
Yet We Met Again

Haven't proofread yet so there are plenty of errors but I'm leaving it here now. Now or never, haha

I was panicking. I didn’t know what to do but I didn’t think twice in rushing to the hospital in our hometown. I honestly had no idea how I got their safe, without causing an accident despite how anxious, worried and terrified I was.

I ran inside the hospital and headed to the front desk, frantically blurting out my brother’s name. The nurse must’ve sensed the panic and urgency in me that the second before and after she looked at the screen to locate my brother, she wore this concerned look. After getting to know where my brother was, I head towards the lift and messaged my mother that I was already in the hospital, and would be where they were in a bit.

The next few minutes felt like the longest so it wasn’t a surprise that I dashed out of the lift as soon as it opened, arriving at the floor of where my brother’s room was. I looked at each room and mumbled it to myself until I finally see the room, with my brother’s name on it. I opened the door and see my brother unconscious. However, that didn’t stop me from running to him and hugging him. My eyes were focused on my brother that I didn’t even see my Mum who was standing aside. It was only when I looked towards the side when I saw how stress and exhausted she looked. But who wouldn’t be?

Aeron was and still is the angel of our lives. He’s so important to us and honestly, no words would be ever enough to stress that fact. So hearing a call from my mother that he was rushed to the hospital, I felt like the whole world fell on me. I felt weak but most of all, I felt so scared. We couldn’t lose my brother just yet. We still had so much things to do.

Tears gushed out of me. Finally, I was with my brother and he was breathing fine. He was still with us. I had my eyes closed for the longest time, just feeling and making sure that I was really holding my brother, when I felt my Mum’s hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and turned to side, only to have tears stream out of them again. I was so scared. And Mum must’ve seen that as I heard her sob, “Oh, honey.”

“Aeron can’t leave us yet, Mum. Not yet.” I said quietly, my voice was quivering in fear.

“He’s fighting so well, my dear.” She assured me. “So well.”

Four hours in, I still hadn’t left my brother’s side. He still hasn’t woke up but that’s okay if it meant his body was recuperating and it meant that by the time he becomes conscious, he’s okay. Exhausted and emotionally drained, I had been taking naps while Mum went off to get some stuff from home. I don’t know if she had come back between the time I was sleeping but the next time I came to consciousness, she wasn’t in the room. Not too worried, I fell back into sleep again and then woke up with a pair of big and warm hands holding mine.

Sehun was sitting on his heels, next to me, with a soft smile yet pained and concerned eyes. He pushed strands of my hair out of my face and gently wiped his thumb under my puffy eyes. The worry in his eyes were apparent. “I bought food. Do you want to eat?”

I looked around and saw that the sun already had set. Not knowing the time, I turned to my fiance and asked for it.

“It’s nearly eight.” He had answered.

“Where’s Mum?” I asked again.

“She’s in the toilet. She just got back from talking to Aeron’s doctor.”

“What about you? What time did you get here?” I glanced at the food on the table against the wall. “Did you eat already?”

“Shh.” Sehun hushed me, placing his thumb softly over my ears. “Relax, baby. And rest your mind, please.” He sighed. I complied, however, Sehun knowing how worked up I could get when my questions weren’t answered, he went on ahead and responded to each of them calmly and gently. “I got here just before Mum left to get some stuff at home. I met her at the lobby. I went up here to check both you and Aeron but you were deeply asleep so I volunteered to help her out. We got back, and I stayed a bit until I decided to get dinner for us. I just got back.” He noted worriedly, “You must’ve been so exhausted.”

“I’m okay.” I assured him.

Just then, Mum went out to the toilet and smiled at Sehun and I. She checked over Aeron while I looked back at Sehun who seemed to say something more.

“Hungry?” He had asked.

I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head.

“Come on.” He stood up and pulled me so we could go to the table and eat. I hesitated for a brief moment but Sehun gave me a reassuring squeeze that told me: Aeron was going to be okay.

“I ordered your favourite Chinese food.” He told me as I settled on the chair he pulled for me to sit on.

“What did you get for yours?”

“I ordered for both of us and for Mum too.” He smiled before turning to my Mother, inviting her over to eat.

We all share the table together, me sitting between the only woman in my life and my fiance. We kept glancing over to Aeron, just in case he would get up. I briefly wondered if it would be okay for him to eat right after he woke up. I was sure that he was hungry, given how long he has been asleep and how big his appetite was.

