: The Rectangular table

My Lady Is A Black Lollita

The two sides of the ends of the table determine both very extreme polar opposites.The highest authority and the one with no authority at all. Not at the Hellen Household. Like I said,demons have a long life.Wars are common, so are fights. Not to mention the fight for power. In the Hellen Household, the two ends represent two highest authority vying for power. The line draws clearly at the middle of the long table of both sides. 




riserie; let's hurry up. Dinner is starting.

Yuu walked in" I disagree."

riserie: where's you politeness as a butler.Shouldn't it be I beg to disagree ?

yuu: there are some being I don't beg to. Simply because they are not refined enough.

riserie: excuse me?!!! I am a contracted butler demon like you. There are some manners that cannot be excused. Do you not even have that slightest manners? I wonder who taught you.

yuu: taught? I don't need to be taught that some beings are just naturally not worth my respect.

riserie: is that so? Too bad the food that are going to be brought out tonight is mine, which will bring the respect I need.I don't need yours to confirm my existence. My contract is with Mistress Finea.

yuu: hm. I guess what you say is right, but how can you be sure the dishes being sent out tonight would be yours?

riserie; what did you do?!!

yuu: not much. Cooking an eight course dinner wasn't difficult for a table of 10. I just had to find a way tp intercepet your food.

That was when sebastian walked in a whote toed clothed bag. He unties the white bag which unfolds to be a white long cloth. The items it held fell onto the floor as the plates clashed. The white cloth was the table cloth, and the items were the fod riserie had prepared.

sebastian; a clumsy butler such as you... hm.Not very efficient.

riserie; you have no qualifications to say me.For serving a mere human and even having loyalty towards him.

sebastian clenched his fist. Yuu merely smiled back sarcastically " at least he did his job as a butler and better than you. Look at you."

" hmph!! " riserie looked to them with anger and left.

sebastian; thank you. For earlier.

yuu: no need.He badmouthed Ciel , he deserved it.

sebastian ; you care about Ciel...?

yuu: I am part of zariel's family. All of us care for Ciel. Not that Ciel would ever know. What Zariel cares for, we care for.

sebastian:may I be just a little bit curious?

yuu: about me and riserie? We chose different Masters. That's all. He chose Mistress Finea. I chose Master Kaira.Which ... by fate, I ended up having to have an unspeakable and forbidden crush on my Master's wife. My Master found out but did not say anything particular about it. He only constantly reminded me to take care of her. Even when he was going to die, when he gave me to Lady Zariel, he only smiled in his death with a whisper of an earnest wish. I still can remember... Take care of her. Give her your core if you have to. I know your little secret. So I know you can do this.

sebastian; yuu...

yuu laughed and smiled " the things my Master asks of me." Yuu then turns back serious a little " well, that's why riserie hates me. He thinks it's stupid to fall in love with a human, much give your life to protect one."

sebastian; I must look very stupid then.

yuu: I guess.Since then riserie has always find ways to sabotage me underhandedly. Not really his style if you ask me. He's one of the more innocent demons . I guess that's why Mistress Finea and him go together well. They are both ... just inoccent and demons with pure emotions.

sebastian; sounds like you envy him.

yuu:what are you talking about? It's funner on this side.


finea; you shouldn't even be allowed to this meeting. You are not one of us. You are not a Hellen. Even if you are, you are under my immediate family. And I, am the representative of the main branch of this House.

zariel ; you remind me... 5 years ago... The one sitting at your seat... is kaira. Do you think he died peacefeully? With any pain?

finea; you shut up!! You caused him to be... be GONE.

zariel; true. If you didn't decide to seat there today, it should have been me. Since I married him.


zariel; as the current of the House, shouldn't you remember that I am a Phantomhive. Before I earned a seat here at the end of the other table where I've earned the right to vye for this power, I sat where it used to be on your left. According to traditions, I am quite important to the Hellen House. I am your connection to the human world. Without me , you wouldn't have influence in the human world. My House took the curse for your House. In return, your House gave us total control of infleunce in the human world. And we maintained this good relations of great influence of both worlds like this for many years and many generations. So... what are you trying to do now Mistress Finea, Head of the Hellen House.

" what is it do you want? Zariel. Being aggressive all of a sudden. I don't remember you like that ever."

zariel ; you alwaysask the correct question, ellie.

ellie: you compliment me.

zariel; I sometimes wonder why you don't have people who want o follow you.You are such a nice being.

ellie shrugs " I wonder that at times too. Do speak your mind."

zariel: I want bullmia.

finea laughed " you want a prisoner we caught. A spoil of war. "

ellie; she is so dangerous and unwilling to listen that we can't even let her out because we can't make her listen to us. No one have managed to get her to make a contract with anyone in the House. Someone even died trying.

finea; fine. I will give her to you. With one exception.

zariel ; I thought you would have disagreed.

finea; I would have. To make your days harder. Hence my exception.  She has to be cursed to be a Hellen.

ellie; isn't that a bit overdoing it?

" I agree." a voice stood up.

" I agree. She's just a spoil of war." Another one agrees.

Murmurs go around the table...

zariel; fine.

finea: if you die, it's not my business. You accepted this deal at your own risk.

zariel ; yes.

finea; good. 


ellie ; you're staying at the Household?

zariel: no... too much memories..

ellie: you're risking pretty big for just a spoil of war.

zariel: I have my aims.

ellie: if it wasn't for this spoil of war, would you have attended the meeting today?

zariel: ...... no.There wasn't a need to. I don't need another reason for finea to hate me. I just needed her to feel all the power in her hands so that she would say yes to my request and want to torture me at it.At the same time, humiliate me and telling everyone else that she is the Head not me.

ellie; I see. You won't sure which decision she would make. You had to find a way that you would be certain that she would do as you predicted.

zariel : um...

ellie ; as expected of the Black Lollita. Then may I be curious and ask the one worthy of this name something?

zariel: as usual... your flattery...

ellie: what's with trying to get your menu on the table? I thought you said you needn't another reason for her to hate you?

zariel: you don't understand emotions... ellie. The more she hates me, the more she would want to torture me, kill me. After all... in her mind, I am the one who killed her son.


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