



/Yay~I’m gonna live with Auntie and Kyung oppa starting—NOW! I MISS THEM SO MUCH~it’s been 2 years!/

You happily pressed the doorbell 5,000 times, unable to contain your excitement.

[Background information on your life~]



Lived in an all-girls’ boarding school for 2 years.

Recently transferred to a normal high school (which your Aunt is the principal)

You chose to continue living in Korea, whereas your family migrated to Japan.

You always wanted to live with your Aunt because she is really nice and you’re particularly fond of her (after not seeing her for 2 years). You do miss your cucumber of a cousin a lil’ bit too(afterall, 2 years is a long time). He loves doing silly stuff and joke around. One time, he put a dead-


You tapped your foot a little impatiently after waiting outside the door for 10 minutes.

/Hmm…I DID call Auntie before coming, she said Kyung oppa is at home, what’s taking him so long?/

“Hey, you.” A deep voice called from behind.

You turned around and saw a group of boys hanging around the oak tree (Kyung and you built a tree house on that tree when you two were 7 and 5, respectively.)

They gave off a cold and unfriendly aura.


*EEK, BOYS!* your brain has been instilled some nun-like instincts after your 2 year stay at-(OK SHALL STOP REPEATING. A GIRLS’ SCHOOL.)

You don’t know what got into you, so you pretended to be blind, put on a blank face and stared through them. Unfortunately, you met eyes with a red haired boy and he winked at you.


You stiffly limped to where your bags are and flailed your arms around, trying to relocate the doorbell again. (Oh. Now you’re blind AND lame)

“Hey, do you think she’s faking it?” a male voice whispered, LOUDLY.

“Please, Jaehyo, how can a girl just suddenly become blind when just mere seconds ago, she’s replying a text message. Use your brain once in a while, oh wait, I forgot you don’t have one.”

“Taeil! What do you mean? Everyone has a brain! Is there a hidden meaning?” The guy named Jaehyo whined.

“Quiet guys!” A slightly charismatic voice has spoken. “Stop Minhyuk hyung! He’s walking towards that girl—you know what it it is! Quick, stop him!”

You sense the panic in that guy’s voice and turned around to look for one second.

A cute guy was walking towards you, his smile so wide and blinding you momentarily forgot to breathe (and fake your blindness, etc) when he his lips, your eyes widened with horror *he-he-he’s gonna EAT ME?!*

You forgot about your “symptoms” temporarily, ran to the door frantically pressed the doorbell as many times as you can and squeezed your eyes shut as the gang of rebellious looking boys approached you, step-by-step.

/take a deep breath,~~~~~~,breathe in, breathe out, when they touch you--/

“AHHHHHHH!!!”You yelped as you felt a finger poking your waist.

“Wassup everybody?” Kyung skipped out of the house and skipped towards the gate, as if on cue.

“Just finished styling my hair,oh my beautiful curls, so soft, bouncy,mmm I like.”

He whipped his hair back and forth and sniffed loudly(while skipping) “Oh--what's with the commotion?! O-M-G Lee Minhyuk, take your finger off my cuddly wuzzy qt 3.142 cousin, RN. right now, you hear me?!!!1!”

Is anyone curious about what Minhyuk will do? Me too ;D

wonder why the font is purple~?^^

love you guise who commented and subscribed ;__; (those who didn't, you too~share da love~)



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Chapter 10: LOL zico XD
LOLOLOLOLOLOL this story so funny XD love it! <3
OMFG this story is so funny! I cracked up so many times!!!
LOL you absolutely have to keep writing, it's beyond hilarious!
LOLOLOLOL~ this story so awesome hilarious ^0^
toush18 #5
I'm laughing hard right now! I know you are a pure BBC. You can TROLOLOL. :DDD
i'm laughing my off here.! Update soon..
I love ur story
I like it!!