Love in 1950


Chanyeol moves from the city to a small village where he meets his first love.

the first chapter will be published on Monday :)


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ashkhen #1
Chapter 3: Awwww that was cute and they reunited again.....Jeez both of you guys couldn't recognize one another until Chanyeol was testing Baek out lol.....yeahhh they are finally together as one now.....I still can't move on from it either and its really sad
ashkhen #2
Chapter 2: Awwww Chanyeol's parents know what's up and Chanyeol you just to deal with it that your parents adore Baek and the teasing is epic....I feel like Baek will be happy with Chanyeol but his parents might hurt
Chapter 1: Baek is really a cutie asdfghjkl I cannot!!! I wanna see how their piano lesson would look like since baekhyun here is really omggg
ashkhen #4
Chapter 1: Baek you know exactly what to do to get Chanyeol's attention and I'm pretty sure both boys will have fun during their piano lessons