Seeing how he was going to sleep for longer, I began to ask Mum about Aeron’s condition. I needed to know if my brother was going to be okay and if there was anything that I should do so then he would be okay, if he wasn’t.

Hearing all the details from her, I just knew how much in pain Aeron would be in. It hurt my heart to even think about it and if it was possible, I would take that pain from him. He’s too precious to be feeling anything like this.

I was glancing over my brother when I felt a soft and warm hand take mine, squeezing it. Not sure if it was to gain my attention, I looked to the owner and he was giving me a gaze so reassuring.

“Sweetheart, your brother will be okay.” My mother told me. I turned to her. “He’s in a lot of pain, but I bet you even Aeron himself won’t even be so bothered by it.”

I didn’t know what to say, because as much as I wanted to believe her words, there was apprehension in me.

“He’s got all of us and it’s all our young boy could ask for.”

At that, I couldn’t help but have tears stream down my eyes again. I started to realise that what Mum said was right, even if Aeron was in a lot of pain, it would be okay because we would be there with him. None of us would leave him.

In that moment, I also came to realise just how strong my Mother was. After all, she’s our mother and if anything, the biggest toll would be on her. I didn’t know how she did it, but my respect and admiration for my mother just went beyond the boundaries of the universe. I promised to myself that someday, I would be like her. I would be a strong pillar of strength to my family, my future family that Sehun and I would be having.

After dinner, we cleaned up the place and I got Mum to go back home so she could take a rest while I looked after Aeron. I urged Sehun to go with her as well, given how the couch in the hospital room weren’t exactly comfortable to sleep in but he insisted that he would stay with me. (That wasn’t a surprise but at least, he knew that I was okay with that.) He drove my mother home though and when he was back, he rushed to me and hugged me so tight. So tight that I felt my shattered pieces were together again. So tight that it felt like it was what he wanted to do since earlier.

“I don’t like seeing you like this…” He mumbled into my hair.

I clenched his shirt with both of my hands as he my head gently. “I’m sorry.” I said quietly. “I’m just so scared and worried.”

Sehun sighed and pulled back from the embrace so slightly, just so he could see my face. “I know. I understand.” He said comfortingly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be with you but I came as soon as I could.”

I moved my head side to side, completely understanding the situation. Sehun was on location when I informed him about what happened to Aeron. I didn’t expect him to be with me, to leave his work for me just in a snap like that. I didn’t want him to rush to me (so we could go together) either because who knows what that would end to. I knew he wanted to be my side as I rushed to the hospital, but that wasn’t very ideal for me. Besides, I wanted to see my brother as fast as I could.

“I was so worried.” He breathed out, finally letting his facade fall, allowing me to see his vulnerability. “For Aeron. For you. I was so scared that you would get into accident while driving to the hospital. The drive is quite far.”

I pressed my lips together. I felt bad that I hadn’t even considered that. I didn’t think about my safety or what the people I loved would have thought about me rushing as fast as I could to my brother. I didn’t realise I would worry Sehun so much because of my instability but I was so glad that I made it safely and that, he was safe too— that we were all safe and Aeron would be okay too.

“I’m sorry.” I lowered my head. “It was just t—”

I got cut off with Sehun pressing his lips on mine. He parted my lips, letting my bottom lip sit between his soft pillows. He nibbled on it so softly and delicately, and kissing me once more before he pulled back. He intently stared at my eyes before closing them once again, hugging me once more. With his hand, he snuggled my head into his chest, letting me hear his heartbeat and rumble inside his chest as he spoke, “It’s okay.” He repeated, “It’s okay now.”

The following morning, Aeron finally came to consciousness and I felt the worry exit through my system as feeling relieved took over. I hurried over to his bed and checked over my brother as Sehun announced standing behind me, “The doctor and the nurse should be coming soon.” He squeezed my shoulder, and to me, it felt like he was giving me strength, consoling my restless heart, letting me know like many other times, and thousand times over yesterday until today that he would be here. Always.

I covered his hand with mine as my other free hand held my brother’s. Weakly, he called out my name and I hushed him. Not wanting him to tire himself out. Though, I told him that we’re just here and we’re not going anywhere. I also welcomed him back, expressing just how happy I was that my only brother was back with us.

