A normal day at the hospital

Hey! Why don't you understand that I don't like you!
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L.Joe’s POV

I’m waiting at the church alter for ~~~~. I’m in my tux. Yes, as you can predict today is our wedding day. I’ve been waiting forever. Now she’s going to be my wife. I fell like the happiest may alive right now.

The music starts playing. Everyone stands up. The double door opens. It reveals my beautiful soon-to-be wife ~~~~. She’s beautiful, just like an angel from the sky.

Her arm is linked her father’s arm. They’re smiling at each other. Her smile is so beautiful. She looks straight at me and smiles. My heart flutters. I’m for sure the happiest man in the world right now. My soon-to-be wife is so beautiful. I love her to death.

Now she is in front o f me. I can’t keep my eyes off her. She’s just…just so…beautiful. Every time I look at her my heart melts. I have butterflies in my stomach now. Everyone is watching us.

It I s now time for our vows, I go first.

“I, Lee Byunghun, take you as my life. You make me smile, laugh, and understand what love is. I’m thankful to have met you on that first day of school. It was because of fate that brought us together. I’ll love you and cherish you forever no matter if we argue or get angry at each other. I know that we’ll always love each other. I love you, ~~~~.”

Now it’s ~~~~~-ah’s turn.

“I, Jang ~~~~, take you as the love of my life. Thanks to you I’m not afraid to take things head on. You give me strength, wisdom and love. I’m so grateful to have met you. You changed my life so much. I always manage to make me smile when I’m feeling down. You’re my shoulder to lean on and also my best friend. I love you, Byunghun oppa.”

I couldn’t help smile like an idiot the whole time she was talking. I was so touched by her words.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” The priest smiled. 

I smiled at her then leaned in to kiss her when someone busted through the double doors. He was breathless and sweaty.

He ran towards ~~~~-ah and I. When he reached us, he quickly grabbed ~~~~’s wrist and pulled her away. With my quick reflexes I grabbed onto her other wrist.

“Let go.” The guy said through clench teeth. “No. You’re the one who needs to let go. Don’t you know you’re taking a married woman away?” I snapped. “Psh. Married? She only married you to forget me.” The guy snapped back. My eyes rounded at what he just said. I shifted my gaze to ~~~~~. She was shock so there wasn’t much any expression on her face.

The guy quickly pulled ~~~~ away. I snapped back into reality and ran after them. I grabbed the guy’s collar and punched him. He stumbled back but gained his balance again. He lunged towards me and punched me hard in the jaw. I lost my balance and landed on the floor.

“~~~~-ah’s my girl and no other guy can have her.” The guy smirked and ran off with ~~~~. “Byunghun oppa.” ~~~~ called.

“~~~~-ah! ~~~~-ah!” I shouted getting off the ground. I followed them but they already sped off. “~~~-ah! ~~~~-ah!” I ran after the car crying and shouting her name.

“~~~~-ah. ~~~~-ah.” L.Joe mumbled tossing and turning his head. You slowly open your eyes and saw that L.Joe was calling your name so you shook him lightly.

“Byunghun oppa. Byunghun oppa.” L.Joe snapped opens his eyes. They were wild and sad. “Byunghun oppa, are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?” You looked at L.Joe’s sweaty face. He gave you a weak smile. “Byunghun oppa, you okay?” He hesitated then finally said, “Oh, I'm fine.”

But you didn’t believe him. “No you’re not.” You frowned. L.Joe sighed. “It was nothing.” L.Joe smiled weakly again. You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him tight.

“Don’t worry about anything. I’ll always be here for you.” You said softly. L.Joe hugged you tightly.

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Chapter 37: Omg I'm so in love with this! Thank you for writing this story!!! Saranghae iheartskpop ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 16: So.. She likes Key?! :O
Chapter 15: HYUNA. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER. L.joe practically has a chance with her since her whole family's on his side....
Chapter 14: Awww poor Key ;-; WOOYOUNG AND IU! <3 Milkyyy Coupleeee ~^.^~
Chapter 13: o.o Byungie.. what are you gonna do?!
Chapter 12: Mhhmmm. That deserves it =_=
Chapter 11: What if there was a plot twist, where the "revenge chick" is actually... IU?! Oh god that would never happen
Chapter 10: Hmm... It's her. I can tell.
Chapter 9: O_O .... -_-" HYUNA?!
Chapter 8: Oh now she knows it's the 'girl' >.<