the other side looked at him from the second the door was open, immediately retracting his finger from the buzzer like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He was the same height he was (note: just above 5 feet 6 inches, thank you so very ing much) with styled reddish brown hair, and was wearing a long flowery blazer in soft blue and gold over a black tank top, skin-tight black jeans, and pointy black boots. His style was such that he seemed to blend in with their apartment building’s art deco hallway interior, but at the same time looked so effortlessly cool that Dongwan unconsciously crossed his arms to cover up his bare chest, suddenly self-conscious of his own image.

He was a man he had had never seen before, but as soon as their gazes met, the stranger gave him the single most disarming smile Dongwan had ever been on the receiving end of, and Dongwan momentarily forgot how to breathe.

“Greetings!” The man said, and it was only then when he made a motion to remove his sunglasses that Dongwan noticed he was even wearing any. His eyes were literal curves on his face – how cute is that?

The man continued to speak. “I seek my brothers. I was told they would be here.”

“Uh.” Dongwan said, suddenly forgetting how to form words. Brothers?

Behind him, someone pulled the door open wider. “Minwoo!” Hyesung said, sounding surprised.

“Minwoo.” Eric said from behind him, sounding…nervous?

Dongwan whirled around. “Wait, you know him?” He didn’t know why he felt slightly betrayed when he saw the discomfort reflected on Eric’s face.  

“He’s also their brother,” Eric said. He backed up further down the hallway, as though Minwoo’s presence was enough to repel him, even though he was practically a foot away. “Come in then.”

“My thanks.” The man called Minwoo said, his lips quirked up in an infuriating smile. He stepped over the threshold, and Dongwan felt goosebumps rise on his arms.

“I’m Dane Kim. Or, actually…er, Dongwan.” Dongwan rubbed the back of his neck. With the door closed, Minwoo was now inches away from him and he wasn’t sure where to put his hands. His bare skin was also nearly touching the front of his coat. Why the hell didn’t I put on any clothes?

“Hello, Dongwan.” Minwoo said, and offered him his hand. Dongwan noted how his palm wasn’t as soft and smooth as he had expected, but did have some callouses. For some reason, this pleased him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

He didn’t miss as Minwoo gave him a surreptitious once-over. This guy was obviously more outgoing than Hyesung, who had decided to press himself against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest to make more space.

“Brother, we have things to discuss.” Hyesung said.

“Wait, you really are brothers?” Dongwan said in disbelief, letting go of Minwoo’s hand. “All three of you?”

“Is that so hard to believe?” Minwoo said, cocking his head and completely ignoring Hyesung’s statement. He looked like a humongous tease. And a flirt. Definitely a flirt.

“Where’d you meet these guys?” There was something his cousin wasn’t telling him. Dongwan found it hard to believe Eric even had any friends. If he had, why hadn’t he brought them around sooner?

“I told you.” Eric approached like a wary animal. “I work with Junjin. These are his brothers. We met at a company…thing.”

“Where are you guys even from?” He said, directing the question at Hyesung and Minwoo, who stared back at him as though he had asked them something in a foreign language.

“Harlem.” Eric was quick to answer.

Dongwan narrowed his eyes at his cousin. Right. Whatever.

“We must depart.” Hyesung said, and it was only then that Dongwan noticed the strange way he spoke. As though he was a Game of Thrones character…or something. “Eric…our thanks once more. But we must leave.”

Eric nodded dumbly. “Yeah sure. Junjin…”

Junjin still hadn’t emerged from Andy’s room, and Dongwan straightened. “I’ll get him,” he offered, wanting very much to be out of Minwoo’s line of sight for a second, or several. “Excuse me.”

Dongwan pretended not wanting to die as he brushed past Minwoo on the way to enter the hallway towards Andy’s bedroom, formerly his old room. He felt the weight of Minwoo’s stare even after he left and it made him shiver. Andy’s bedroom door, thankfully, was ajar and he was able to slip in quite easily.

“Junjin…” he started to say as he let himself into the room. He stopped when he was met by the sight of both Junjin and Andy asleep, with Andy under the blanket and Junjin lying horizontally across the foot of the bed atop the covers. They were both sleeping so soundly neither of them had even stirred despite all the talking in the hallway.

If it had been any other person there with his cousin, Dongwan knew he would have freaked. But with Junjin, he was at ease, even though he had only recently met the kid. If Andy liked him too, then that was already a plus. Lord knew the kid needed more role models than him and Eric…

“Hey, Junjin.” He said, gently shaking the younger man awake. He laughed as Junjin blinked at him, looking much younger than he was supposed to be. “Time to get up. Your brother’s here. You guys are going home.”

Junjin frowned, looking confused. “Hyesung?”

“No, the other one.” Minwoo, he wanted to say, but even the name made him want to blush.

“Minwoo?” Junjin sat up quickly. He rubbed at his eyes, looking more awake by the second. He glanced at Andy before carefully easing himself out of the bed. “We had better leave.”

“Yeah.” Dongwan followed as Junjin made his way towards the door, catching as the younger man threw Andy a last look before leaving. There was a jar on the bedside table that contained a flower that he also gave a last touch. Dongwan wasn’t sure if he had imagined it but the flower had seemed to glow a bit when he did…but it was probably a trick of the light.

Minwoo and Hyesung were conversing in low tones in the hallway as they emerged, in a language that Dongwan wasn’t even sure was English. Eric had shifted from his spot to move to the doorway leading to the kitchen, which was right behind where Hyesung was standing. He seemed to have been listening and attempting to understand what was going on, but the conversation broke off as Junjin arrived.