Soon, like Sehun said, Aeron’s doctor and nurses came to check up on him. We had to step aside as my fiance held me together, bringing himself to be my pillar when in need. We patiently waited aside and Mum came in. The doctors still weren’t finished but seeing how my brother was awake, her sigh of relief was heard in the entire room. Finally, her facade has fallen, letting us see how shaken and vulnerable she was with all that has happened, just like how I was.

At that moment, I lifted my gaze up, to look at Sehun. Sensing that I have been looking at him, his sight goes from Aeron towards me. Eyes clouded with concern, he looked at me tenderly, already knowing that I was going to say something thus, he patiently waited.

“Thank you.” I told him sincerely. I really hope he knew how deeply appreciative I was of him.

Rubbing his thumb over my cheekbone, all the while cupping it, he kissed the space between my eyebrows. I closed my eyes, letting that soft but deep kiss speak for itself. Pulling back, he does the same gesture and locked my gaze. He made sure I was listening to him. “You’re welcome, my baby.” He repeated, “You’re welcome.”

It’s been about eight months since Sehun properly proposed to me. It was funny at how he did it. To me, that was, of course. Because I caught him and in the end, he just gave in to his weakness, saying that he couldn’t do it and he needed my help. It was another moment that proved to me that there was no way Sehun could lie and keep something from me. It made my heart warm upon knowing that. Because of all things, I knew that I was going to be with a man who would always be honest and true to me.

I was sitting in the dining area, on my laptop doing my work when Sehun came out of our room, holding a paper that he slightly hid behind him and walked around me. He bent down and kissed my nape before resting his chin on the crook of my neck. I circled my arm around, landing my hand over the back of his head. It was a natural thing for me to massage his scalp, letting his strands of hair stay between my fingers. I was smiling and I knew Sehun was too.

I was about to turn and look at him to ask what was up when he presented a brochure in front of me. It was a brochure on the country I’ve always been wanting to visit and tour around. I turned my head, slightly towards him causing for my cheek to come in contact with him. But then, he moved his head back slightly and kissed the side of my face before saying, his breath blowing against my skin softly and warmly.

“What do you think about a trip to Amsterdam next month? Say for a week or two, maybe?”

I gaped at him. “Sehun…”

Perhaps not taking my reaction as positive, he made another proposal, “Is that too soon? What about in two months?”

“No, no—” I stopped. “I mean.” I melt into smile. “Seriously? We’re going in a month’s time?”

Sehun smiled at me and nodded. “I know how much you’ve been wanting to go to there.” He added. “Besides, you get to see your childhood best-friend.”

I didn’t want myself to get too excited over it because I didn’t know if I would be able to get off work but then… not being excited was so difficult when I could see how excited and keen my fiance was for me and for us. And just imagining how much we would both have fun during the trip, it made me feel all these electrifying feeling inside like I was a teenager being approached by my ultimate crush.

“What about the wedding preparations?” I worried, taking all things into consideration before I actually got myself hyped up for it.

At that, Sehun placed the brochure down to the table, next to my laptop and hugged me around my shoulders as he kissed my head. “A lot has been done, pretty much, it is all ready. So there’s no need to stress for it.” He told me.

“Are you sure? What about you? Don’t you have work?” I asked him again.

“Who do you think your love of your life is? I’m Oh Sehun.” He told me, as though I forgot. “Everything is all settled. Now, it’s just you who’s left.”

“Babe…” I felt like crying. What did I deserve to have someone like him?

“Hey,” He called. “No crying now. I don’t want to make you cry.” He pouted. “You’re making me feel like I’m not making you happy.”

“But you do.” I countered. “So much! Thank you!” I told him, standing up from my seat so I could hug him properly.

We stayed in that position for a while before Sehun bobbed his head towards my work. “Do you still a lot of work to do?”

I moved my head side to side. “No, it’s fine.” I looked at him. “Should we get ready now?”

“Yeah, I think we should.” He nodded his head.

Tonight, we were set to go at the Oh residence because it would be Sehun’s niece’s birthday and as requested by the little girl, she only wanted to have a dinner with the family and some of her friends and other (second) cousins.

Deciding upon that, I released myself from Sehun and shut my laptop off as well as keeping the brochure Sehun gave me safe. I took a step towards the bedroom, so I could wash up and get ready when I was pulled back my man by the wrist.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He whispered so close to my ear.

I back away myself a little, feeling my cheek heat up. “Going to shower…?”

