

When you get to live your life again, would you choose to slow down, and enjoy every moment slowly, or make changes to the mistakes that were once irreversible? Will you protect your heart from breaking, or foolishly break it again, just to relive the memories you had with him?

When life gives you a lemon...some may bear with the sourness and force it down, some may cut it open and savour it bit by bit, and many...just add a bit of sweetness to it to make lemonade! :)

/apologises for the ty intro/



When Eunji was in her past life, she was hired as a maid for a powerful warrior's family at 7.
She worked hard in solitude to gain praise and rewards from her employer, and gave little thought of gaining any friends, being raised to be loyal to only her employer and she will earn enough to support her farmer father and sick mother.
The warrior's son took a liking to her and she started taking care of him ever since: tending to his daily needs, looking after him and talk to him as he, too, does not have any friends.
After spending her entire life servicing and pledging loyalty to the warrior, Eunji fell in love with her master but she knows that those feelings are strictly forbidden for a mere maid like her. She spent the rest of her life working even harder and even sacrificed her life for him...
Now, in the present day, where both the warrior's son and Eunji has both passed on, fate cruelly brought them together again, this time erasing their memories, and reversed their roles.
Will they work out where they left off in their last life, and finally have their happily ever after? :)
extremely conservative and mature, being brought up doing all the hard work. 
does not show her emotions easily but can be more relaxed and smiley when she's around the warrior's son.
Bubbly and cheerful daughter of a millionaire. Still unsociable and quite a introvert. However, she stopped smiling when her parents died in an accident and left her to take over the company. Her eyes are now only filled with sadness, grief and angst.
Extremely good and carrying himself in front of others, but no one knows that he is actually really timid and shy. Really good at reading people and caring to the level of possessive towards those he care about. That's right, this is the warrior's son :P In the present day he plays the role of Eunji's personal assistant (and occasionally, babysitter)
In the past, he's Luhan's cousin, son of the royal consultant. Got off the wrong foot with luhan in BOTH lives. He also presents himself well and mostly spends his days playing around and enjoying himself. In the present, he's not much different except he likes to obnoxiously flaunt his wealth, being the son of Eunji's rival company. However, he can be really sweet and immature too, if you read on... :P
p.s I can't find y hanbok photos of the boys so hopefully the b&w pics can give you the feels ^^;


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cocorini #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Isamost2012 #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^