What happened?



Ever since they fawn over you a year ago like a princess, they started changing abruptly after they witnessed a boy in your class confess to you and kissed your forehead in front of Kyung's house.
You were flushed red when you entered the house that day and gulped when you saw the whole gang staring at you (INTENSELY)
"Hi guys! What's up..?" You tried to compose yourself and held out a hand, ready to do the "I'm back home" handshake with the boys
Jaehyo immediately rushed forward and did the handshake enthusiastically but was pulled back forcefully by none other than ZIACO himself.
His face contorted into a snarl  and closed the distance between your face and his.
"~~~~~~." He sternly called your name. "You have made a BIGGG MISTAKE, young lady." You looked at him, bewildered as he took a deep breath and started nagging in a high pitched ahjumma voice. 
"It's been a tradition, for members of the BLOCKBUSTER gang to provide extra protection for their noses, as it is a known fact, that our nose is the most important part of the human body. *coughs dramatically* not only does it differentiate between the smell of Lee Taeil's feet to fermented fish tofu, it is also essential for us, the coolest gang in gangnam district to smell DANGER and ADVENTURE."
The whole of BLOCK.B erupted into cheers  and clapped loudly. You were extremely confused. "Nose..?" You tapped yours uncertainly.
"YES INDEED." Zico cut you off and continued. " it is another known fact that the size of one's nose determines his or her success in life. For instance, look at mine: THE QUALIFICATION OF A TRUE LEADER INDEED!" He proudly stuck his nose in the air.
"Which also means that you're the NOSY-EST, geddit?" Jaehyo doubled over with laughter whereas the rest of the gang pushed him over, causing him to roll on the floor...laughing.
You were starting to get annoyed. "What's with all this nose business?! He's just a friend of mine and I didn't accept his feelings! And he only kissed me on the forehead!"
The silent BBOMB raged, "FOREHEAD?!"
Taeil quietly walked away, UKWON muttered," fore...head?" And touched his own.
P.O, Jaehyo and Kyung blushed rapidly, and gave each other knowing smiles while giggling uncontrollably, "fore...hehehehe...head!!!"
Zico stared down at you and rubbed his nose subconsciously, with a hurt tone, he stammered," wha..a..at. How dare he! Does he think that he's god or something?! I bet he has an ugly, small, flat nose!"
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Chapter 10: LOL zico XD
LOLOLOLOLOLOL this story so funny XD love it! <3
OMFG this story is so funny! I cracked up so many times!!!
LOL you absolutely have to keep writing, it's beyond hilarious!
LOLOLOLOL~ this story so awesome hilarious ^0^
toush18 #5
I'm laughing hard right now! I know you are a pure BBC. You can TROLOLOL. :DDD
i'm laughing my off here.! Update soon..
I love ur story
I like it!!