His face gave a suggestive look. “Without me?”

I nodded shamelessly, just to . “Without you.” I affirmed laughing, tugging my arm back to release myself from his grip and jogged away from him.

There was an amused smile painted in his face as he chased after me, catching me by my waist and lifting me up. “Dare think you can run away from me.”

“Oh no.” I shook my head, disagreeing with him. He put me, turning me around as he kept my hip close with his, only having our clothes as the gap. The smile never left my face as I shot back. “I just think you’ll always be able to catch me.”

“Let’s go and shower.” Sehun, the love of my life, announced and brought us to the shower, carrying me over his shoulder at that.

“Uncle Sehun.” The little girl called, coming over to stand next to his Uncle - her head lifted up.

Sehun stopped what his doing and bent down to give his full attention to her niece. “Yes, little girl?”

“Can you play with me? Can you be my prince and then I’ll be the princess?” She asked so politely, I couldn’t help but turn my head to see her expression so cute, adorable and just innocent. Sehun better not say no.

Speaking of whom, the male turned to me and smiled once he realised I was looking. He looked back to the girl. “That won’t do. Uncle is already someone else’s prince.” He said, much to her disappointment.

I silently gaped at what my fiance just said and my heart dropped as I saw the hope in the girl’s eyes die out that I did not notice the playful look in his countenance. Not happy, I excused myself from Sehun’s mother and walked closer to them. I hit Sehun at the back, making him yelp in surprise and perhaps, in pain. “That’s not nice.” I pointed out.

“I was kidding.” He defended himself and made a hiss while he rubbed the spot I hit.

I rolled my eyes to that and ignored his pain as making his niece feel better was my top priority at the moment. “Dahae, listen to Auntie.” I asked the girl gently, holding both of her hand. “Uncle Sehun is just joking with you. Of course, he’ll be your prince.”

“I thought…” The girl lowered her head, unsure if she should say what was on her mind.

“Go on.” I encouraged.

“I thought Uncle Sehun is Auntie’s King, not his prince.”

I blinked my eyes, surprised at that. I totally did not expect her to say that. “Where did you get that idea from?”

“That’s what Uncle Sehun told me last time.”

I looked at Sehun with surprised eyes as he looked at me with a soft and proud smile.

“I knew it.” Sehun said, carrying his niece up to his arms as he stood up. I stood on my feet as well. “You’re a smart little girl like Aunty. And because of that, I’ll be Dahae’s prince today.”

I saw her eyes lit up. “Really?”

“Of course!” Sehun exclaimed, making his little niece giggle in glee once again. “What should I do for my princess?”

“To the garden, Uncle!” Dahae pointed towards the backyard, where beautiful garden beds were all over the yard, while the grass was as at its greenest.

“To the garden it is, then.” Sehun smiled, kissing the little girl’s cheek before reaching out for my hand to hold. He squeezed, looking at me with a wide smile.

As they made their way at the backyard, I went back to the kitchen and continued helping Sehun’s mother. We were watching the two play together, his mother making comments here and there. It made me chuckle at those remarks because I totally agreed with them.

Dahae’s parents, on the other hand, were sent out to make errands by the oldest woman. The mother wanted to stay but then, with the errands that were set out to do, Sehun’s mother doubted if his oldest son could do it by himself, trusting her daughter-in-law more. Sehun’s father, meanwhile, was already on his way home.

The dinner wasn’t until two hours later, but it was better to be prepared earlier than later. As I diligently became Sehun’s mother’s helping hand, the married couple came back after their father arrived fifteen minutes prior.

Jihee, Dahae’s mother came over as another pair of helping hand. She was looking at Dahae and Sehun when she told me, “I see it. Sehun is going to be a good father.” She then turned her gaze at me. “He’s a lucky guy to have you as the mother of his children.” I smiled, embarrassed and shy. Then she nudged me, “Come on, no need to be shy. You and my brother-in-law are getting married in a few months time. I’m excited for it!”

“I’m excited too.” I admitted softly. “I’m just not sure if Sehun is and even besides that, I am not even sure if I am ready. Keeping a life inside you for more or less nine months, and caring for that, sure sounds fun and all nice to me but what if I am not ready for that? I don’t want to fail my child, if ever.”

“You know…” Jihee drew, making me look at her. There was a sympathetic smile on her face. It was like she knew what my sentiments and worries were. “You sound just like me before Dahae’s father and I decided to have a child.”

