I don't know I don't know I don't know...don't ask me!


After the drama outside Kyung's house, he quickly herded the whole gang inside his house, and threw you a word of assurance, "Don't worry baby cousin, I'll invite you in soon,JUST YOU WAIT!"

You stood outside the gates, still a bit dumbfounded.


"GUISE guys guys...just to let you know...that pretty girl just know is my precious cousin, ~~~~~~. Um. She's going to live with me and my mum now so here's a few things I want to clarify with y'all...*COUGH COUGH*" 

Jaehyo's hand shot up in the air, "QUESTIONN!!"

Kyung silenced him with a meaningful glare and Jaehyo's hand timidly shrank back to his side.


1. No more sleepover partys on weekends (BLOCK.B: *GROANSSS*)

2. gang meetings however, are allowed on the treehouse outside my house.

3.Main thing is, I would appreciate everyone to welcome my cousin warmly and please don't make her uncomfortable /BOWS.

Any other rules will be decided until further notice.

Now, Questions?"


Kyung swept his eyes past every members' heads and spotted them whispering with excitement.

"A GIRL MEMBER, WHO'S EXCITED!!" Jaehyo giggled and nudged B-BOMB.

B-BOMB's eyes gleamed with happiness and he lay on the ground:


*OHH DEAR. At least ~~~~~ can feel our hospitality once she moves in with me~mum will be so proud of me* /BEAMS CUTELY.



You stared into space and jumped when the intercom cackled to life.

"~~~~~! We're ready, come on in!" Kyung yelled and cheers can be heard.

You slowly approached the door and entered the house.

*whoa...I haven't been in here for 2 years already...*

*snap snap*

Suddenly, a short bespectacled boy materialised in front of you and snapped his fingers. You blinked and tilted your head. *HUH???*

"IT DOESN'T WORRRRK!" Jaehyo squealed excitedly "Taeil! YOU. FAIL! lalalalalala"

Taeil frowned and disappeared to one corner somewhere.

"Hello~My name is U-kwon!" The red haired guy from just now held your hand and kissed it lightly, then he looked up and grinned at you.

*IT'S BLINDING MY EYES* You squinted and awkwardly pulled your hand away, "Um...nice to meet you." You silently wiped your hand on the hem of your skirt.

*Okay...random guys doing weird stuff...where are you PARK KYUNG!! Are these really your friends?!*

You saw two guys posing in front of the TV, the blonde one was looking at you arrogantly with his arms crossed, while the other was resting his elbow on the blonde's shoulder.

"Excuse me, Kyung oppa's friends, where...is he?" You stuttered slightly .

*SILENCE* They didn't even blink once.

You stared at them, bewildered, and they stare back without a word.

"Don't mind us, we're just chilling here, and oh, don't misinterpret, we're not models." The deep-voice sounded again and you were taken aback.

You left the living room, creeped out and knocked on the toilet door.

"Kyung...oppa?" You whispered and his cheerful voice responded, "HI ~~~~~~! Just sit around for awhile, I was too excited just now, just wait a moment while I finish my business." /gosh why is he equally embarrassing...I feel like I'm in a zoo.../ You eyed the chaotice living room warily.

"Greetings, my name is Lee. MINHYUK." A black-haired guy leaned against the toilet door and winked at you.

*He looks quite handsome and normal...like the red-haired oppa just now* You stared at his face, mesmerized.

He smiled at you warmly and you unconsciously smiled too.

"Welcome, to the BLOCK. Now, I shall welcome you and woo you and seduce you at the same time. Watch me."


You were beyond words so you quietly edged away.

B-Bomb continued his "welcome dance" and Jaehyo videoed him excitedly.

Taeil couldn't take it anymore.

He snapped his fingers in front of B-Bomb's eyes and steadied his shoulders.

“Lee Min Hyuk.”

Taeil's voice floated through the air.

“Yes, masterrrr...?”B-Bomb slurred dreamily, with a spastic smile plastered on his face.

“Watch Taeil do his magic.” The cute guy with the red hair whispered beside your ears. “eek!” You jumped in shock and accidentally tripped onto THE ZICO that has dozed off on the kitchen floor. “Rrrrrrrrra!” Zico yelled and grasped your wrist suddenly. “oops, sorrey. How the hell did I fall asleep while waiting for Kyung to finish his business? That damn...*snap*zzzzZZZZ”

Zico dropped once again to the floor after Taeil snapped his fingers.

Taeil frowned /so many distractions, ughhh/ he turned around /S***! WHERE DID THE B-BOMB GO??/ “~~~~~~! Would you mind bringing me some moar tissue~my hurrrts--AHHHHH!!” Kyung hollered from the toilet.

Taeil surveyed the room one last time, sighed and massaged his temples /IT'S WAR./

You sighed and threw in a box of tissue into the toilet.


everyone~here's chapter 2! (TA-DAH!)

is it khunfusing if I update my chapters by replacing the teasers...? will yall notice...?:/

show some love, make some noise! :D

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Chapter 10: LOL zico XD
LOLOLOLOLOLOL this story so funny XD love it! <3
OMFG this story is so funny! I cracked up so many times!!!
LOL you absolutely have to keep writing, it's beyond hilarious!
LOLOLOLOL~ this story so awesome hilarious ^0^
toush18 #5
I'm laughing hard right now! I know you are a pure BBC. You can TROLOLOL. :DDD
i'm laughing my off here.! Update soon..
I love ur story
I like it!!