“Brother.” Junjin said. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?”

“I have come to chauffeur you back,” Minwoo said, smiling, although it seemed different from what he had given Dongwan. “To ensure we won’t miss tomorrow’s appointment.”

“Of course not. I do keep my promises.”


There was obviously some family drama going on but Dongwan was already too overwhelmed to attempt to get in on it. Instead, he watched as Eric stood up and opened the door. As though to lead, Hyesung was first to step out.

“We shall see each other soon, I am sure.” He told Eric. Turning to Dongwan, he said, “Until then.”

And then he gave another small bow. What a prince!

Junjin was next to exit. He looked slightly better now that he had napped. “Thank you,” he said, smiling. “Please tell Andy I will visit soon.”

Minwoo was the last. When he turned to Dongwan, Dongwan unconsciously reached up to cover his chest, and the gesture made Minwoo grin.

“My thanks, Eric Mun. Dongwan Kim.” He said, and also gave a slight nod of his head. “I sincerely hope our next meeting will allow us more time to get to know each other better.”

And then he winked. The bastard. Dongwan was sure he was going to explode.

“Mmm. Hope not,” Eric muttered. He raised a hand. “See you then. Don’t keep Andy waiting too long.”

Junjin reacted to this, but Hyesung did as well, looking slightly miffed.

“Soon,” Junjin said, and it sounded like a promise. “Goodbye then.”

Eric shut the door even before they had fully walked away, and Dongwan could hear the sound of a rush of wind blowing through the corridor outside as he did. He shook his head; a window must have been broken. He should tell the landlord tomorrow.

“Where are you going?” He asked as Eric turned away to walk towards their bedroom as soon as he had locked the door. How dare his cousin leave when he had half a dozen questions in his head? “Eric, come back here. Talk to me. Who were those guys?”

“No one!” Eric yelled, before closing their bedroom door so loudly that Dongwan’s ears rang. 




Author's Notes


Also, this chapter involved 10,000 rewrites?? God, sometimes I hate writing

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Chapter 14: Wait so is it Junin and Andy or Minwoo and Dongwan who bring the end of world's?
Chapter 18: rereading everything :))) i love the way it makes me smile this sunday morning <3 so much comfort!! loveu wunderbarnim!!!
missstery #3
Chapter 18: Wow, the story just keeps getting better. It seems like Hyesung gave in to him feelings, even for a moment, I'm happy for both of them. I'm still worried about Jun Jin and consequently about Andy, hopefully nothing bad happens to them. I wonder why nothing happened when Eric entered the Underground, is it a sign? Now I am more intrigued by what may happen later. Thanks for the update, as I said it's getting more and more interesting and I can't wait for the second part. Greetings and take care
spookygirl #4
Chapter 18: Wow, finally RicSyung are connecting (lips to lips and emotionally 😁) and starting to understand more about each other’s feelings. Finally Hyesung is opening up and sharing what he’s going through. The situation at the Underground is sounding worse, and it’s like a massive unraveling. Looking forward to finding out more in the next chapter! Thanks for the update and stay safe and healthy!
Chapter 18: i haven't read it yet, i just want to say, thank you! i had a tough week, notification of your fics updates automatically cheers me up!!! love u wunderbarnim!!!
spookygirl #6
Chapter 17: Wow! What an ending. Finally, Eric has admitted his feelings and has pushed Hyesung to face what he feels too. That last grasp of his wrist was probably something he could not help and now he’s probably in the realm with Hyesung.
The sweet devotion between Andy and JunJin is touching. I hope JunJin can recover soon and have the flower bloom again so Andy can be reassured of JunJin being ok.
Not much of Minwoo in this chapter, and why do I think he’s being punished by his parents?
Can’t wait for the next chapter, as always!
missstery #7
Chapter 17: The relationship between Jin and Andy is very strong, as risking his life to protect Andy and fulfill his promise is surprising. Hopefully Junjin will let himself be helped so that nothing bad happens to him. Like Eric, I believe that the events are not due to climate change, could it be that the prophecy is also affecting them? And then Hyesung denying that he cares about them, because Eric is right in everything he told him, hopefully he will accept his feelings, although I don't know if that will make the situation worse in both kingdoms. I want to see what will happen now that Hyesung accidentally took Eric into his kingdom and how it affects the prophecy. Thanks for the update, this chapter was great, take care and greetings.
Chapter 17: wait what happened, did Eric go with him to the underground?
missstery #9
Chapter 16: I can't believe Eric tell Dongwan the truth. What happens to the flower? Please don't let anything bad happen to Jin, I can't imagine how Andy will be if something bad happens to his flower and Jin of course. I could see the reaction of a mother here, once the concern for her children passes, she get angry with them and "scold" them, although in this case attacking them goes beyond a scolding, but is understandable. AlI is happened is for the prophecy right? I hope to see what other consequences it will have on the kingdom and how it could affect Eric, Andy and Dongwan, since I don't know who will have activated it. But what happen to Jin? no, please someone help him. Thanks for the update, it is getting more and more interesting. Although it leaves me so many doubts and concerns, I still want more. I hope you don't forget Mise en Place, please (begging), I miss it. I hope you are well. Take care
Chapter 16: nooooooooo! he can't fadeaway, he's going to get married on 13th! authorniiiim pleeaaase save him!! *sobs