“What made you change your mind?” I wondered. Was it easy?

“I had Dahae’s father with me. He told me that there was nothing I needed to worry about when I am with him. He reassured me.” She told me gently. “And I am sure that Sehun would be the same. We all could see how much he adores and loves you.”

I fell into silence. Has Sehun’s feelings always been so apparent that everyone and anyone could see it? Maybe this is an idea I would never get used to. On the other hand, the hesitance instilled in me because Sehun and I never really talked about it properly. Sure, we talked about having a family of our own, even to the point we started imagining what he would be like as father or even me, as a mother, but we haven’t really planned anything like that directly and that far. We want to have our own family, but I was just so unsure how soon or far that is down the line.

Wanting to divert the topic away from Sehun and I, I asked Jihee the question I had always been curious of. “Will Dahae be having a sibling soon?”

I dared to glance at the wide and surprised expression Sehun’s sister-in-law was wearing. I couldn’t help but put out an innocent face as though I didn’t say anything like what I said. But then, she broke out into a smile that me fall into stupefaction.


I had an idea inside my head but when Jihee nodded, my heart bursted with excitement and happiness. However, the lack of verbal confirmation made me feel unsatisfied that's why I couldn't help but whisper quietly as I asked, “Really? You're pregnant?”

She chuckled quietly but abruptly stopped as though she realised it wasn’t just us. “Yes, but shh.” She told me, as she placed an index finger over her lips. “Your soon to be brother-in-law doesn't know yet and neither does anyone but you and me.” She said, and then added, “Oh and, my doctor too.” My silence, being in shock, led the excited mother share more as she quietly said, “I'm seven weeks pregnant.”

“Oh my god.” I finally gasped. “Oh my god.” I repeated and dropped everything that I was holding as I turned my whole body to hug her. “I’m so happy and excited for you.”

“Thank you.” She replied sincerely. “Hopefully, it'll be you soon.”

And honestly, at that point, I couldn't wait. I knew and confirmed to myself that I want to be a mother myself. I could wait for the time Sehun would be ready but for me, I couldn't wait to carry and give birth to the bundle of joy that came out of our love for each other.

“Sehun…” I called softly, shifting my head into a comfortable position, the same time I get to see my fiancé in a better view.

Sehun and I were lying at the sofa, our heads were each on the other end while the official soundtrack of the movie we just finished were playing as its credits on the screen.

I heard my man hum, his eyes finding mine. As our gazes locked, I knew that I had his attention and he was listening. I took a deep breath and he must have noticed my slightly tensed self as he went on to gently massage my foot. His eyes were patient and earnest on me.

Slowly, I asked, “Do you ever want to have children with me?”

As soon as I said that, I realised it It was probably the most stupid question I had ever asked.

Sehun frowned slightly but I knew it wasn't anything negative. It was the look that he always wore whenever he would look at me deeply, like he's trying to read through me. Then, when as though he had enough, he his upper lip and leaned back. He massaged my foot with pressure and he locked my eyes with his. “I always think of you mothering my children. What are you talking about?”

I gave him a tight smile and that must've sparked something in Sehun when he let go of my foot and crawled over the couch to hover over me.

He smoothed the apple of my cheek with his thumb as he cupped my face. “What's going on?” I didn't say anything and kept silent so he continued, “I love you and I am marrying you and that means I want to spend and live the rest of my life with you. And yes, I am having my children with you. No one else.”

I nodded gently, understanding what Sehun was drilling into my head. I didn't even know what got into me that I started to have these questions, and these insecurities. It's been two weeks since Dahae's birthday dinner yet I’ve only just asked about it. Must've been the stupid movie we just watched.

“Hey.” My man called me softly. He kissed the side of my lips, yearning for my gaze to meet his. I saw worry in his eyes. “What's wrong?”

“I don't know either.” I admit. “I feel weird.” I tried to smile at him. “Strange, isn't it?”

Sehun doesn't say anything. I knew he was trying to analyse me, probably the same way I have been analysing the sudden change of my emotion and just exactly why I was feeling the way I was. Then after some silence, I feel Sehun brushing the strand of my hair that was on my face aside. “Do you want us to have children right after we get married?”

I sighed and moved my head side to side. “I don't know. Do you?”

