Taeil's little crush




Actually, his eyes are quite cute. Just realised. /DIES


Lee Taeil doesn't believe in love. As he has 'special powers', it allows him to easily see through people's characters and manipulate their feelings easily.

Most of the time, he observes people. Their thoughts, feelings, character. From his analysis, he observed that most girls are so complicated, they have so many emotions all the time they make his head hurt.

That's why he would rather stay a distance away whenever his 'gang' is trying to flirt around. *SIGH. I would rather stay single for life, than putting up with those narrow minded jealous freaks our school got.* He would always frown in disapproval whenever he sees girls in school wearing skirts that are too short, or make-up that is too thick. *This is too much. I'm a conservative person. Avoid eye contact. AHH what te herl did I just see!*

Every other day there will be a girl that tries to flirt with him, or pretend to be close to him. As Block.B is quite well-known in school for their good looks and stage prescence, they gained many fangirls. However, they dare not approach the 'faces of the group' and resort to clinging to Taeil, at the same time, avoid angry fangirls and drool properly in their OPPARS' faces.

Taeil knew of this scheme and would always abuse this power. He would always hypnotise these girls and order them around like slaves, making him quite a big boss in school.

One day, at another gathering at Kyung's house, Taeil stared at his friends, fooling around in front of the TV again like immature 5 year olds.

He sighed and stood up *My head hurts from all these noise, why are they my friends again??* He walked towards the kitchen and opened the cupboard. *I need a cookie to calm my .* He flipped open every cupboard but just couldn't find the cookie jar. "Kyung! Where are my cookies?" He yelled. "Not telling you! I'm busy!" Kyung made a face. He loves annoying Taeil, and would not stop unless he unleashed the angsty monster inside of fishy Taeil.

ARGH!!! Taeil cursed in his head and rummaged around. *AHA!* He spotted the jar hiding behind a cereal box on the topmost level. *AW MAN.* He facepalmed himself and brought over a short stool. He stepped on it and stretched his arms. "Nnnnng!" He grunted but couldn't reach.

"Here." A gentle voice floated into his ears. You crept up behind him and reached the jar, brought it down without difficulty.

"nah, Taeil oppa." You took out a cookie and gave him a warm smile.

He was stunned. He cannot read this girl's mind at all. His thoughts were messed up. Lee Taeil stared deeply into your eyes and his gaze travelled down your face, that is barely 5 cm from his. His heart was beating so fast he thought he would faint. All he could think of was..."You're beautiful."

He whispered hoarsely.

You jumped down from the stool and laughed, "You too, Taeil oppa." You turned around and went back into your room

*What was that, Lee Taeil?!* He sat down, breathing out shakily. He massaged his temples and closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, your scent still remained in the air. He slightly smiled. *She's like an angel.*

Dreamily, Taeil started munching on his cookies and couldn't stop thinking about you. *Get a grip on yourself. I'm more than 10 cm vertically...deprived than her, it is impossible for me to be 'the one' for her...I guess, this time, I'll finally put my powers into good use, become her guardian angel and silently protect her from afar.*

"I love you..."

"Holy ! Taeil hyung is confessing his love for cookies in public, shield your eyes everybody!" Jaehyo gaped at Taeil, who is hugging the empty cookie jar with an infatuated look.

Taeil glared at that idiot, hard.

"OH OH GUESS WHAT! HE FINISHED THE WHOLE JAR TOO!" Jaehyo hollered and ran away in a flash.

"WHAT?!?!" Kyung sobbed.

And that marks the start and the end of Lee Taeil's first love.



Herro gaise~another surprise update :D

why Taeil? Because he is always neglected :< 

and haha. He's not gonna appear very often in the future xD

Attempted to writed a cheesy love scene but NO. Just had to ruin it  in the end -_____-

Really want to write a cute mushy kiss scene but I. JUST. CAN'T. TT TT TT TT

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Chapter 10: LOL zico XD
LOLOLOLOLOLOL this story so funny XD love it! <3
OMFG this story is so funny! I cracked up so many times!!!
LOL you absolutely have to keep writing, it's beyond hilarious!
LOLOLOLOL~ this story so awesome hilarious ^0^
toush18 #5
I'm laughing hard right now! I know you are a pure BBC. You can TROLOLOL. :DDD
i'm laughing my off here.! Update soon..
I love ur story
I like it!!