Sehun's came fast as he said calmly. “I’m ready whenever you are.” Then his reassurance followed right after. “You'll be a great mother. I know that.”

I breathed out. “I just want our kids to have a comfortable life.”

“They will.” He promised me. “Because I’ll be there with you.”

With Sehun having my full trust, sealing that promise with a kiss became the most natural thing. I brought my lips up to him, circling my arms around his neck as I brought him closer to me, deepening the passionate kiss we were sharing.

Breathless, we pulled back and looked at each other's eyes. His eyes were still on my lips and as though he hadn't had enough, he leaned in once more, smacking my lips with his tenderly.

“I love you.” I told him, hoping that he could see all the love I had for him through my eyes.

“I love you.” Kissing my forehead, he repeated, “I love you.”

The trip to Amsterdam was everything. I got to meet my childhood best friend and Sehun and I had the whole ten days to ourselves without having to worry about work or anything at all. The places I just used to see with photos came right before my eyes and it was so...so beautiful. Neither of us wanted to leave. It was like a paradise that just felt like it was too short. Peaks of our excitement, well mostly my excitement, was still skyrocketing even until the day we left. It came to the point that I cried during our flight back and Sehun, being ever so concerned to me, panicked and got so worried that I had to reassure him that it wasn’t him and neither it was anything. I just told him that I just had such a good time and I didn’t want that to end. But then, he was so quick to reassure me that it won’t be the last, kissing my forehead tenderly.

After that trip, we came back to Seoul and few months flew, we were two days away from our wedding. I called Sehun and told him that we were having a dinner date. So, we had dinner the rooftop restaurant, looking out to the busy and well-lit city of Gangnam. My husband-to-be and I were sharing a glass of wine, and we shared a toast, that was the moment that it hit me. We were less than two days away from being husband and wife, it was as though I woke up with the ringing bell of my alarm clock and my senses were wide awake.

The thought got me to give Sehun a suggestive smile. Nudging his leg with my foot under the table, I told him with a teasing eyebrow. “You still have a day and a half to change your mind, Mr Oh.” Playing with the stem of the wine glass, I kept my eyes at him. “Change it now or you’ll be mine forever.”

My man chuckled, shaking his head as he looked down before he looked back up. Our gazes locked to each other. “I was yours since I realised how much I liked you. I am yours now. And I will be forever yours.” Holding my hand were my engagement ring was, he continued, “You’ve got all of my heart, sweetheart. Going to break it?”

I laughed. “I wouldn’t dare, Mr Oh.”

“I can’t wait to call you my Mrs Oh.” He returned.

“You can call me Mrs Oh now.” I told him. “Provided the destiny won’t jinx it.”

Sehun shook his head. “I let you slipped away from me once. Do you think I would let anything part us?”

“No,” I answered honestly. “Of course not. You’re my Oh Sehun after all.”

“That’s right,” He smiled proudly, kissing my hand. His eyes were pinned at me when he finally said the title he had always wanted to call me, like he couldn’t wait until our wedding day. “my Mrs Oh.”

It was weird to think about it. Who would’ve thought that the young love Sehun and I had would last to a love of a lifetime? Who would’ve thought that the relationship that once broke would bind together again like destiny had it all planned out? And who would’ve thought that my ex would be my neighbour at the point that I was starting a new chapter of my life and would be the same man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with like it was all written in the stars?

Sehun, the man who once broke me is also the same man who made me — the same man who made me whole, the same man who left but came back and proved me love of a lifetime, just like how Dad did with my Mum.

Author's Note:

Hmm, surprise? - You guys tired of fluff yet? - Now, I can leave this as is or if not and you want more and my mind is with me, then perhaps I can do another one but not so soon because I do have other stuff I want to write and get started with. Hahaha

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Chapter 11: Back here again to read this story😊
Chapter 11: Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us authornim! Aww I love their love and how sweet they are to each other ❤️
Chapter 10: They’re really sweet I admire their love for each other and the way they express their feelings.. the sincerity.. 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️
Chapter 9: Poor jongin 🥺 sorry jongin-ah.. uhh so thankful that OC didn’t hve any men after sehun
Chapter 8: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 7: Istg this chp made nonstop crying 😭😭😭
Chapter 11: awwww my heart it so cute :((
topbias #8
Chapter 11: Upvoted! Bcs too fluffy and i like everything about this story!
Chapter 11: Awww they are so cuteeee!